Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.
The cellphone of course. lol. Mi no name et al. still. Or is it the rolls? Couldn't be the woman..the browning...without jewelry..the man blinging more...
At the same time let me point out that I have nothiing against "brownings" as they are in my family. Matter of fact I'm not against any race (as I'm too enligtened for that).
What I hope to display is the power of symbology. The power of the mechnaisms and devices that re still place on the island. One great leader tried to tackle the problem ( I will discuss in another thread later) but to little avail.
Imagine demand our football players to attain great heights when in truth the symbols, mechanisms etc cause most of us to view them with disdain. In short we are quick to say they don't amount to much. Why? the above article is part of the story.