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So Nobody Has A Problem With...

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  • #46
    nah man, how yuh fi tek it suh? is just dat me and Willi go way back, from di time him use to carry Ziggy lunch pan.



    • #47
      Originally posted by Bricktop View Post
      The end does not justify the means...
      Is this "Chris's" ultimate defense? You picture tek long time. You guys are incredible.


      • #48
        When her hubby was security chief??

        Do better than that.

        Would america allow the reverse?


        • #49
          Oh really,

          Go read my posts again.

          This is not a campaign on my part but rather COMMENTARY.

          Is like unno caan multitask.

          Ketch one tief and so all the rest must go free? Deal wid all proven tief intermede...no exception cuase yuh like one more than the other at this moment in time.

          What a prekeh!


          • #50
            First off, is like you nuh know how Iran contra was funded. Yuh a gwaan like seh the US close to pure regards to drugs. If yuh ever mek mi start tell yuh the connections between Daddy Bush and Clinton. The situation in America is the most mixed up of all and mi nuh fool fi think seh some island "monkeys" or some Latino wetbacks run the US drug empire. Not with dem dyam renk and prejudiced wite man up deh. Nah go happen. Tom nuh born big! Tom drunk, but Tom nuh fool!

            2nd, my security chief cant be placed in dem deh breed of compromising positions. Is like people drink mad puZZ Pizz bout this. I even have to bother to explain the obvious? Shouldnt have happened and on this one is the Labarite dem who allowed it, so is their bad.

            Big pictcha people.


            • #51
              MOU 1 and 2 plus no cabinet approval.

              Contrary to law. What else sign in our name and how we sure what is the future impact.

              Extremely dangerous governance...EXTREMELY!

              I dont give a SHTYTE which party do this...shouldnt happen.

              We now have a COE and if and when the trutth comes out, who fi fry must fry.

              Mi nah powda nuhbaddy. None put food pon my table and none run over my toe, so no real personal malice either. However, Jamaican politicians have an air of arrogance about them that belies their dibbi-dibbi performance. I just dont get it.

              Run the whole a di fly dem from wi food!!!!

              Bob duppy fi come back and instead of bunning fire pon Babylon, him fi chant down wi shittystem.


              • #52
                The questions to you are... should Gelding resign for his misdeeds or not?

                Should Mrs Lewin resign from her post or not?

                Which issue is of overwhelming import? Mrs Lewin's job or the Prime Minister's lying?

                A simple yes or no to each will suffice

                Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


                • #53

                  Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                  D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


                  • #54
                    I would rather see Golding go at this point, if for nothing else he is too compromised (even if specific crimes cant be proved). Mrs Lewin does not need to go NOW, her Hubby is no longer security chief. She should not have held that position when her hubby was Commish. Why is the obvious so hard for you guys to see??????

                    However, we should never ever in the future have to deal with a compromised National Security issue like that again, and also I hope we never have such entangled party/Govt mixup either. However, I am not as wrapped up with that as you guys BECAUSE the Dudus saga is just the result of a deeper issue, ie the entanglement of politics and gunmanism in Jamaica. That is the real issue!! It remains the real issue whether PMs deal with it in a politically palatable manner or not. I for one am glad that it was handled in an inept manner, otherwise the unholy alliance would continue unabated.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Willi View Post
                      I never read those discourses, but you know that I think the whole Dudus as Saint is non-sense.

                      Who said anything about being illegal? I said it is a dereliction of Jamaica's own interest. America would never have the reverse. I recall that at LOJ, they would not have 2 close relatives in their employ, back in the day. Prudence has been trampled upon here.

                      In any case, lawyers have one objective...to win case for their clients or get best advantage. They will grab for any argument to make the case.
                      It all depends on aims. It is not unusual for these things to occur.

                      The US and Jamaica may have each though it served their purpose to have a double-agent in employ.

                      To jump to the conclusion that that husband wife arrangement was inimical to our interests is to show lack of faith...a thinking on ourselves as inferior at thinking...inferior at ability to think when compared to those in the USA.

                      Where was the lady trained? What branch of the army gave her her base training? What information was she privy to on both sides and could have passed to both sides?

                      ...but since the argument is about Jamaica's interest...what could she have been doing to advance our interest? ...how was she advancing our interest?

                      ...at the very least Phipps has said - She worked on helping to remove a serious threat to our society!

                      Was her activities such that she was in grave danger? A resounding YES! ...and even if the information on what she did was public knowledge (and Phipps lied on saying it was) noising it abroad as he did made it penetrate the Jamaica criminal networks down to the ordinary foot-soldier. He increased the threat-level to and on her.
                      "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Willi View Post
                        I would rather see Golding go at this point, if for nothing else he is too compromised (even if specific crimes cant be proved). Mrs Lewin does not need to go NOW, her Hubby is no longer security chief. She should not have held that position when her hubby was Commish. Why is the obvious so hard for you guys to see??????

                        However, we should never ever in the future have to deal with a compromised National Security issue like that again, and also I hope we never have such entangled party/Govt mixup either. However, I am not as wrapped up with that as you guys BECAUSE the Dudus saga is just the result of a deeper issue, ie the entanglement of politics and gunmanism in Jamaica. That is the real issue!! It remains the real issue whether PMs deal with it in a politically palatable manner or not. I for one am glad that it was handled in an inept manner, otherwise the unholy alliance would continue unabated.
                        Willi, it's is not that we don't see the problem with the commish's wife holding such a position, but for you to somehow compare that "oversight" with the possible crimes of Bruce..come on now! I expect that from certified tribalists that have run out of anything intelligent to say, but not you. The two cannot be compared and one is seriously more serious than the other.

                        And for you to further water down the PM's actions about "deeper issue"...Willi, we all know politicians wrap up wid di gunman dem, but stop for a minute and consider what happened here. Imagine if the Colombian president stood up in parliament to defend Pablo Escobar and prevent his deportation and on top of that ordered his attorney general not to sign the papers or he would be fired!


                        BLACK LIVES MATTER


                        • #57
                          The argument on mrs. Lewin and national security (which has a broad scope) would hold water if Jamaica was a regional power with an advanced and sophisticated military. Ja doesn't produce any goods that is of strategic military value. Ja is small island nation that is mired in narco crime. Ja doesn't have the resources to fight this kind of crime alone. The now global economy has caused Ja's situation to also affect security interest of the US (please note that the diaspora was able to send over a billion USD to the island, you don't sneeze at that kind of money. more on this in another thread).

                          Reading the above it's only logical for the US to be in a joint operation with Ja to fight this crime and bring stability to the island (if you aren't sure of what I'm saying please google Mexico).

                          What's hapeening now is that many Jakans who work for the two major telecommunications corps. are now living in danger. Why? many gangs in the inner city will see them as spies/informers working for the agency (when this is far from the truth). This comes about because your party has someone speaking on their behalf who is clueless about the info age (and the need for caution with information). Wonder if the "relic" knows that what he said went around the world and back long time ago (and being stored on the hard drive of God knows who)?


                          • #58
                            Then the whole duals think is a show of lacking in faith????

                            Consistency in thought Karl.

                            Also, when it comes to drugs, the whole US establishment is compromised. Dont act like yuh figget bout Iran Contra...which were bigger hearings and which revealed bigger things. Mi nuh wan no double agents inna dat deh set up.


                            • #59
                              Faith, faith, inna fi wi political setup?? Tell me yuh joking!


                              • #60
                                So it's then okay to sign away the rights of all Jamaican citizens? So what's the problem with duals in the cabinet then?

