Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.
Gelding practices an inept sophistry....The problem for One Liad is:
1. Who did Manatt ACT for... the JLP or the GOJ? ... the contractual relationship will be established by the ACTIONS of the parties...yes or no?
2. If Manatt was acting for the JLP as One Liad claims... why was their correspondence with GOJ officials?
3. Where is their communication with JLP officials who purportedly they represented?
4. Why were they attending meetings as part of official GOJ delegations?
5. Why did MPP register with State as a foreign agent representing GOJ??
6. What business does a political party have in a state to state extradition proceeding? What is the JLP interest in that if not to "protect" one of their power Dudus?
What Gelding has tried to establish is what the CIA calls "plausible deniability"... covering the dirty tracks of his corruption of government and protection of an international criminal.
One Liad has blurred the definition of where the GOJ stops and the JLP begins... indeed there is no division of the 2 entities in this case...a further corruption of an already rotten shytstem
An inveterate liar... One
As I've said before #6 above is the one the spinners have a hard time dealing with. Hence they never address it.
Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.
Gelding practices an inept sophistry....The problem for One Liad is:
1. Who did Manatt ACT for... the JLP or the GOJ? ... the contractual relationship will be established by the ACTIONS of the parties...yes or no?
2. If Manatt was acting for the JLP as One Liad claims... why was their correspondence with GOJ officials?
3. Where is their communication with JLP officials who purportedly they represented?
4. Why were they attending meetings as part of official GOJ delegations?
5. Why did MPP register with State as a foreign agent representing GOJ??
6. What business does a political party have in a state to state extradition proceeding? What is the JLP interest in that if not to "protect" one of their power Dudus?
What Gelding has tried to establish is what the CIA calls "plausible deniability"... covering the dirty tracks of his corruption of government and protection of an international criminal.
One Liad has blurred the definition of where the GOJ stops and the JLP begins... indeed there is no division of the 2 entities in this case...a further corruption of an already rotten shytstem
An inveterate liar... One
Is see yuh trying with the 50 cent impersonation. I guess its same way the flat earthers asked ridiculous questions to convince themselves the earth was flat.
You for one was insisting the gov't was trying to get Dudus off ... well based on what is coming out thus far, you were way off base. Kinda like how you were way off when you predicted that the gov't would mess up the IMF deal. At some point you need to adopt the concept of silence is golden.
"Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)