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Issues arising from Dudus Affair Toppling the JLP Govt

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  • #31
    It depends on the cumulative the power of those who would be exposed.
    Last edited by Time; February 6, 2011, 03:46 PM.
    The same type of thinking that created a problem cannot be used to solve the problem.


    • #32
      suh what policy on leaks yuh promoting ?


      • #33
        My main contention (which was stated in the first two paragraph) is the issue of confidentiality in these times (info age). You seem to have an angle on data security and the consequences to the loss of it (which really means nothing to Phipps).

        What about banking records, are they in criminal hands? What if someone retires from their job in the UK sells their home and shifts the money in some investment portfolio in JA? Suddenly this pernson/couple may be held up at gunpoint and being extorted or has to pay kidnapping fees (not knowing that the terrorists have their bamking info, pleading not having any money can mean death). Taking it further businesses that are in trouble financially may run the risk of being bought out by a bigger corp who has inside info of financial records (and not given the chance to rebound).

        I don't think people really understand the importance of security and confidentiality in the info age. This is why in the US people with criminal backgrounds aren't allowed to work in sensitive financial areas (they can ruin a corporation or even cause people to lose their lives). This is serious more than many think and just maybe the US will begin to look at all who financed the present party (seeing that some of these entities do business in the US and is subject to its laws). Hell can break loose; so let the "relic" sit around and think he's doing fine.

        P.Phillips is now fast approaching hero status (told you dreaddy Pete; if you bide your time , your day will come) as more sweeps need to made to purge the island of well placed criminal elements (although the element of surprise is lost in terms of electronic intelligence gathering. Could also be a way of warninig other criminals, in these times you never know). Ja's security is seriously threatened.

        You the hear about "who sold out Ja?" No, who sold out the law breakers to the FEDS in the US. To be honest I don't care to know. Finally the people may be able to walk late at nights to and from church once more, carolling and watch night (without the fear of rape and being robbed) may become a past time once more.


        • #34
          "unless yuh is a welfare case civil servant"

          welfare case indeed, lord please deliver me from this almshouse, so I shall not be a welfare case anymore


          • #35
            dat soun more like Bruce, never lying, always euphemistic re his lying.

