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A Bermudian woman died in Mobay

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  • A Bermudian woman died in Mobay

    from an aneurism and her family is upset that she was refused treatment because she had no money. According to her family, she had credit cards, health insurance and those too were refused. She took ill on Thursday and died on Sunday. Now its all over the news in Bermuda. Damn shame.

    But guess what? Alot of poor Jamaicans face the same thing. I remember a police officer saw a school girl on a bus that was getting sick. He begged the bus driver to take them to the Spanish Town hospital and they would not look at the child until they were paid. Friggin sad!
    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)

  • #2
    RE: A Bermudian woman died in Mobay

    Lazie let me say thks quickly to you:

    Boss stop being the bearer of bad news and start posting some solutions. Yes we know that JA is ravaged with poverty and crime. What's the point of highlighting this known fact every step of the way? The incident you describe shows the lack of sophistication in Ja's health care system. Now you are here living in the states, I'm sure you can come up with some ideas that you have seen working here. Why don't you offer or propose a medical billing office? This way you contact all the major health care providers in the states and be the middle man for the hospitals in JA (fully automated where the biils from say Cornwall regional comes to you and pass it to the relevant provider abroad) Garvey say we should use ourminds and stop trying to to tear down each other. Garvey says the whiteman build his empire because he dared to think and challenge the forces of nature by trial and error (until he gets it right). We could do the same the billing might not be perfect at the start but eventually with persistence we should get it right. I had to go up to Cornwall regional (will be called CRH from here) last summer and I was appaled. I did not come here and cry down the hospital. What I did say to many is that CRH is a gold mine a money machine. CRH could over one of its floors as research wing to healthcare facilities abroad, CRH could be offered as arehab centre for recovering and ailing patients the returns could be used to properly maintain the magnificent building. CRH needs a 24 hour shift with a well trained maintenance crew (for central ac, heating for hot water, plumbing and electrical). If not abroad then all those medical cntres that are opening up in Mobay, clean up CRH and rent them sections in the building. the returns should be used soley for the upkeep of CRH (tax breaks can be worked out with the government). One last thing: Steamwash CRH that this beautiful building can return to what it was truly known for.

    Lazie the time has passed for the tear down mentality, it is time for all Jakans to work and build JA. If we take time out to think, there are many ways to generate revenues in Ja ( I saw many whilst there in summer and October). Now can I hear you or Dr. baugh coming with some solid ideas to improve Ja's healthcare system? Hey I don't mind if you guys come with something better than mind or even use my idea, but the fact is this: Time to use our mind and creative powers to improve the island.

    Lata.<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt">


    • #3
      RE: A Bermudian woman died in Mobay

      Tear dung yaad? Thats how you see it? If speaking the truth is tearing down yaad then I have no problem. Don't come to Lazie wid yuh bulls*&amp;t bout providing solutions. We nuh have people who told us to give them power cause dem have the solutions? How Dr. Baugh come inna this? Even if he presents a solutions, you a one a dem that nuh waan hear it.

      Its a damn shame that this woman lost her life, but its even worse that its happening to Jamaican citizens and clown like you a talk bout tear dung yaad? SLAP yuhself Jawge.
      "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


      • #4
        RE: A Bermudian woman died in Mobay

        Lack of sophistication in Jamaica's health care? Which health care facility in New York can you go to to get decent treatmnet without health insuranmce or cash?

        Let me just help you out here, a few years ago Jamaica's primary health care was rated number eight in the entire world.
        Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
        Che Guevara.


        • #5
          RE: A Bermudian woman died in Mobay

          Jawge (1/23/2007)Lazie let me say thks quickly to you:

          Boss stop being the bearer of bad news and start posting some solutions. Yes we know that JA is ravaged with poverty and crime. What's the point of highlighting this known fact every step of the way? The incident you describe shows the lack of sophistication in Ja's health care system. Now you are here living in the states, I'm sure you can come up with some ideas that you have seen working here. Why don't you offer or propose a medical billing office? This way you contact all the major health care providers in the states and be the middle man for the hospitals in JA (fully automated where the biils from say Cornwall regional comes to you and pass it to the relevant provider abroad) Garvey say we should use ourminds and stop trying to to tear down each other. Garvey says the whiteman build his empire because he dared to think and challenge the forces of nature by trial and error (until he gets it right). We could do the same the billing might not be perfect at the start but eventually with persistence we should get it right. I had to go up to Cornwall regional (will be called CRH from here) last summer and I was appaled. I did not come here and cry down the hospital. What I did say to many is that CRH is a gold mine a money machine. CRH could over one of its floors as research wing to healthcare facilities abroad, CRH could be offered as arehab centre for recovering and ailing patients the returns could be used to properly maintain the magnificent building. CRH needs a 24 hour shift with a well trained maintenance crew (for central ac, heating for hot water, plumbing and electrical). If not abroad then all those medical cntres that are opening up in Mobay, clean up CRH and rent them sections in the building. the returns should be used soley for the upkeep of CRH (tax breaks can be worked out with the government). One last thing: Steamwash CRH that this beautiful building can return to what it was truly known for.

