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aahh.. the good old days..

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Exile View Post
    Too much latte...need some Blue Mountain...mellower...less hype.
    Blue Mountain produce good colly??

    Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

    D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


    • #17
      ""I am here to pay my last respect to a man I met seven and a half years ago when I came to represent the constituency of South St. Andrew. He assisted me to achieve some of my objectives in the constituency. We never had a meeting which lasted more than 10 minutes," said Dr. Davies."


      • #18
        Ben you are a decent spin bowler. You are the team capatin and I would like to tell you to leave pace bowling alone. Boss if it was chess I would say check mate. Ben pack up and walk away, don't say anything more.

        As for Miss London and her cheer leading; please you just do not want to go down memory lane (you would pass out, seeing that all this seems new to you).



        • #19
          Originally posted by Jawge View Post
          As for Miss London and her cheer leading; please you just do not want to go down memory lane (you would pass out, seeing that all this seems new to you).

          Lol!!! who am I cheerleading Jawge?

          It seems like this information is not just new to me, some members of this forum seem to think Bruce Golding is the only Jamaican politician who has a relationship with gun men lol. Maybe you should take us down memory lane so we can all learn together


          • #20
            you think them house them build upon the hill is designed by a University gradute? You think their family is taken care of by the best doctors?
            In Jamaica the man that is not caught is king, even if they know what he is doing. The man who get caught is laughed after and scorned.
            • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


            • #21
              I don't know of any relationship Drivah have with gunman... mi know seh him ordah shock and awe pon di constituency him inherit (The Mother of All Garrisons) and remove di Don of Dons and have area leadah a trimble and drop di Crime rate..

              Dat mi know...


              • #22
                You mussi neva hear bout Milo from Spanish Town when Bruce used to run tings over there.

                Maybe you was in farrin dem time deh.
                "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


                • #23
                  Dat is the relationship Don1 and the Crew ah talk bout ?


                  • #24
                    As someone ignorant of Jamaica you should perhaps be less strident in your ignorance...

                    This chapter in Jamaica's sordid political history is not about establishing which political party is less or more involved with criminals...it is common knowledge that both are...

                    Now that Peter Phillips' statecraft has resulted in the full exposure of the political-criminal nexus...Jamaica has been given a chance to turn the tide and move to an accountability for criminal association by politicians.... starting with that which can be established and dealt with NOW... ie the corruption of government by Gelding & Company

                    Instead of demanding accountability for the clear corruption of government JLP supporter are harping on peripheral issues like MOUs, trying to impugn the reputation and endanger safety of security officers...and various other red herrings to deflect attention away from the activities of their tribe..

                    You seem to be following this JLP tribal protection strategy...blindly but with a large dosage of ignorance

                    Kibba yuh mout

                    Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                    D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


                    • #25
                      Is Tivoli man dem kill Milo when he switched to NDM.

                      NDM was into no arms policy and so was easy pickings. Instructive for Bruce...


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Don1 View Post
                        Now that Peter Phillips' statecraft has resulted in the full exposure of the political-criminal nexus...Jamaica has been given a chance to turn the tide and move to an accountability for criminal association by politicians.... starting with that which can be established and dealt with NOW... ie the corruption of government by Gelding & Company
                        Really? So why is Philips - a man who has criminal connections - suddenly a hero to you because in instituted one positive thing? He is as much part of the problem as Golding is. It seems like Golding's real crime is not trying to defend dudus, but instead getting caught trying to defend him. If it wasn't brought to the publics' attention, everyone would be right now, feigning ignorance (even though everyone knows the dudus-JLP connection). Personally, I am completely in favour of the MOUs and anything else that helps stem crime. The focus on them is purely a distraction, as expected. But what exactly has Philips done for him to warrant the status of hero? His actions helped capture the biggest Don on the other side? Great - where are the big PNP dons, and why have they eluded detection?


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by MissLondon View Post
                          Really? So why is Philips - a man who has criminal connections - suddenly a hero to you because in instituted one positive thing? He is as much part of the problem as Golding is. It seems like Golding's real crime is not trying to defend dudus, but instead getting caught trying to defend him. If it wasn't brought to the publics' attention, everyone would be right now, feigning ignorance (even though everyone knows the dudus-JLP connection). Personally, I am completely in favour of the MOUs and anything else that helps stem crime. The focus on them is purely a distraction, as expected. But what exactly has Philips done for him to warrant the status of hero? His actions helped capture the biggest Don on the other side? Great - where are the big PNP dons, and why have they eluded detection?
                          Heard of Zekes?

                          If you are in favour of the MOUs which are aimed at catching crooks of all colours, then Phillips is your hero too! For too long our dons were untouchable crime lords. Peter Phillips is to be praised for wanting to finally put an end to this. The fact he didn't tell anyone else proves to me he trusted no one. Yes, it may be a bit arrogant to trust only himself, but that is where we are.

                          Absolutely no one believe Bruised is the only guilty one, but until the JLP has done what Phillips, our hero, has done (Zekes, MOUs, Dudus as opposed to protection and deception for Dudus) then the JLP have no voice regarding anti-crime and violence.

                          Talk about feigning ignorance - for the Min. of Nat. Security to go in front of that commission and the nation and talk about not knowing Dudus, how can we expect better from them?!? We may soon need an enquiry on this enquiry, because the lies keep coming fast and furious!

                          The MOUs could not have been created to apprehend only JLP crime dons, so far that, Phillips is to be praised! I could not care less who gets caught in that MOU mesh.

                          BLACK LIVES MATTER


                          • #28
                            Peter Phillips or the Pnp had nothing to do with Zekes being locked up, the credit has to be aimed at CSI.


                            • #29
                              Darnit.. yuh ended it so quickly.. I was almost sure you were going to present a fact at some point...

                              Oh well... patience is a virtue...


                              • #30
                                lol !

                                Yuh read di news any atall ?

                                Di JLP voice regarding Anti-crime is the loudest and most effective in the last 30 years...

                                Police an ordah man fi come in and dem seh when !

                                Ah Peter Phillips ah direct dat ?

                                lol !

                                Dat nevah happen undah him nor him predecessor KD...

                                Dat is all di ripple effect of di Drivah Shock and Awe !

                                Drivah, don't stap atall..

