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China does everything on a large scale..

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  • #31
    What did I tell you about China and their money I felt like just stop reading. You are just saying what I'm saying in a round about way.
    Nope ... that book you seem to hold as a bible seems to be limiting you. Things are much more complicated. Books are good but spend some time reading/listening what the Chinese say about themselves and their aspirations...ditto the Russians, Indians etc. Which means you would need to access their media...it is clear you do not currently.

    You seem to be too taken with Western opinions...so your own opinions are unbalanced....broaden the spectrum

    [COLOR=red]The US has to be in Afghanistan but the dynamics have changed and the bear would rather see the eagle there than the dragon. India isn't comfortable with the dragon's rise hence forging closer ties with the Eagle.[/COLOR
    That's common knowledge...glad that you begin to see the game. The only recourse China has in Central Asia/Caspian Basin ...is to splash around the cash and buy influence... China has zero military assets and currently zero military potential in the area to advance its national interest....let's see how far that advances them against the legacy powers...USA and Russia

    The dragon doesn't have to be physically in the region; it can influence it by pulling pakistan under its spehere of influence.
    Nothing new...Pakistan vacillates between the US and China...to blunt India
    and keep the Muslim fundamentalists at bay

    I guess you still cannot see the strategic importance of Afghanistan; speak to military officer (by showing him the map without names) and you will know (don't even tell him about the resources). Taiwan pales in comparison.

    You have a fundamental misunderstanding of China/Taiwan.

    The Kuomintang fled there from the Red Army and established that island as an independent country with the support of the West.

    This is an emotional issue for China...they see Taiwan as a renegade province and will not stop until it is controlled by the mainland...this is not a matter of IF... it's a matter of WHEN... 10-20-30 years...whatever..that's guaranteed...unless the Communist Party is dethroned in China. Taiwan is more than an irritant for China...it's a National Priority

    That is their #1 foreign policy objective...all else is subservient to that goal... and their foreign/military policy otherwise is aimed at securing raw materials (energy included) to fuel their growth and protecting the sea lanes that their trade depends on.

    You claim the dragon doesn't have the military power to project across land (key operative here) yet they will have the pwoer to reintegrate Taiwan. Are you crazy? Look at the map and you will see what the eagle is doing.The dragon hasn't finished refitting the used aircraft carrier (hence we can see engineering hurdles here), the dragon would have to then build up a huge naval force in the region against the Eagle and the rising sun (for Taiwan? when if patience and skill is used a pipeline for the addiction could lead to it's lair) The dragon has been seduced into an addiction to oil and at the same time the eagle controls the key point to the black gold. The Dragon needs the prize that lies west of its lair via land.
    It would help you to leggo the colourful language and get down to brass tacks.

    To understand geo-politics you need to understand warfare...not just politics. China does not need a huge fleet to compete head to head with the US in retaking Taiwan. All they need is sufficient force to DETER the US from acting in Taiwan's defence as Clinton did 1n 1995 by sending 2 aircraft carrier led battle groups to the South China Sea when a then weak China threatened Taiwan.
    Recall that the US has its forces dispersed globally and the US tends to get involved in stupid wars.. weakening its response further. Recall also that China has a credible ability to destroy US cities now...and no way will the US be risking Washington/LA/New York for Taipei.... so all China needs is a credible conventional deterrence in the Western Pacific/South China Sea region to invade Taiwan or foment political change otherwise.

    What Beijing is promoting is called asymmetric warfare.. or Anti Access/Area Denial strategy in this case...to build the capacity to control their immediate neighborhood ..especially to the east......do some research on the concept.
    While the US military MUST be downsized because it's currently unaffordable...China's is in a massive upgrade...focused on its east coast and oriented towards retaking Taiwan.

    You really need Warfare 101 class. Your problem may be you are merely looking at the situation TODAY...and discounting where the current trajectory indicates that the situation will be in 20 years time when the Chinese economy may be larger than the US...all bets are off then... the world will be different.

