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Fortes en Fide et Opere

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  • #91
    I wasn't sure where to put this post as the thread is so long...but this seems a good spot. It IS NOT wrong to celebrate our best, however the SYSTEM says the best are those who pass ten CXCc with distinctions. Great!

    ...but it is IMO too narrow a spectrum to measure success. The system needs to expand and offer students more of what we might need as a country...I have always said we should have for example, "Tourism" taught as a subject, courses on starting a small business, entrepreneurship, auto mechanics, music production etc. ALL integrated into "normal" High School. Introduce co-op programmes for students in 5th Form for whom there is no CAPE subject to cater to their needs. Begin to remove the stigma attached to academic achievement in the areas other than the traditional academic areas, and teach the people what they need to know...

    The other socioeconomic challenges are what they are... but the curriculum is key. It needs to be broadened and tailored to meet students needs.

    The way we evaluate achievement needs to also be looked at; a 100% high stakes winner takes all exam needs to be re-thought. it is not a reflection of reality and only caters to those who can prepare for such tests and not necessarily those who can perform the best over a period of time. Our education system churns out too many "educated" dunces.
    Last edited by Peter R; January 15, 2011, 06:41 PM.
    Peter R

