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Dotty goes from Bangarang to Nightmare to HATACLAPSE!!

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  • Dotty goes from Bangarang to Nightmare to HATACLAPSE!!

    'Hataclapse... Monday!'
    Published: Saturday | March 5, 20110 Comments

    Daraine Luton, Senior Staff Reporter

    K.D. KNIGHT, the nemesis of Attorney General Dorothy Lightbourne, was quiet in the Senate yesterday, but Manatt nonetheless got a brief seat in the Upper House.

    A.J. Nicholson, the leader of opposition business, joked in quiet cross-talk to government senator Dwight Nelson that come next week when Lightbourne is faced by Knight in cross-examination, it would be no laughing matter.

    "Hataclapse Monday!" Nicholson promised in response to Nelson who had said: "No Manatt today."

    Nicholson was in the process of taking his seat after informing the president of the Senate that he might not be able to sit beyond 11:30 a.m. He asked that the debate on the report on Jamaica's defamation law be postponed.

    The debate on the report was not taken.

    Knight is the lead attorney for the People's National Party at the Manatt-Dudus commission of enquiry to examine the manner in which the Government handled the extradition request for then fugitive Christopher 'Dudus' Coke.

    Lightbourne delayed signing the authority to proceed for nine months. She is now being asked to justify her actions.

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    ESTEBANAGOSTOREID777 2 hours ago
    This confrontation between K.D. Knight and Dorothy Lightbourne has become so HYPED by the media and other principals that,it can only be characterized as nauseating,odious and repugnant. Indeed, this is definitely THE THEATRE OF THE ABSURD, with its excessive, vulgar and gaudy promotion of certain actors. Hype, hype and more hype !!!!
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    bss-spoilbaby 2 hours ago
    "Finally brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue...think on these things!" Philippians 4:8
    God wont let us down and neither will Mr. Knight! ... 'cause when the law man come, some ago bawl fi murda..."
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    Glen 1 hour ago
    I don't think KD.Knight or any body for that matter should go and make mockery of Miss Lightbourne ,we all know why the lady delay the singing of extradition paper,she was told by the PM.if she sign it she must also sign her resignation paper,in other words she was pressure not to sign it,so any hataclapse must be on the pm side,he was the one lies to the country,and still want us to believe his stupidness,when he talk about its was a jlp,matter,when we all know singing of treaty is govt.to govt.so please left the lady alone,she was only doing what any one of us would do to protecting her job.
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    Stephan 1 hour ago in reply to Glen
    You trying to console yourself? she is just as culpable. A true distinguish person would put their job before honesty and integrity.
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    Dean Cane 51 minutes ago in reply to Glen
    Your statement is exactly what is wrong with this country. Only protecting her job. Only doing what each of us would do. When did protecting one's job become a fit and proper excuse to do what's right. I agree that she may have been pressured not to sign the extradition papers. However, we cannot fix this country with lame excuses like that.
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    Informah 23 minutes ago in reply to Dean Cane
    I agree. I do not think anyone has any personal vendetta against anyone. The rough questioning is simply to get someone to acknowledge what we all know. That person or persons known, conspired and forced other persons to be delinquent in their duties.
    Why she could not have resigned? I do not know. After all being AJ and MInister of Justice is not a job with tenure. I am sure she was doing something before she was appointed. Also when certain principals and wives of a former cheif judge show up to give support to lawlessness. This is the message they are sending young children.
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    Mark Benbow 1 hour ago
    Well it will be interesting, No doubt this testimony concerns the JLP the most. From my point of view there is no doubt that the testimonies thus far have been less than truthful, with major witnesses choosing to hide what they know in fear of damage to the party. The most forthcoming for me has been Dr. Robinson as painful as it seemed for him.

    This might have been just a horse and pony show to clear Bruce's name.
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    Campbell Alex 2 hours ago
    Did Ms Lightbourne really said that Dudus extradited himself? I thought she signed the papers. Why is she afraid of accepting responsibility? It is political pressure she said why she sign. So it is blame Dudus and Blame the public. I wonder who should we blame for her deciding not to sign orginally? Did she also said the PM called her the day before the extradition papers formally arrived? Wonder if that is when she first heard if you sign then also sign your resignation. Will she blame the PM next?
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    THEDKJ 4 hours ago
    Tell dorothy that she is not in kansas anymore; she better wear her depends.
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    annette1571 9 hours ago
    KD Knight for Prime Minister!
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    Lady J 1 hour ago
    I love K D !!! And I guess it is the "speak your mind" image that appeals to me......BUT BUT BUT....I am a woman ....And although we might take a pass when he attacked Portia with"Dr. what???" ...it might not turn out as well with someone so quiet and soft-spoken!!!!! Even though I think a lot of Thursday was a ploy as I have heard the lady holding her own in the Senate!!!
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    Seagaites 1 hour ago
    A bowlers wicket, the pitch is taking a lot of pnps spins, like pp took a lot of JLP spins! A bowlers pitch!

    Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

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