    Over time (possibly another sixty years or so) Joshua will emerge as Ja's greatest leader. Joshua's down fall came because of being a baby in the realm of geo politics (just as yourself and others in JA). You just came around but I'm consistent. When the aristide crisis came about I stood alone on this forum saying the then PNP should leave it alone and not butt heads with the US. When most were jumping through hoops about China, I said the then PNP govt, should walk away from them (for the interest of the people and stability of the nation). What seems to kill JA is the lack of a national policy, everyone is just out to skim something off the top and line their pockets. None od thes politicians want to roll up their sleeves and work (as Joshua did).
    You are confused by a mindless idolatry

    Joshua sent some of you to schools (so you could come back with knowledge to help your fellowmen) did you return? Look at Ja's infrastrucre. Where are our civil engineers? We should now be able to have resovoirs undergrond and in mountains if possible. There should not be shortage of water on the island (instead we sit every year praying that it will rain according to the seasons). The highways for rapid movement of goods and services were built with expertise from abroad (this plunging the island in further debt).
    Wherever a Jamaican is...he can work for Jamaica's betterment...often at a greater level than being home. Some pursue promoting Cake Soap Kulcha...others build education....pick yuh chice

    What are YOU doing?? Apart from mindless internet chatter that is..
    I would propose that JA become the first nation to move the ministry of Education out of politics. Let it become national security akin to the JDF and moneyor budget to be casted accordingly for that ministry. You guys don't seem to see the impending danger for the island. Ja has some very bright and ambitious people (meaning the man or woman you see on the construction site,or selling on the streets could have been the island's scientist, engineer, economist,political scientist et al) but it's the lack of educational opportunities that's killing the island.

    BTW one book could not have given you such an analysis.

    Last edited by Don1; January 30, 2011, 05:21 PM.

    Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

    D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


    • #32
      This a walk in the park for me. On normal day I would have said checkmate and told you to stop, but I liked the fact that you came to bat. If a did sound clash you would haffi pack up an go home long time. Bass dis ah nuh toy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3_HPVYfknM mi really haffi laugh

      Okay first you said China couldn't influence that region because those states were part of the soviet Union and Russia had first dibs. I let that slide because I thought you were coming with some heavy stuff. I gave you some time. Let me ask you this: Where is Ukraine (the heart and soul of the soviet Union, without Ukraine Russia will not be an empire in this age again)? Let me tell you. Ukraine is now nestled in NATO under the bossom of the eagle. That talk is essentially dead.

      That's common knowledge...glad that you begin to see the game. The only recourse China has in Central Asia/Caspian Basin ...is to splash around the cash and buy influence... China has zero military assets and currently zero military potential in the area to advance its national interest....let's see how far that advances them against the legacy powers...USA and Russia

      But yuh nuh easy? Thought you said China could not influence that region.

      I notice when you guys get cornered, you reach for that 10-20-100 years argument. Guess what if the eagle has to wait a hundred years then it's not for us but for our grand kids to worry about okay.

      Twenty years china's economy will surpass that of the US with whose oil? You are back to what I'm saying they need that treasure to the west badly. Do you really think the dragon will go head to head with the Eagle and lose all it has just for taiwan? (when it can hope to get the treasure to the west and have real power to then demand Taiwan as it did with Hong Kong. Hong is physically connected in case you missed that)

      Do you really think the dragon can should down the eagle's capability in space? Who gave them the knowledge to be up there? You live in the eagle's nest , pay attention to some the launches. Nuff said there.

      China does not need a huge fleet to compete head to head with the US in retaking Taiwan. All they need is sufficient force to DETER the US from acting in Taiwan's defence as Clinton did 1n 1995 by sending 2 aircraft carrier led battle groups to the South China Sea when a then weak China threatened Taiwan.

      Really now? Maybe the Tibetan Lamas taught them how to walk on water because I don't know how else they will counter the Eagle. Boss lear this: Taiwan is the line in the sand. The US is committed to defend them. Next they will have to turn tail and run from japan, next Hawii, are you crazy?

      They need nuclear powered aircraft carriers. Did your Aussie magazine tell you if they started to build yet? (granted they can't hide this).

