Here is the connection: No matter how much I needed what Barbadoes have, I would rather starve to death than crawl guh ah dem island go tek wuk!
No announcement yet.
Bruce sends 5 to Barbadoes
The Jamaican leadership does not care. They are purely a reactve group.
QUOTE: 'The Bajans behaviour is totally unacceptable'. So Farmah, what can be done about it? Will stop going there solve this systematic problem?
Prior to the early 1980's, if you ask most Islanders from T&T, Cayman, Barbados, Antigua...... et al, where they were from they quickly said Jamaica. (It's like most Jamaicans will tell you that are from Kingston....).
Not because Jamaica is the (most popular..?) Island...but Jamaicans in the US (then) were seen as extremely hard workers, industrious, disciplined and had all good civil traits.
All that have changed. We are now experencing the fruits and fall-out of an indisciplined society. A society that has lost it's way.
Can't forget-- I was at a Barbershop on Whiteplains Rd. the Bronx... and saw a group of Jamaicans smoking ganja and just being plain loud obnoxious on the road-side. It was such a let-down. Jamaicans in the early days were not like this.
LAST: Look at the extremely poor public display of the lawyers and other leaders of the Jamaican society. Don't you think that the Bajans and others are watching and noting that there are no Statesmen among the leadership?
It's all about cause and effect: Farmah, you are addressing the effect in you piece...I am only addressing the cause.
Let me reiterate with you Farmah: ...the government must find ways to help create jobs for the small man.The only time TRUTH will hurt if you ignore it long enough
Look man. Many of those working there are working for Caricom or Jakan companies that Omar sellout to Barbados like Life of Jamaica, which they promptly renamed Sagicor.
Many if not most of the Jakans they see are well qualified professionals. Many if not most of their top male politicians have a Jamaican wife. This is well known is the GREATEST trophy in Barbados and satisfies their deep seated ego driven need to dominate anything Jamaican. People in the know, know this long time ago. Trinis cant stand Barbados the one thing that will make them run to us and fren up...any alliance against the Bajans.
The real truth is that is red eye and bad mind at work here and it shhould not stand! Jamaica needs to unite around this and go NUCLEAR on their azzes.
These incidents simply demonstrate what a farce CARICOM is... American and Canadians can travel (not sure if still true) to JA and other islands on a driver's permit yet the same islands demand that a Caricom national have a passport...
as to the free movement of labour... joke!Peter R
Willi I'm surprised that a man of your intelligence would drel with the effects and not the cause.
Since 1838 Ja has been struggling with problem of illiteracy, squatting, social unrest to name a few things. An attempt was made in 1972 to address those issues and it was side tracked. Today Ja is filled with a large number of unskilled labourers, the populace is not educated enough to take at avantage of its wealth in tourism, hence it's being given away to whoever desires to have it. We have fled from our religious institutions and substituted it with desires for material gains (hence the spawn of corruption). Now, the church is corrupted, the police is corrupted our businesses are corrupted, our political institutions are corrupted and these things give rise to all kinds of unlawful acts.
The most we can do is export crime (that's from the general populace). When Ragga CAN DEVISE A SCHEME FILLED WITH GARBAGE and it gets high ratings in a nation of 2.7 mil, what does that say to you?
Let's look at the Bajans now; they are well educated, they have a thriving tourist industry, they have organized their law (in particular with the BEACH) to accomodate the general populace. Let me stop here though.
Willi when things are being pushed in the media it's for people's agenda. Now just maybe someone can't get their way with the Bajans hence they are riling up the Jacans who they know aren't that sohpisticated to analyze things. They know that given our years of instability and deprived resources, it's easy to get us in that Pnp vs Jlp, town vs country, east vs west, back vs front mode.
Let the Bajans present their case and let's sit as civil and intelligent people and to weigh the facts.
If I'm wrong please correct me. Thanks.
The reason Willi gave for the distrust and dislike between the Islands-- is extremely petty and simplistic.
