It's now HEART College of Beauty
Published: Monday | April 4, 2011 1 Comment

Salon 10 stylist, Christine McDermott, works on Noveletta Samuels as, from left, Education Minister Andrew Holness, Edward Seaga, former Prime Minister and chancellor of the University of Technology, Dr Carolyn Hayle, executive director of the HEART Trust/NTA and Dr Nigel Clarke, chairman of HEART Trust/NTA, observe the proceedings at the launch of HEART's College of Beauty Services at 10 Hope Road on Wednesday, March 30. - photos by Rudolph Brown/ Photographer

Enjoy a deep body massage in this spacious and rejuvenating treatment room at Salon 10.

From left: Sandra Dee Fearon, Tanija Williams-Rickard, Winsome Danegal, Nicky Narine and Dr Mauvalyn Bowen pose for Flair at the launch of the HEART College of Beauty Services at 10 Hope Road on Wednesday, March 30.

Sashoie Battick, World Skills competitor, shows off the re-hydration bath at Salon 10, where people can relax after a stressful day. - photos by Rudolph Brown/Photographer
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Keisha Shakespeare-Blackmore, Staff Reporter Now persons interested in pursuing an associate degree or diploma in beauty services can do so at the new HEARTCollege of Beauty Services.
On Wednesday, March 30, at 10 Hope Road, the college was launched under the patronage of Education Minister Andrew Holness and former Prime Minister Edward Seaga, who over 27 years ago approved the then HEART School of Cosmetology.
Mr Seaga, who recently became Chancellor of the University of Technology, in his remarks said the school has a rich history and caters to "poor people" who are unable to matriculate to other institutions an opportunity to get an education so that they can enter the work world.
Minister Holness, keynote speaker for the launch, reiterated the former prime minister's statement, but added that he would emphasise that, while the school has embarked on a new journey, it is important that it does not lose the brand (HEART). Therefore, they will have to ensure that they are not taking it out of the reach of the people, but the rebranding should be opportunity for young people to have access to a greater future.
Since the inception of the school in 1984, the institution has now grown from a mere concept to be the leading training institution in the field of cosmetology in Jamaica and the Caribbean, offering up to Level Four (associate degree) in professional make-up artistry and hairdressing. In addition, spa and massage therapy and general beauty therapy courses are offered to Level Three (diploma).
The new workforce college will represent a new teaching and certification approach that includes an incubator to support entrepreneurs, a more professional workplace setting and higher-level courses. Trainees will also be able to apply for an internship programme at the college's salon, which has been rebranded and is now called Salon 10.
There is also an incubator programme through which top performers may apply for low-rent facilities and equipment, while learning to run a business and earn an income.
official tour
At the launch, guests got an official tour of the salon. at its entrance, the pleasant aroma of apple cinnamon mixed with hints of lemon tickled the nostrils. Most guests were quite surprised to see the very spacious area accented with clean lines and beautifully decorated. There are ample chairs strategically placed in designated areas, along with private massage and spa rooms. And, if you are in the mood to get a rehydration bath, you can do so in a spacious room while enjoying the relaxing environment.
HEART's Michelle Meikle, who was the tour guide, explained to guests that one of the beauties of Salon 10 is that they have flexible opening hours, allowing people to come in and get their hair done before or after work and on the weekends. The salon opens on Monday to Friday from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m., Saturdays 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Sundays 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Also, their prices are competitive and the team of highly skilled beauticians will cater to all your beauty needs.
Published: Monday | April 4, 2011 1 Comment

Salon 10 stylist, Christine McDermott, works on Noveletta Samuels as, from left, Education Minister Andrew Holness, Edward Seaga, former Prime Minister and chancellor of the University of Technology, Dr Carolyn Hayle, executive director of the HEART Trust/NTA and Dr Nigel Clarke, chairman of HEART Trust/NTA, observe the proceedings at the launch of HEART's College of Beauty Services at 10 Hope Road on Wednesday, March 30. - photos by Rudolph Brown/ Photographer

Enjoy a deep body massage in this spacious and rejuvenating treatment room at Salon 10.

From left: Sandra Dee Fearon, Tanija Williams-Rickard, Winsome Danegal, Nicky Narine and Dr Mauvalyn Bowen pose for Flair at the launch of the HEART College of Beauty Services at 10 Hope Road on Wednesday, March 30.

Sashoie Battick, World Skills competitor, shows off the re-hydration bath at Salon 10, where people can relax after a stressful day. - photos by Rudolph Brown/Photographer
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Keisha Shakespeare-Blackmore, Staff Reporter Now persons interested in pursuing an associate degree or diploma in beauty services can do so at the new HEARTCollege of Beauty Services.
On Wednesday, March 30, at 10 Hope Road, the college was launched under the patronage of Education Minister Andrew Holness and former Prime Minister Edward Seaga, who over 27 years ago approved the then HEART School of Cosmetology.
Mr Seaga, who recently became Chancellor of the University of Technology, in his remarks said the school has a rich history and caters to "poor people" who are unable to matriculate to other institutions an opportunity to get an education so that they can enter the work world.
Minister Holness, keynote speaker for the launch, reiterated the former prime minister's statement, but added that he would emphasise that, while the school has embarked on a new journey, it is important that it does not lose the brand (HEART). Therefore, they will have to ensure that they are not taking it out of the reach of the people, but the rebranding should be opportunity for young people to have access to a greater future.
Since the inception of the school in 1984, the institution has now grown from a mere concept to be the leading training institution in the field of cosmetology in Jamaica and the Caribbean, offering up to Level Four (associate degree) in professional make-up artistry and hairdressing. In addition, spa and massage therapy and general beauty therapy courses are offered to Level Three (diploma).
The new workforce college will represent a new teaching and certification approach that includes an incubator to support entrepreneurs, a more professional workplace setting and higher-level courses. Trainees will also be able to apply for an internship programme at the college's salon, which has been rebranded and is now called Salon 10.
There is also an incubator programme through which top performers may apply for low-rent facilities and equipment, while learning to run a business and earn an income.
official tour
At the launch, guests got an official tour of the salon. at its entrance, the pleasant aroma of apple cinnamon mixed with hints of lemon tickled the nostrils. Most guests were quite surprised to see the very spacious area accented with clean lines and beautifully decorated. There are ample chairs strategically placed in designated areas, along with private massage and spa rooms. And, if you are in the mood to get a rehydration bath, you can do so in a spacious room while enjoying the relaxing environment.
HEART's Michelle Meikle, who was the tour guide, explained to guests that one of the beauties of Salon 10 is that they have flexible opening hours, allowing people to come in and get their hair done before or after work and on the weekends. The salon opens on Monday to Friday from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m., Saturdays 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Sundays 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Also, their prices are competitive and the team of highly skilled beauticians will cater to all your beauty needs.