      Two things you said that told me you did not really understand what's going on (a) The Eagle is spread thin and cannot afford to fight (not even the dragon believes that deception, as it's very much the opposite) The US has to cut back in spending; yes because their budget is way bigger than that of the dragon (who is not even building a nuclear powered sub nor aircraft carrier) do you understand the gap bewteen the Dragon and the eagle in terms of Military technology? I don't think you do.

      (b) Muslim fundamentalism: You have no clue to this matrix so I will stop there and leave you with this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WiTvU1yn7E0


      Had to wrap it up and nip it in the bud because I'm not going to be around tomorrow. Catch my Joshua lecture in another thread.

      Last edited by Jawge; January 30, 2011, 11:04 PM.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Jawge View Post
        This a walk in the park for me. On normal day I would have said checkmate and told you to stop, but I liked the fact that you came to bat. If a did sound clash you would haffi pack up an go home long time. Bass dis ah nuh toy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3_HPVYfknM mi really haffi laugh
        Look like yuh unda di influence yahsuh... gwaan fulljoy dat

        Okay first you said China couldn't influence that region because those states were part of the soviet Union and Russia had first dibs. I let that slide because I thought you were coming with some heavy stuff. I gave you some time. Let me ask you this: Where is Ukraine (the heart and soul of the soviet Union, without Ukraine Russia will not be an empire in this age again)? Let me tell you. Ukraine is now nestled in NATO under the bossom of the eagle. That talk is essentially dead.
        More konfusion fram yuh... yuh start wid China den segue to Ukraine...ah wha duh yuh??... talk sense nuh.

        Russia days pon top dun fi now...dat ah one 2nd tier power...but Ukraine ah fi im football... Russia dun oversee Yanukovych's return to powa an fi now ave dat unda control...China nuh ave nuh talk dehsuh...Ukraine ah sway between NATO/EU an Russia... rite now Russia deh pon top dehsuh

        Look like yuh behind times yute man... upgrade yuhself

        That's common knowledge...glad that you begin to see the game. The only recourse China has in Central Asia/Caspian Basin ...is to splash around the cash and buy influence... China has zero military assets and currently zero military potential in the area to advance its national interest....let's see how far that advances them against the legacy powers...USA and Russia

        But yuh nuh easy? Thought you said China could not influence that region.
        Nope... I said the only influence China has is economic...it has zero military presence in the region and is trying to BUY influence... try unnastan di rake...

        I notice when you guys get cornered, you reach for that 10-20-100 years argument. Guess what if the eagle has to wait a hundred years then it's not for us but for our grand kids to worry about okay.
        Cornered?? Are you fi reel??

        Mi hope to Jah to be be alive & functional inna 20 years...if not mi.... definitely mi pickney dem. Look like yuh feel seh ah lang time dat... if ah suh yuh feel...yuh more hopeless dan mi did believe....Rise fram yuh Sleepless Slumba

        Twenty years china's economy will surpass that of the US with whose oil? You are back to what I'm saying they need that treasure to the west badly. Do you really think the dragon will go head to head with the Eagle and lose all it has just for taiwan? (when it can hope to get the treasure to the west and have real power to then demand Taiwan as it did with Hong Kong. Hong is physically connected in case you missed that)
        Is time yuh learn din Golden Rule... Gold Rule... an China ave dat now...an aggo ave more inna di future...whey ChineyMan nuh ave...dat aggo buy whichever part it deh

        Ah suh di ting set...look like yuh nuh realize seh di US cyaan afford fi China stumble...(an vice versa)... if dat appen ...who aggo lend dem money fi run di economy??

        Get real...look like yuh ah one neophyte inna dis

        Do you really think the dragon can should down the eagle's capability in space? Who gave them the knowledge to be up there? You live in the eagle's nest , pay attention to some the launches. Nuff said there.
        As mi seh ...research asymmetric warfare

        Really now? Maybe the Tibetan Lamas taught them how to walk on water because I don't know how else they will counter the Eagle. Boss lear this: Taiwan is the line in the sand. The US is committed to defend them. Next they will have to turn tail and run from japan, next Hawii, are you crazy?
        Not crazy...just trying to teach you about the coming changes in the world.

