"We should not have a black man/muslim/immigrant/foriegner running these United States of America"
That is what it means!
"Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)
The Dems have passed sweeping social legistlation before and have paid the price for it even though history proves them to be correct.
It is said that when LBJ signed the Civil Rights bill he said "we have lost the South for a generation" and it seems as if he underestimated how long it would be.
When Medicare passed Ronald Reagan told people it was a socialist takeover and their house and car would be next. Today the teabaggers are saying that the govt "better not touch our Medicare". How more effing ignorant can you get than that?
It could very well turn out that if the the current health reform bill survives, history will prove it to be a great piece of legistlation passed mostly due to Obama and Pelosi but it did not translate into electoral success.
Interesting two years ahead in US politics, lets watch Obama the chess master at work.
That is why I rather like the term OBAMACARE!!!!
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
I assume it means the following: (1) No mandated gov healthcare (2) Less Gov spending (3) Less Gov regulation? and???
...and then disaster!
The biggest joke the politicians make is - Government provide no jobs!
Just imagine that is said when -
1. Government is the single largest employer!
2. Government provide innovations that the private sector uses to exploit and grow selves.
3. Government provides the bedrock of 'training of the workforce' - think
school(ing) at various levels providing cradle to grave training.
4. Government being the single largest of consumer.
5. ...then you have the various grants and subsidized funding at just about every level...
...but then politicians and their willing corporate allies have from time immemorial always treat voters lacka ediat!
...just imagine what the RNC and their allies have done to freeze credit and reduce employment? I wonder if now the RNC has the HOUSE credit will suddenly become nmore easily available, hirering suddenly surges...production sudden increases - warehouses suddenly start hold larger inventories...'money start flow' in economy?
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
Dem hear it nuff time suh dem tink seh di Health care nuh good. Ah who seh merican people hab sense, di most gullible inna di worl, membah yuh heard it yah suh fuss. Ah set of ignaramus (a wud dat mi gwann inna mi head yah now)
but wi cuss wi owna people when wi vote fi Sistah P. Hell, Jamaica has NEVER voted for Sistah P!
And I guess Americans have never voted for Sarah Palin needah. But they did vote for George W TWICE! And they have given that duncebat Palin too much air time!
Right pan dat, more like tek di ooman life ebrytime seh sumpn. An ready fi cuss out wi owna people dem seh wi ah idiot an illiterate an fool fool, but mi nuh hear nuhbady ah call di idiot pale dem yahsuh illiterate an nah nuh sense. Who illiterate more dan dem yah pale an dis ah developed country, ah joke ting dis. Ah suh nuff ah wi stay, kyaan eben call a spade when it ah stare yuh inna di face, especially when wi deh ah foreign, wi is a likkah Frighten Friday to foreign.