Gelding 2 weeks ago in reference to the sitting of ineligible JLP MPs in Parliament:
I knew for years 5 members on my side had US citizenship in contravention of the constitution... BUT... if I had followed the constitution and ousted government MAY have been overturned.
So I chose not to do so.... I think that's perfectly understandable. In fact I will soon have a law passed to ensure that they can keep the salaries they received illegally while in Parliament.
Gelding in response to the extradition of Jamaica's leading criminal kingpin Prominent Citizen Coke:
I DEMAND that the Constitution of Jamaica MUST be respected at all times for all citizens. In fact for Prominent Citizen Coke I will lay my political life on the line to ensure that his constitutional rights are secured.
People fi fool but nuh suh.
I knew for years 5 members on my side had US citizenship in contravention of the constitution... BUT... if I had followed the constitution and ousted government MAY have been overturned.
So I chose not to do so.... I think that's perfectly understandable. In fact I will soon have a law passed to ensure that they can keep the salaries they received illegally while in Parliament.
Gelding in response to the extradition of Jamaica's leading criminal kingpin Prominent Citizen Coke:
I DEMAND that the Constitution of Jamaica MUST be respected at all times for all citizens. In fact for Prominent Citizen Coke I will lay my political life on the line to ensure that his constitutional rights are secured.
People fi fool but nuh suh.