          Lazie the time has passed for the tear down mentality, it is time for all Jakans to work and build JA. If we take time out to think, there are many ways to generate revenues in Ja ( I saw many whilst there in summer and October). Now can I hear you or Dr. baugh coming with some solid ideas to improve Ja's healthcare system? Hey I don't mind if you guys come with something better than mind or even use my idea, but the fact is this: Time to use our mind and creative powers to improve the island.

          Lata.<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt">
          Jawge, why you don't sent this proposal/suggestion to the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Tourismand see if them will read it and act on it. You could even involve Lee Chin to (as he is a visionary).
          Life is a system of half-truths and lies, opportunistic, convenient evasion.”
          - Langston Hughes


          • #6
            RE: A Bermudian woman died in Mobay

            Suh what yuh saying Sickko? If an individual nuh have money dem deh pon dem own? A wha the fornication yuh a promote Sickko? Mi expect suh foolishness from Jawge as him cannot help it ... you me expect better from.

            How many Jamaican mothers fly up just fi dem baby born in America? Dem have insurance and cash? You ever hear of any of them being refused health care? If you know of none, mek me know. Don't defend slackness Sickko. Even illegal immigrant that go to hospitals are not to be refused health care.
            "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


            • #7
              RE: A Bermudian woman died in Mobay

              I have never been sick while living in the US, at leats not sick enough to require hospital care (knock wood) but from what I hear if you have to go to the places where you dont need insurance then you might have to wait for a while or get second rate treatment..that is just what I hear anyways.

              I know here they are NOT SUPPOSED to turn away anyone who cant afford to pay and the Bermudan woman's family will have a right to sue the pants off anyone who turned them away.

              In 2003 when they thought I had malaria and I had to go to CRH (third medical facility that day), they had a registration fee of $250. I asked the cute receptionist what if I dont have it, she smiled at me and said she knew I did cause I was coming there from a private doctor.

              She did say however that if they got some one who they felt genuinely could not afford the fee then they would still register them.

              Another thing that surprised me that day, I had gone there a long time ago before high school when I stepped on a rusty nail while playing in a carpenter shop.

              In 2003 almost 20 years later they still had the card and found it in under five minutes. This is without computers.

              Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
              Che Guevara.


              • #8
                RE: A Bermudian woman died in Mobay

                <DIV>Sickko, mek dem stay deh. I have been to American hospitals. One of them charged me for a wheelchair that I should never have been given since I only had a fishbone stuck in my throat(okay, silly me for complying with their offer, but still), and the other had me waiting for 4 fours after an automobile accident. In fact, they had forgotten about me completely!</DIV><DIV></DIV><DIV>Lazie...sigh!</DIV>

                BLACK LIVES MATTER


                • #9
                  RE: A Bermudian woman died in Mobay

                  They might not be refused health care but they are billed, and once billed, you must pay or you are reported to the credit companies. And you know, once they do that, you are royally phuqed!

                  BLACK LIVES MATTER


                  • #10
                    RE: A Bermudian woman died in Mobay

                    I didn't say they weren't billed! All I'm saying THEY ARE NOT REFUSED healthcare as was the case with the Bermudan woman along with Jamaican citizens.

                    I cannot believe you people really coming with these bull**** excuses.

                    Futhermore, if you nuh 'exist', how dem ago mess up yuh credit?
                    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


                    • #11
                      RE: A Bermudian woman died in Mobay

                      Did or did you not receive treatment? The woman wasn't asking for any handouts. She offered her c/card which was refused. In case yuh missed it, she was refused treatment.

                      I can imagine the uproar if this had occurred in Babylon. Unuh amazing.
                      "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


                      • #12
                        RE: A Bermudian woman died in Mobay

                        Yes, Lazie, she should have received treatment and I hope her family sues whatever party (not political party, necessarily)and wins big. But, I was just pointing out that problems exist even in God-blessed USA! Sometimes, reading your posts, we forget that.

                        BLACK LIVES MATTER


                        • #13
                          RE: A Bermudian woman died in Mobay

                          But I don't understand Jawge..

                          One effective way to fix problems is to make sure whoever you put in charge does their job.. and fire those that are creating the problems and or making them worse.

                          What happens to Tax Dollars in JA ?

                          Let me know when you come around.


                          • #14
                            RE: A Bermudian woman died in Mobay

                            But, I was just pointing out that problems exist even in God-blessed USA! Sometimes, reading your posts, we forget that.
                            You're making assumptions about my post. Where did I imply that people weren't billed? Lazie keep it real ... yuh nuh affi guess wha mi a say.

                            "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


                            • #15
                              RE: A Bermudian woman died in Mobay

                              Mdmex to tell you the truth, I wouldn't

                              even go there. I made a suggestion only to hear that JA has top rate health care system. What baffles me is how Florida is making a killing off the Jakans on the rock and not mentioning air ambulance (the least they pay in Florida is 20K US dollars). I in the spirit of Garvey; Iwas trying to show that we have the foundation, a fabulous building in JA to do what is done in the states, all we need to do is use our minds and be creative. We wonder why we are plagued with poverty in JA. All our earnings are sent out of the island. CRH is a massive state of theart building not properly utilized. We seem to have energy for pointing fingers and criticizing. We do not believe in ourselves, it's that simple.

