...no need to wonder why Ben neva waan post di full hundred ar post di source...LOL
Table 2
Major Gang wars 1985-2006 (involving OC)
Major wars Year Duration # killed displaced Politicized
Tivoli\Rema 1
Tivoli\Rema 2 1994? yes
Tivoli\Spanglers 1 yes
Shower\Mr Chin no
Hannah town
Mountain View yes
Mountain View 2006
Rockfort\Danai 2006 yes
The Willie Haggart war yes
The Pang\ Craig Tn war
Rema internal 2006
Park vs 100 lane
Andrew Pang \Grants Pen wars
One Order\Clan 1 (after local govt elections) yes
One Order\Clan 2 (the one that we\PMI intervened in)
Clan vs other JLP yes
Clan vs One order 3
Russia\Skeng 2006 -07 Skeng’s guns stolen
Stone Crusher73
Jungle\ Torrington Park 2007 (a three year war of succession etc). 19 killed in 2007
over stolen gun (see Newspapers April-May 2007)
Major defined in terms of duration and number killed, or simply that OC involved.
The intra-community wars included?
Major Violent clashes between Organised Crime and the SFs 1990-2006
Gangs involved Year Duration # killed #injured politicized
Tivoli Gardens 27 yes
Mountain View
Tivoil\Police (after the Waterloo killings) no
Rema\Police1 yes (Seaga)
Hannah Town (the Haggart war) yes (seaga)
Clan\ SFs ?
One Order\SFs (court house burned etc)
The Bulbie demo ((anti-Phillips) yes
Canterbury\SFs 2005? 2 days no
Table 4
Control of criminals: Homicide Data from Selected Communities 2000-2006
(frequency counts not rates)
Community 2000 2002 2004 2006
Matthew’s Lane 0 0 1 1
Parade Gardens 0 0 0 0
Rock Fort 9 2 8 20
Trench Town 8 4 11 9
Jones Town
Arnett Gardens
De La Vega city
One order city
Source: JCF Statistics Unit
The above table to be discussed under relations with citizens (= the monopoly
tendency of OC and its place in the local political administration = criminal control)75
Table 5
Selected Organised Crime figures in Party Politics
Name Area Party Years Charges Convictions
Tony Brown E\Kgn PNP 1970sGeorge Flash E\Kgn PNP
Delly Bap* E\Kgn PNP
Dayton “Scotchbrite” Williams (killed by Zeeks = no apology)
Danhai Williams
Donald Phipps W\Kgn PNP Murder
Glenford Phipps W\Kgn PNP
Coke Dudus W\Kgn JLP
Lester Cooke W\Kgn JLP Extradited*
Charles Miller W\Kgn JLP Extradited
Vivian Blake W\Kgn JLP Extradited\Racketeering
Bya W\Kgn JLP
Tony Welch W\Kgn PNP Deported\drug*
Joel Andem E\St. And. JLP?
Buba Smith Sp Tn JLP deported
Bulbie SpTn PNP never convicted
Bun Man SpTn JLP
Black \Skeng South coat PNP
Bunny Wissy\Genetic connection – Solid Waste
Dedo Wiliams St. Ann JLP\PNP Extradited76
Kenley Stephenson(Bebe) MoBay PNP (was member of the NEC ). Trial coming
Spy MoBay PNP Extradited
Ramcharan MoBay JLP? Extradited
From Canterbury?
* = never convicted in Jamaica
Table 2
Major Gang wars 1985-2006 (involving OC)
Major wars Year Duration # killed displaced Politicized
Tivoli\Rema 1
Tivoli\Rema 2 1994? yes
Tivoli\Spanglers 1 yes
Shower\Mr Chin no
Hannah town
Mountain View yes
Mountain View 2006
Rockfort\Danai 2006 yes
The Willie Haggart war yes
The Pang\ Craig Tn war
Rema internal 2006
Park vs 100 lane
Andrew Pang \Grants Pen wars
One Order\Clan 1 (after local govt elections) yes
One Order\Clan 2 (the one that we\PMI intervened in)
Clan vs other JLP yes
Clan vs One order 3
Russia\Skeng 2006 -07 Skeng’s guns stolen
Stone Crusher73
Jungle\ Torrington Park 2007 (a three year war of succession etc). 19 killed in 2007
over stolen gun (see Newspapers April-May 2007)
Major defined in terms of duration and number killed, or simply that OC involved.
The intra-community wars included?
Major Violent clashes between Organised Crime and the SFs 1990-2006
Gangs involved Year Duration # killed #injured politicized
Tivoli Gardens 27 yes
Mountain View
Tivoil\Police (after the Waterloo killings) no
Rema\Police1 yes (Seaga)
Hannah Town (the Haggart war) yes (seaga)
Clan\ SFs ?
One Order\SFs (court house burned etc)
The Bulbie demo ((anti-Phillips) yes
Canterbury\SFs 2005? 2 days no
Table 4
Control of criminals: Homicide Data from Selected Communities 2000-2006
(frequency counts not rates)
Community 2000 2002 2004 2006
Matthew’s Lane 0 0 1 1
Parade Gardens 0 0 0 0
Rock Fort 9 2 8 20
Trench Town 8 4 11 9
Jones Town
Arnett Gardens
De La Vega city
One order city
Source: JCF Statistics Unit
The above table to be discussed under relations with citizens (= the monopoly
tendency of OC and its place in the local political administration = criminal control)75
Table 5
Selected Organised Crime figures in Party Politics
Name Area Party Years Charges Convictions
Tony Brown E\Kgn PNP 1970sGeorge Flash E\Kgn PNP
Delly Bap* E\Kgn PNP
Dayton “Scotchbrite” Williams (killed by Zeeks = no apology)
Danhai Williams
Donald Phipps W\Kgn PNP Murder
Glenford Phipps W\Kgn PNP
Coke Dudus W\Kgn JLP
Lester Cooke W\Kgn JLP Extradited*
Charles Miller W\Kgn JLP Extradited
Vivian Blake W\Kgn JLP Extradited\Racketeering
Bya W\Kgn JLP
Tony Welch W\Kgn PNP Deported\drug*
Joel Andem E\St. And. JLP?
Buba Smith Sp Tn JLP deported
Bulbie SpTn PNP never convicted
Bun Man SpTn JLP
Black \Skeng South coat PNP
Bunny Wissy\Genetic connection – Solid Waste
Dedo Wiliams St. Ann JLP\PNP Extradited76
Kenley Stephenson(Bebe) MoBay PNP (was member of the NEC ). Trial coming
Spy MoBay PNP Extradited
Ramcharan MoBay JLP? Extradited
From Canterbury?
* = never convicted in Jamaica