I have friends (some i do business with) who are from the islands....and we have excellent relationshipsThe only time TRUTH will hurt if you ignore it long enough
Not that you are wrong and yes, we dont KNOE for sure the specifics of this case, BUT we do know what happens in general.
I have a friend, a Rhodes scholar that got married to another islander lady. The bad treatment that his invited guests go there out of petty jealousy and bad mind cannot be covered up with sentimentality you suggest.
Bajans are NOT bombarded with raggamuffin jakans like say Tortola and Cayman, so there is no reason for the outlandish claims of abuse coming from there, especially as they are in Caricom.
I love how people who think the 1970s experiment was so wonderful now have all this praise for Barbados, when the 1970s socialist firebrands were lambasting Barbados at every turn, calling the brown nosers, sellouts, eurocentric, compliant, and roast breadfruits...or yuh too young to remember?
I will repeat again, look at the profile of the Jakan residents and visitors to Bimshire and tell me again that they are justified in their abuse. i waiting for the day when they do a cavity search on a Jakan returning resident and she turns out to be a Minister's wife. Good odds on that happening.
Regional integration at risk after Barbados debacle
Regional integration at risk after Barbados debacle
Published: Thursday | March 31, 2011 6 Comments
Daraine Luton, Senior Staff Reporter
PRIME MINISTER Bruce Golding has warned that the movement towards the CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME) risks being retarded by actions of member countries of CARICOM.
Golding, who was speaking in the House of Representatives on Tuesday, said the region must confront issues dealing with the movement of Caribbean nationals, if the CSME is going to succeed.
"If this unfortunate incident that is reported to have happened in Barbados, if any good comes from it, it perhaps would be jerking all of CARICOM to recognise that this is an issue that we can no longer ignore - that we can no longer skirt around it. We are going to have to confront the issue," Golding said.
Shanique Myrie last week claimed that she was subjected to two demeaning cavity searches by a female immigration officer in Barbados, and was detained for hours.
She also said the immigration officer made several derogatory remarks about Jamaicans.
Opposition Spokesman on foreign affairs and foreign trade, Anthony Hylton, whose law firm is representing Myrie, said the response of the Barbados government, which called the story a fabrication, was "unfortunate" and "very intemperate".
The prime minister also said "we must be very careful not to allow an incident, no matter how deplorable or despicable it is reported to be, to undermine the regional integration movement."
His comments followed similar sentiments which were expressed by foreign minister, Dr Ken Baugh, who told the House that his ministry has dismissed preliminary findings of the Barbados government, which have concluded that a Jamaican national lied about being subjected to degrading treatment by an immigration officer in Barbados.
Baugh told the House of Representatives that, after a detailed interview with Myrie, officials of his ministry had no reason to disbelieve her story.
He said a Jamaican delegation, inclusive of three police officers from the Organised Crime Unit, the head of the passport and immigration office and Jamaica's High Commissioner in Trinidad and Tobago, Sharon Saunders, are heading to Barbados to investigate the matter.
"I can only guarantee that intensive investigations will be done," Baugh said.
Meanwhile, Golding has said the allegations that Barbados was being unfriendly to another CARICOM national is "not a matter that is new".
He noted that at a CARICOM meeting in Grenada last month, the prime minister of St Vincent made complaints about the treatment of his nationals when they arrive in Barbados. He also said at a meeting before that a similar complaint was made by the president of Guyana.
"There is, regrettably, an unwillingness to restate and reaffirm the commitment of the revised (Treaty of) Chaguaramas."
Statistics presented to the House by Baugh show that, of the 51,079 attempted entries of Jamaicans into Barbados between 2008 and 2010, 851 of them have been denied access.
Conversely, of the 12,071 attempted entries of Barbadians into Jamaica since 2008, five have been denied entry.“Life is a system of half-truths and lies, opportunistic, convenient evasion.”
- Langston Hughes
they are petty and trite BUT it is what motivates their attitude towards Jamaicans.
"i have friends from the islands"..... ah bwoy .... as colonel abrams seh "how soon we forget"