JLP in bed with Communist China, now dem followig Manley's footstep and hugging up the Cubans.
More Cuban doctors heading to Jamaica
Caribbean islands strengthening health ties
Jamaica Observer
Thursday, February 24, 2011
JAMAICA is to strengthen its health partnership with Cuba following a trip by officials from the health ministry to the neighbouring Caribbean island earlier this month.
The new agreement is expected to come into effect by July of this year.
"We have requested about 81 physicians but we expect about 50 per cent of these skilled health workers prior to the finalisation of the agreement. These include family physicians, general surgeons, paediatricians, accident and emergency consultants and orthopaedic surgeons," said Minister of Health Ruddy Spencer at a press conference earlier today.
The new agreement, which is still being developed, will focus on the continued rehabilitation of hospital equipment, the establishment of preventative maintenance schedules and on the job training for the country’s biomedical staff.
"We are also expanding the programme to develop our capacity in nephrology (treatment of kidneys). We are going to focus on training more of our nurses in this area of expertise having regard to the increasing demand for dialysis services," said Spencer.
Read more: http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/news/...#ixzz1Ev647Z00