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Vaz Assault sparks Media Fears of Political Intimidation

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  • Vaz Assault sparks Media Fears of Political Intimidation

    Once a Thug...Always & Forever a Thug.

    Journalists concerned over Vaz attack
    Call for dialogue between Government and media
    Jamaica Observer
    Tuesday, November 30, 2010

    THE Press Association of Jamaica (PAJ) is expressing concern following the confrontation between information minister Daryl Vaz and Sunday Herald journalist Christine King on Friday.
    King was at a function speaking to members of the Vaz family when she claimed that the minister confronted her.

    "Suddenly, this man was in my face using expletives while attacking me about a story referring to his taxes that was scheduled to be published in the Sunday Herald on Sunday November 28. I was taken aback," said King in a letter to PAJ president Jenni Campbell, which was relayed in a statement this morning.
    She wrote that she was stunned at what she said was minister’s threatening and abusive behaviour.
    "As a member of the media I take great offence from the minister, a public official, being verbally abusive to me about a story to be published in my newspaper. And as a woman also, I take great affront of the minister coming up into my face and using expletives to me," she said.
    Vaz had himself complained to the PAJ about the article and denied allegations contained in it that he owes $400 million in taxes. He has said he will sue the Sunday Herald.
    THE PAJ said that with the incident occurring on the eve of National Journalism Week, it highlighted the need for dialogue when persons, including public officials, feel they are wronged by the press.
    "The PAJ rejects and condemns any attack, verbal or otherwise, against journalists. We urge persons who feel they have been wronged by the press to use existing channels, including the courts, to settle grievances," said the PAJ.
    The association added that it is working to establish its own self-monitoring mechanism, which will allow the airing of these issues.
    "Abusive words, intended or not, serve only to block the free flow of information and further foster the perception of distrust and corruption."
    Media houses are also encouraged by the PAJ to adopt its code of practice, which was ratified by the organisation, to better educate the public as to what they can expect of journalists.
    "We push for our membership to adapt the Code of Practice that was ratified by the organisation and operate within the agreed statutes so that the public will know what to expect of us as we carry out our duties," the PAJ said.
    "This recent episode between a public official and a media practitioner highlights the urgent need for representatives of the government to sit with the PAJ informally at the Press Club and exchange views on how we see media operating in a developing country like Jamaica."
    Related stories:

    Read more: http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/Journ...#ixzz16mN6MJxv

    Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

    D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007

  • #2
    That the intention. Act uncivilized and the rest of society should cower, and roll over in a supine surrender. Is that the society we are trying to build?


    • #3

      Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


      • #4
        So, is it not quite reasonable that a Minister, also a human, was so outraged by the abuse of press privilege that he spontaneously exploded with outrage? Has anyone here never been outraged and expressed spontaneous verbal tirades because of a perceived horrible injustice?
        "Jah Jah see dem a come, but I & I a Conqueror!"


        • #5
          i think it is reasonable to have a higher expectation for an elected member of parliament...
          'to get what we've never had, we MUST do what we've never done'


          • #6
            And it is quite reasonable that an elected official might see a journalist who is about to post another story with personal information and explode. Especially after that person is also responsible for posting the address of you and your wife's home in the newspaper.

            Should do better, but it can happen and has happened many times all over the world.


            • #7
              caan gi him di launch code


              • #8
                anything is possible... however, it is the expectation that really matters... the expectation is, the mp should be knowledgeable of the necessary recourse for seeking redress of issues he considers particularly vexing...
                'to get what we've never had, we MUST do what we've never done'


                • #9
                  But you know we are all civilized people here on the forum and we would never resort to such uncouth behavior now would we...
                  Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
                  Che Guevara.


                  • #10
                    I agree. But can you also agree that most reasonable people can also be exasperated?
                    "Jah Jah see dem a come, but I & I a Conqueror!"


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Sickko View Post
                      But you know we are all civilized people here on the forum and we would never resort to such uncouth behavior now would we...

                      Life is a system of half-truths and lies, opportunistic, convenient evasion.”
                      - Langston Hughes


                      • #12
                        Baddaz, I am putting aside my politics and I concede to you that MPs should normally be aware of how the media work. However, I can tell you from my experience that the press has used some really dirty tactics against me, here in the US, and I knew better. But on occasion, I felt totally exasperated, responded as such, and it was in front of tv cameras and then on the evening news.

                        Whether for political point making or for ratings, many in the media cross the line and push buttons or infuriate folks on purpose. Then they will appear, all smiles, near you at functions and pretend as though nothing happened. It is difficult to resist approaching them to argue with them about their tactics. Being human we can lose it.

                        I am sure I have had much better training than Vaz, during my career, re dealing with the media. Yet, I sometimes lose it with them.

                        Regarding Vaz' case, I don't know whether he is right about the facts. But I am arguing that in the event he is right about the facts, I would not rule out the possibility that he could be so infuriated that his human side instead of his intellect caused his outburst.
                        "Jah Jah see dem a come, but I & I a Conqueror!"


                        • #13
                          noooo... none of us would ever descend to such depths... not at all...
                          'to get what we've never had, we MUST do what we've never done'


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Westman View Post
                            So, is it not quite reasonable that a Minister, also a human, was so outraged by the abuse of press privilege that he spontaneously exploded with outrage? Has anyone here never been outraged and expressed spontaneous verbal tirades because of a perceived horrible injustice?
                            Do better than that Westman regardless party or noy.


                            • #15
                              westman, i fully understand how the press, under the 'guise of conducting their jobs' can really exasperate people... however, in the case of vaz who is an elected official, much more is expected... afterall, he is the minister of state for information who should know how to deal with the press... he is nothing but a thug in 'high' places... its the actions of the 'privileged' in jamaican society... loud up people and talk down to them simply because they feel they are 'bigger' and more powerful... i cannot cut vaz any slack with this attack on the woman... i'm more embarassed for him...

                              the worst part is vaz cannot provide any proof that the story was inaccurate... he owed taxes and an arrangement was made between his company and the tax office... it appears he is mostly upset because the info was not supposed to be made public but somehow it found its way out there...
                              'to get what we've never had, we MUST do what we've never done'

