Samuda, Jampro endorse 'Made In Jamaica Catalogue'
Published: Friday | October 29, 2010 0 Comments and 0 Reactions

Deika Morrison, creator of the 'Made in Jamaica Catalogue'.
Deika Morrison's project, the 'Made in Jamaica Catalogue', was endorsed Monday by Industry Minister Karl Samuda and Jampro,
one of the agencies under his wing, as part of efforts to further promote and advertise local sellers, suppliers and investors, particularly to overseas markets.
The product has already been endorsed by several public- and private sector agencies, including the Jamaica Manufacturers' Association (JMA).
The Made in Jamaica Catalogue is a first-of-its-kind online and print catalogue of products made in Jamaica.
Morrison said the publication was a simple and convenient showcase of the availability of quality Jamaican products and services.
"Up to now, there was no single publication that shows, in a world-class format, what Jamaica produces. It is easier to buy Jamaican here and abroad if there is an attractive reference guide of options," she said.
"With the catalogue, suppliers and investors have one place to peruse, in print and online, Jamaican products and see what Jamaica can produce," she remarked.
She noted that, especially for overseas buyers, suppliers and investors, the catalogue also features an 'Eat, Play, Stay' section, which highlights places at which to eat, be entertained and to stay in Jamaica.
"To illustrate the uniqueness, mystique and allure of Jamaica, Made in Jamaica Catalogue is infused with snippets of Jamaica's rich culture, heritage, language and images of the breathtakingly beautiful and diverse country," she said.
The annual catalogue is already accessible online, and becomes available in print form in December, free of cost.
"Whatever you would have taken to buy the catalogue, please use it to buy a (product) or a service or eat, play, stay at one of the places in the catalogue - support what you see there," she implored.
Samuda said the product would go a far way in promoting Jamaica.
"It will help us immensely to project the real image of Jamaica, rather than to suffer some of the negatives that we have to experience from time to time," he said.
He, however, cautioned that the catalogue could also hurt Jamaica's image if the products and services advertised are not of a continuously high standard.
Samuda argued that if the suppliers are unable to provide the products that they advertise on a regular basis in the quantities that are ordered, and if they are not consistently delivered on time, it can do more harm for Brand Jamaica than good.
"There can be nothing worse than advertising a bad product. The catalogue can be a great success, but it depends on those who commit themselves to advertise their goods in that catalogue to be a genuine partner for success," he said.
The catalogue will be available at all Jampro offices and Jamaican embassies overseas, as well as locally at government ministries.
President of Jampro, Sancia Bennett-Templer, said the catalogue had her agency's full endorsement, and that it would be distributed at Jampro's trade shows and incorporated into its marketing efforts.
Bennett-Templer suggested the catalogue's use in promoting Jamaican products and services at the 2012 Olympics in London, adding that the catalogue's website,, would be linked to Jampro's for easy access.
(Editor's Note: Morrison currently writes a series of articles for The Gleaner showcasing the investments in product, services and jobs by Jamaican companies.)
Published: Friday | October 29, 2010 0 Comments and 0 Reactions

Deika Morrison, creator of the 'Made in Jamaica Catalogue'.
Deika Morrison's project, the 'Made in Jamaica Catalogue', was endorsed Monday by Industry Minister Karl Samuda and Jampro,
one of the agencies under his wing, as part of efforts to further promote and advertise local sellers, suppliers and investors, particularly to overseas markets.
The product has already been endorsed by several public- and private sector agencies, including the Jamaica Manufacturers' Association (JMA).
The Made in Jamaica Catalogue is a first-of-its-kind online and print catalogue of products made in Jamaica.
Morrison said the publication was a simple and convenient showcase of the availability of quality Jamaican products and services.
"Up to now, there was no single publication that shows, in a world-class format, what Jamaica produces. It is easier to buy Jamaican here and abroad if there is an attractive reference guide of options," she said.
"With the catalogue, suppliers and investors have one place to peruse, in print and online, Jamaican products and see what Jamaica can produce," she remarked.
She noted that, especially for overseas buyers, suppliers and investors, the catalogue also features an 'Eat, Play, Stay' section, which highlights places at which to eat, be entertained and to stay in Jamaica.
"To illustrate the uniqueness, mystique and allure of Jamaica, Made in Jamaica Catalogue is infused with snippets of Jamaica's rich culture, heritage, language and images of the breathtakingly beautiful and diverse country," she said.
The annual catalogue is already accessible online, and becomes available in print form in December, free of cost.
"Whatever you would have taken to buy the catalogue, please use it to buy a (product) or a service or eat, play, stay at one of the places in the catalogue - support what you see there," she implored.
Samuda said the product would go a far way in promoting Jamaica.
"It will help us immensely to project the real image of Jamaica, rather than to suffer some of the negatives that we have to experience from time to time," he said.
He, however, cautioned that the catalogue could also hurt Jamaica's image if the products and services advertised are not of a continuously high standard.
Samuda argued that if the suppliers are unable to provide the products that they advertise on a regular basis in the quantities that are ordered, and if they are not consistently delivered on time, it can do more harm for Brand Jamaica than good.
"There can be nothing worse than advertising a bad product. The catalogue can be a great success, but it depends on those who commit themselves to advertise their goods in that catalogue to be a genuine partner for success," he said.
The catalogue will be available at all Jampro offices and Jamaican embassies overseas, as well as locally at government ministries.
President of Jampro, Sancia Bennett-Templer, said the catalogue had her agency's full endorsement, and that it would be distributed at Jampro's trade shows and incorporated into its marketing efforts.
Bennett-Templer suggested the catalogue's use in promoting Jamaican products and services at the 2012 Olympics in London, adding that the catalogue's website,, would be linked to Jampro's for easy access.
(Editor's Note: Morrison currently writes a series of articles for The Gleaner showcasing the investments in product, services and jobs by Jamaican companies.)