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It's Peter's Fault!! ... and other Fairy Tales

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  • It's Peter's Fault!! ... and other Fairy Tales

    JLP desperation is shining through...lol

    It's Peter's fault!
    Published: Tuesday | March 1, 2011

    Gordon Robinson, Columnist

    At last! Enlightenment! Inter-minable mining for political advertisement sound bites (oops, sorry, 'cross-examination') at daily fees that, elsewhere, Driva might call "repugnant" has finally exposed the truth. It's all Peter Phillips' fault! How could we have missed it? It's so obvious now.

    Peter Phillips, as GOJ agent, signed two secret memoranda of understanding in 2004 regarding the sharing of fruits of MLAT intercepts and (OMG!) kept them secret. Yes, I know, they were also signed (and kept secret) by agents of the US and UK governments, but what's that got to do with anything? Peter signed them! Stop the press! All questions are answered. The Madantz commission has delivered the enemy into our hands.

    The questions asked of this commission were:

    Q "The issues relating to the extradition request for Christopher Coke by the Government of the United States of America."

    A Was the Coke request received in 2004? Has none been received since? Have none since involved the US's use of intercept evidence to obtain grand jury indictments? Was the intercept evidence the only evidence capable of convicting Coke? If no to all, this expensive calumniation of Peter Phillips is but another example of oily pink spawn of the genus culpa (oops, sorry, clupea) found in shallow Atlantic waters. Or, as Tina Turner might be moved to ask:

    "What's memoranda got to do,got to do with it?"

    Q "The manner and procedure in which the said extradition request was handled by the Government of Jamaica and the role and conduct of the various public officials who handled the extradition request."

    A Peter Phillips, obviously thereby the GOJ member/public official handling the Coke extradition request, signed these MOUs years before the request's receipt. They'd since been acted upon operationally by law officers from three countries but, still, if only he hadn't signed, the extradition request would've been better handled. If only he'd told Driva, DeeWreck, Alice or DeeWhite about them, and not left the security forces to decide who, if anybody, to tell. If only he'd tipped somebody off ... .

    Q "The circumstances in which the services of the law firm Manatt Phelps & Phillips were engaged in relation to any or all of the matters involved, by whom were they engaged, and on whose behalf they were authorised to act."

    A: Peter Phillips did it! He signed secret MOUs. He forced Driva to sanction a JLP initiative using MPP to facilitate sensitive government-to-government negotiations expected to rescue a vital party activist from extradition. If only Peter hadn't signed secret MOUs (or had tipped somebody off as to their existence), nobody would've been forced to trap poor, witless, unsuspecting Douglas Leys in a complicated web of deception.

    Q "Whether there was any misconduct on the part of any person in any of these matters and, if so, to make recommendations as the commission sees fit for the referral of such persons to the relevant authority or disciplinary body for appropriate action."

    A Of course, there was misconduct. PETER PHILLIPS DID IT! Peter's deliberate cover-up of a disgraceful tripartite plot to rid Jamaica of politically connected drug dons and gunrunners which ensured none of them learnt of this scandalous scheme in advance left Driva with no alternative but to employ subterfuge in the protection of Dudus' constitutional rights. Peter Phillips caused Driva to lose confidence in the Jamaican courts' ability to protect these rights. Only the JLP could retrieve the situation after Peter so callously threw our community protectors to the wolves. Thank God for the JLP. Where can we get tickets for Peter Phillips' burning at the stake?

    It's Peter's fault that, for nine months, Alice refused to authorise the fugitive's arrest despite contrary advice from several disinterested sources (including the DPP) before suddenly locating the evidence, independent of any telephone intercept, capable of conviction. It's Peter's fault that Dudus was tipped off and allowed to retreat to his Tivoli fortress and hunker down. It's Peter's fault that precious time was wasted on a brainless Supreme Court application for free advice naming Dudus himself as a defendant. It's Peter's fault that a botched attempt to make a simple arrest resulted in at least 73 deaths. It's Peter's fault that a churchman, working out of the OPM, was caught chauffeuring the disguised fugitive.

    Without doubt, Peter Phillips has betrayed Jamaican political tradition, endangering all politically connected dons in the process. He put us in this mess. He should be forced to take us out.

    Peace and love.

    Gordon Robinson is an attorney-at-law. Email feedback to columns@gleanerjm.com.

    Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

    D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007

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