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Hmm - JLP did not know about the wiretap

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Assasin View Post
    why would I call Willi communist or Chinese apologist? Every 3 post for Willi don't include any on the fall of America and the rise of the Chinese.

    How you nuh label him as "Brown man" or roast breadfruit"?

    He has no problem with the naming of the Airport and he sometimes support some of the things the GOJ does.

    Group and stop thinking you are smarter than anyone on this forum. Get rid of your chip.
    Willi Brown?? Mi neva know dat.. Anyway mek mi bruk dung fimi view fi yuh.. you seem ill informed regarding my philosophy.. I take the responsibility for that as my statements may appear harsh and could be misconstrued easily.

    I have many friends who are Brown and many who are White and even some who are Black... some being friends from mi yeye deh ah mi knee...you shouldn't get too disturbed when I refer to "Brown Man Time" or "White Man Time" ... my friends who are brown or red or white don't get exercised by my views.... they understand that which I refer to...and respect it and will even agree.... this is a discussion about ideas & social systems not individuals.

    For me the "Brown Man" or "Roast Breadfruit" worldview is just that... a certain way of looking at or dealing with the world.... one can be Black, Brown, Red or White and have such a worldview ... and similarly one can be Black, Brown, Red or White and hold a more progressive (imho) viewpoint.

    Whatever their view may be I believe it's important for people to discuss how society is organized and for whose benefit... even or maybe especially when it comes to issues of race and class... the uncomfortable truths that many like to ignore...only for the sores to fester. Ventilation of these matters is healthy..imho. Let all views contend and everyone make up their own mind on issues of the day.

    I trust this clarifies the matter...although I suspect it will not.,,,but I have temporarily removed my chip in composing this respectful post.

    Positively yours,

    Last edited by Don1; February 4, 2011, 05:39 PM.

    Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

    D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007

