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Lazie & Maudid - Your skills are needed

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  • Lazie & Maudid - Your skills are needed

    This one need the best spin doctors.

    Tivoli boy's body identified - Is there a cover-up?
    Ken Chaplin

    Tuesday, February 08, 2011

    Jamaican News Online - JamaicaObserver.com?>

    Having spent more than half of 63 years as a professional journalist trying to build the image of the Jamaica Constabulary Force, I should not be concerned or scared of the force at this time in my life, but I am.

    My association with the JCF began in 1967 when I was invited to serve on a committee to make arrangements for the 100th anniversary of the force. One of my tasks was to write a series of articles on the history of the organisation, which incidentally won a top prize in the annual National Journalism Awards with the judges commenting on the empathy of the articles towards the force. My next stint with the JCF was in 1973 when I was appointed consultant with the title of director of information and during my tenure I established the Police Information Centre and started the Police Mirror, a newspaper on the force, and once acted as head of the centre to enable the officer in charge to go on study leave. I also became media adviser to five commissioners without pay, and lectured at the Police Staff College at Twickenham Park. My wife Elaine also lectured at the Police Academy and Staff College. Shortly after Frances Forbes was appointed commissioner, he presented me with a plaque in recognition of service to the JCF in the area of media relations.

    Members of the security forces at the ready in Tivoli last May. (Observer file photo)

    Members of the security forces at the ready in Tivoli last May. (Observer file photo)

    I write all this to show that I bear the force no malice. On the contrary, I have the greatest respect for the men and women of the force. One has to work closely with the force to fully recognise and appreciate the commitment and hard work of the vast majority of the officers, sub-officers and constables. Certainly, they deserve better pay. I can say without fear of contradiction that historically only a few of the members of the force brought it into disrepute. However, part of the operation of the force during the incursion of Tivoli Gardens last May has left a blot on the image of the force The police and soldiers acted with justification in using all necessary force to smash the barriers which were set up by the criminal elements in Tivoli Gardens and from outside to prevent the security forces from entering and carrying out their legitimate duty: apprehending Christopher "Dudus" Coke who was wanted in the United States on drugs and gun-running charges. Those who were killed gave up their lives for a foolish, useless cause.

    What went wrong with the incursion was that after the security forces had consolidated their position, allegations are that some participated in extra-judicial killings, or killings outside or beyond the jurisdiction of a court. Of the 70-odd people who were said to have died, 47 were by extra-judicial killing, as reported to the Office of the Public Defender.

    What is heartrending are the cases of three boys who have not been seen alive since they were taken away by the police on the day of the incursion. A body was found by the police in a marked grave in the May Pen Cemetery. Following DNA analysis, the body was proved to be that of Andre Smith, one of the missing boys. And there is a sad story about Smith. He lived in the USA and would come to Jamaica every year. He stayed with relatives in Tivoli Gardens when he visited. Reports say that on the day of the incursion he was on the first floor of a high-rise building.

    It is alleged that the police took him and another boy from there to the third floor. Shortly afterwards the men came down carrying a sheet in which what looked like bodies were wrapped and with a rubber shoe protruding. A relative recognised the shoe as one which Andre used to wear. Smith was due to enter university in the USA last year. Someone or group must be held accountable for the disappearance or death of the three boys and the buck must stop somewhere. The identification of Smith's body took place long ago and the police should have issued a statement on the matter. There seems to be a cover-up. Transparency is the best form of public relations. The story of the three missing boys is frightening.

    A Commission of Enquiry into what people are calling the "massacre of Tivoli Gardens" is as important as the Commission of Enquiry set up by Prime Minister Bruce Golding to investigate the request by the US government for the extradition of Coke and the hiring of the US-based law firm Manatt, Phelps and Phillips to lobby Washington for a favourable outcome on the issue. A source in the government told me that a Commission of Enquiry will be set up, but first certain crucial evidence must be unearthed. Public Defender Earl Witter, a former first-class journalist and a man of high integrity, has been conducting an investigation into the circumstances under which the 47 people and the three boys disappeared. His office will be in a position in the next nine months to lead evidence before any commission the government might set up.

    I have known Commissioner Owen Ellington for a long time and supported his appointment because he is a fearless, fair, progressive and efficient officer. He seems determined to build a better force and last year a record number of 397 members were disciplined and 82 dismissed as the commissioner attacked corruption and unprofessional behaviour among members. The fact is that Ellington showed signs of becoming the best ever commissioner before the reported extra-judicial killings and the missing boys took place. It is a heavy burden for Ellington to bear, but I believe he has the fortitude to throw it off and move on.

    In the meantime, there is consternation in the country that last year the security forces killed the largest number of people in any one year.

    The police said that last year 309 people were killed, but Jamaicans for Justice says that number must be added to the 73 reported killed in the Tivoli Gardens incursion, and it is appalled by the total. The police must publish the correct figure. At the same time, the force must realise that killing dons is not the answer to the country's problem of crime and violence. In 1977, after the collapse of the Peace Movement consisting of gang leaders in Kingston and St Andrew, the police eliminated most of the gang leaders and there was peace for a short time, but crime erupted again with new dons because no social programme was implemented to deal with the problem.

    Read more: <A style="COLOR: #003399" href="http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/columns/Tivoli-boy-s-body-identified---Is-there-a-cover-up-_8341242#ixzz1DN2SW9C0">http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/colum...#ixzz1DN2SW9C0
    Last edited by Karl; February 8, 2011, 12:03 PM.
    The same type of thinking that created a problem cannot be used to solve the problem.

  • #2
    Aren't we all aware that there are murderers within the JCF?
    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


    • #3
      Lazie: This time Ken has made a fool of himself.
      ...or it could be that Shady Pines beckons?

      He mixes up facts with conjecture. The article is rambling and somewhat incoherent as he tries to push his points.
      "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


      • #4
        Originally posted by Time View Post
        Of the 70-odd people who were said to have died, 47 were by extra-judicial killing, as reported to the Office of the Public Defender.
        But yet wi worried about 25.

        Gelding must go. He is solely responsible for genocide in paradise.



        • #5
          Suh yuh not worried about 25 innocent civiians ?

          Who was the Minister of Security at the time by the way ?

          Di man who sign dat MOU1 and MOU2 tek extra-judicial to di next level !

          Tek it up wid Don1 yuh batcave partner...

