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A Bermudian woman died in Mobay

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  • #16
    RE: A Bermudian woman died in Mobay

    Lazie (1/23/2007)
    But, I was just pointing out that problems exist even in God-blessed USA! Sometimes, reading your posts, we forget that.
    You're making assumptions about my post. Where did I imply that people weren't billed? Lazie keep it real ... yuh nuh affi guess wha mi a say.

    </DIV><DIV></DIV><DIV>And where did I say that you said or implied thatpeople weren't billed?!? How real do you keep it, Lazie?</DIV>



    • #17
      RE: A Bermudian woman died in Mobay

      Yuh stay deh follow Siccko and Mosiah.

      If you build a Toll Highway between here and Merica, guess which toll booth would be working overtime..

      The people lining up at the American Embassy are giving up their Green Cards..

      Heh, heh.


      • #18
        RE: A Bermudian woman died in Mobay

        Jawge makes his 'brilliant' suggestions and solutions here on the forum and then imagines he is addressing parliament, and his suggestions will reach those it is intended for, matter of fact he is not the only one who does that, Chatter-box is another one of those who dont seem to realisethis fourm is nothing more than a cyber rum bar or a street corner.
        Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
        Che Guevara.


        • #19
          RE: A Bermudian woman died in Mobay

          What you don't seem to understand is

          that what I did has been the format of the forum for over nine years now. There was a time when this forum was flowing with information and ideas (outside of football). Seek this wisdom from memebers such as Tilla, paul marin, Stonigut, Westman,Siya, Sass et al (just a few). Seeing that I'm one of those from the "golden age" you will still find that I post in that manner. I know that JA doesn't have the internet access as the US (especially nine years ago). I know if you blog on the web about any major politician in the US, they will hear it. I know that even one of our ites worked in govt. I don't know if Ja is at the level where you can blog and it's picked up by major political figures. Last time I saw the librarian apologizing to Bruce for closing the library, seeing that Bruce wanted to do research. I said shouldn't Bruce have team that does this? This team should then bring the data to his top advisor who makes a summary then he bruce makes a final call. Bruce seems to have a lot of time to conduct his own research. This is the info age with too much information flowing for one person to sift through. Small wonder there is an outcry that the PM has more than one speech writer. With the above scenario about our top politician; I doubt if the sophistication lies there (maybe on the PNP side because they seem to be ahead in these areas). Point is this: if you keep speaking about Hillary Clinton on the web, it will be eventually picked up and passed on to her. This Forum when started was not a political forum, it was mostly a sound off point, but it had a good flow to it. All this may seem like new territory to you, seeing that you just got here two years ago. Trust me this is nothing new and Iseriously doubt that any poster is posting for parliament.

          You can put forward your idea as a counter argument (this is what posters would do back in the days). As I said I'm open to hear other ideas as mine was just a a base to provoke thought. Why bother though,when you see nothing wrong as you see Ja's health care system in the top ten of the world.:w00t:


          • #20
            RE: A Bermudian woman died in Mobay


            Be at peace, the solution to Jamaica's problems can be found in an investment club.

            Omar needs to put the NIR to good use..

            DRIVER !, DON'T STAP ATALL !



            • #21
              RE: A Bermudian woman died in Mobay

              How many Jamaican mothers fly up just fi dem baby born in America? Dem have insurance and cash? You ever hear of any of them being refused health care? If you know of none, mek me know. Don't defend slackness Sickko. Even illegal immigrant that go to hospitals are not to be refused health care.

              Lazie, I know more than a handful of Jamaican mothers, who flew to the States - no papers just to give birth, and they were not refused health care. Also, many of them come here to do surgery (without papers).
              Life is a system of half-truths and lies, opportunistic, convenient evasion.”
              - Langston Hughes


              • #22
                RE: A Bermudian woman died in Mobay

                Jawge (1/23/2007)Mdmex to tell you the truth, I wouldn't

                even go there. I made a suggestion only to hear that JA has top rate health care system. What baffles me is how Florida is making a killing off the Jakans on the rock and not mentioning air ambulance (the least they pay in Florida is 20K US dollars). I in the spirit of Garvey; Iwas trying to show that we have the foundation, a fabulous building in JA to do what is done in the states, all we need to do is use our minds and be creative. We wonder why we are plagued with poverty in JA. All our earnings are sent out of the island. CRH is a massive state of theart building not properly utilized. We seem to have energy for pointing fingers and criticizing. We do not believe in ourselves, it's that simple.
                So why then are the Jakans on the rockspending that moneyto go to Florida for treatment if the facilities are down a yard?. They've been doing it for a darn long time. Charles Hyatt just died in Fl; I recall that David Coore, QC (MP) also died in a foreign hospital and a longer list can be cited. My question is WHY??
                Life is a system of half-truths and lies, opportunistic, convenient evasion.”
                - Langston Hughes