        But yuh cyan gwaan lean pon yuh owna misunderstandin

        They need nuclear powered aircraft carriers. Did your Aussie magazine tell you if they started to build yet? (granted they can't hide this).
        It's useless to argue military affairs with the uninitiated...so I won't.

        Two things you said that told me you did not really understand what's going on (a) The Eagle is spread thin and cannot afford to fight (not even the dragon believes that deception, as it's very much the opposite) The US has to cut back in spending; yes because their budget is way bigger than that of the dragon (who is not even building a nuclear powered sub nor aircraft carrier) do you understand the gap bewteen the Dragon and the eagle in terms of Military technology? I don't think you do.
        Eveyone knows there's a gap...that's why the asymmetric warfare principle is operative.. There's no need to match global forces...only to deter retaliation in your local area where your immediate objective is....and deter strategic attack with a credible nuclear retaliation.

        Too complicated fi yuh.

        (b) Muslim fundamentalism: You have no clue to this matrix so I will stop there and leave you with this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WiTvU1yn7E0

        Mi nuh ave tim fi watch foolfool video...suh mek dat rest.


        [COLOR=red][COLOR=red]Had to wrap it up and nip it in the bud because I'm not going to be around tomorrow. Catch my Joshua lecture in another thread.
        Mi nuh tink dat lecture important or relevant ...suh check smaddy else

        Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

        D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


        • #34
          Okay so you are saying Russia will regain the Ukraine? Tell me you are joking. I used to Ukraine argument to show that if they can leave, then the other small guys will run to the arms of the west.

          Boss read likkle history nuh. Cho. China will put money first as all hegemonies do (even crack dealers give free samples) then over time treaties and understanding are signed then troops are there as advisors and the works. The US called it carrot and stick (in the sense they use muscle where the goodies fail). They want what's west of them but they are waiting for the eagle's power to wane (use your map and check all the major oil producing points in Eurasia)

          I see you following the sound bites and talking about China lending US money to run the country. You guys are like the hippies of 60s (who dust off them selves whenever the US goes to war) Boss they same BS was said of Japan. Do you really believe that China is in the far east calling the shots here in the US? If you do I have some 30% interest (a month) investmets and a bridge to sell you.

          They can have all kind of warfare that they want, the line is drawn, it's now up to a bad boy to cross it. What you should worry about is how the present govt. shares the same sentiments you have for the dragon and will face the wrath of the eagle. You should show real concern but I guess the US bruk and ah china ah finance dem. Continue at your own peril.


          • #35
            1. Japan didn't have nuclear weapons pointed at US cities and threaten to use them as the Chinese do from time to time...in fact Japan was then and is now occupied by US forces...only fools equate 1980s Japan with 21st century China.

            The 2 countries are interdependent...one cannot prosper without the other...at the moment.

            2. The US bruk...and China holds $1Trillion worth of US debt. US bills cannot be paid without China's and other's purchase of US debt

            I don't know why you keep harping on the Ukraine...a country in the Russian orbit where China has no talk...shows that you are seriously misguided and confused.

            I think you're better off sticking to the Joshua Fables.... it look like yuh more competent pon dat.

            Leff geo-political affairs to adults.

            Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

            D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


            • #36
              and if I said the Soviet Union had missiles pointed at the Us you will ah but they didn't hold a trillion in treasury notes, but continue man.

              US bruk don't? Now mi see why yuh nuh waan talk bout Joshua; cause him sen yuh way fi come learn a it look like yuh fooler dan when yuh did deh ah yaad. Small wonder Ja has so much money issues. Noss how yuh fi inna di richest country inna di werl an ah talk say it bruk? Yuh know when ah country nuh haff nuh money? Cho

              Boss mi haff more tings fi talk bout (an yuh dun dead aready) so mi ah go low yuh.


              • #37
                Good post!
                "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                • #38
                  yes low mi... yuh confusion mighta infectious

                  Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                  D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007

