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A History of the Entrapment Defense

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  • A History of the Entrapment Defense

    A. The “Unwary Criminal” and the “Unwary Innocent”:

    The Supreme Court first recognized the entrapment defense in

    Sorrells v. United States
    and did so without grounding it in the Due
    Process Clause or any other constitutional provision.
    16 Conceding
    that “[a]rtifice and stratagem may be employed to catch those engaged
    in criminal enterprises,”
    17 the Court nevertheless barred prosecution
    of defendants for “a crime where the government officials are
    the instigators of his conduct.”
    18 The dividing line between a legitimate
    sting operation and an impermissible “instigation” was unclear
    when the defense was first established and remains so today. The
    Court tried to establish boundaries for sting operations, arguing that
    the government exceeds its police powers when it “implant[s] in the
    mind of an innocent person the disposition to commit the alleged offense

    and induce[s] its commission in order that . . . [it] may prose-

    article here:
    article here:

  • #2
    An interesting though exhaustive look at some entrapment cases. I notice the author did not include Delorean vs United States nor (Marion) Barry vs United States.

    I'm wondering if using the RICO or entrapment strategy would have gotten Buju off, considering the obvious and aggressive tatics used to get him!
    "The contribution of forumites and others who visit shouldn’t be discounted, and offending people shouldn’t be the first thing on our minds. Most of us are educated and can do better." Mi bredrin Sass Jan. 29,2011


    • #3
      Something obviously went wrong in the defence OR we haven't gotten all the details of the case...to determine Buju's culpability or not...the extent of probable entrapment, biases, jury determintations etc. I guess we can only speculate.


      • #4
        Exile this is the info age and you need certain info to make a sound decision. This is why even the common man needs to have his own little intelligence network. The world has changed in terms of info. Information is very powerful these days.


