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Minister Resigns

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  • Minister Resigns

    German minister resigns in plagiarism row
    March 2, 2011 - 8:19AM
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    Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, Germany's defence minister and the country's most popular politician, resigned amid embarrassing allegations that he plagiarised parts of his doctoral dissertation.

    "It's the most painful step of my life," Guttenberg told reporters at a hastily called news conference in Berlin on Tuesday.

    The man once touted as a possible future chancellor but recently derided as "Baron Cut and Paste" and "zu Googleberg" said he could no longer be certain of meeting "the highest expectations I put on myself."

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    His resignation is a major blow to Chancellor Angela Merkel, whose conservative coalition has been struggling in the polls and faces important local elections in coming weeks. Last month, her party, the Christian Democrats, suffered a humiliating defeat in Hamburg, one of its former strongholds.

    With his aristocratic background and suave demeanour, Guttenberg was the star of Merkel's team, unusually popular for a defence minister.

    Opinion polls routinely showed him with the highest approval ratings of any politician.

    He was responsible for a historic decision last year to end the draft in Germany and was in charge of a major overhaul of the military, which could see the number of troops reduced by more than 25 per cent.

    "I deeply regret his resignation," Merkel said. "Like many other people in our country, I'm very saddened by this."

    His continued presence in government became harder to defend as the scandal over his doctoral thesis dragged on and criticism of his response to it mounted.

    At first, Guttenberg, 39, described accusations that he copied passages verbatim from other sources without attribution as "absurd."

    But as evidence grew that up to half of his thesis was lifted from other sources, he was forced to backpedal, saying he would stop using the title "doctor" until the matter was resolved.

    Before a group of jeering lawmakers last week, Guttenberg insisted that he had not deliberately cheated but acknowledged making "serious errors." The University of Bayreuth announced that it was revoking his degree.

    Merkel said she was surprised by Guttenberg's decision to quit. He had given little indication that he was contemplating such a step.

    "I was always ready to fight, but I have reached the limits of my strength," Guttenberg said.

    © 2011 AAP


  • #2
    Man resign because him neva get him doctorate honestly.

    Meanwhile, back on the banana plantation, Gelding still occupies his seat as PM of the nation, having lied repeatedly to the people he says he serves as he tries to protect a man accused of gun running and drug trading.



    • #3
      Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
      Man resign because him neva get him doctorate honestly.

      Meanwhile, back on the banana plantation, Gelding still occupies his seat as PM of the nation, having lied repeatedly to the people he says he serves as he tries to protect a man accused of gun running and drug trading.
      ... you may be onto something. Oh by the way, which lie did GElding tell?
      "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


      • #4
        "CALLS for the resignation of Dr Omar Davies deepened yesterday, with civic and political leaders saying that Davies no longer had the moral authority to serve as Jamaica's minister of finance.
        Jamaicans for Justice (JFJ) -- a human rights group -- said that Davies' declaration on Sunday, that part of the public spending leading up to the October 2002 general elections lacked financial prudence, but was driven by a desire to secure a win at the polls for the ruling PNP, amounted to a breach of public trust."

        Now Stap yuh Yapping... unless yuh nuh have nuh shame...


        • #5
          yuh figget I agreed with that?!



          • #6
            strange.. I must have missed the year long campaign..

            refresh my memory...


            • #7
              why? yuh just gwine lie!

              BLACK LIVES MATTER


              • #8
                huh ?

                Lie bout wha ?

                Look like yuh really gone roun di bend...


                • #9
                  me and di windies!

                  BLACK LIVES MATTER

