We erred, we apologise
Published: Wednesday | October 27, 2010 0 Comments and 0 Reactions

Dear Reader: It is time for another update on our covenant with you.
We have committed, in our Code of Ethics and Professionalism, to always be accurate and fair in our coverage, at all times. When we err, we have a duty to make prompt corrections.
You have challenged us on a number of occasions over the past few weeks.
The latest includes our story in The Sunday Gleaner (October 24) about a town house [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]development[/COLOR][/COLOR] involving businesswoman Juliet Holness, wife of Education Minister Andrew Holness; and a headline yesterday reporting on comments made by the chief executive officer of the Public Sector Transformation Unit, Patricia Sinclair McCalla.
We are guilty as charged, and we should have done better. Our headline on Sunday, on reflection, should not have mentioned Minister Holness. The story, after all, was not about the minister. The minister, as far as we are aware, is not involved in the development. We erred. We apologise for any inconvenience caused to the minister.
While Mrs Sinclair McCalla, at the parliamentary committee, pointed to the need for a policy decision to push forward a number of her public-sector recommendations, at no point did she say the Bruce Golding Cabinet was dragging its feet on the reform process. We erred. We apologise again and will continue to strive to report accurately and fairly.
We are committed to maintaining a tradition of excellence for our newspapers, reporting news accurately, thoroughly and without bias or malice. When we make a mistake, we will correct it.
We thank you for your vigilance and ask that you continue to watch us closely as we endeavour to keep our covenant with you, our readers.
Garfield Grandison,
Send us your feedback today: editor@gleanerjm.com; you can read our code of ethics at www.[URL="http://www.jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20101027/lead/lead4.html#"][COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]jamaica[/COLOR][/COLOR][/URL]-gleaner.com/editorialpolicy.html
Published: Wednesday | October 27, 2010 0 Comments and 0 Reactions

Dear Reader: It is time for another update on our covenant with you.
We have committed, in our Code of Ethics and Professionalism, to always be accurate and fair in our coverage, at all times. When we err, we have a duty to make prompt corrections.
You have challenged us on a number of occasions over the past few weeks.
The latest includes our story in The Sunday Gleaner (October 24) about a town house [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]development[/COLOR][/COLOR] involving businesswoman Juliet Holness, wife of Education Minister Andrew Holness; and a headline yesterday reporting on comments made by the chief executive officer of the Public Sector Transformation Unit, Patricia Sinclair McCalla.
We are guilty as charged, and we should have done better. Our headline on Sunday, on reflection, should not have mentioned Minister Holness. The story, after all, was not about the minister. The minister, as far as we are aware, is not involved in the development. We erred. We apologise for any inconvenience caused to the minister.
While Mrs Sinclair McCalla, at the parliamentary committee, pointed to the need for a policy decision to push forward a number of her public-sector recommendations, at no point did she say the Bruce Golding Cabinet was dragging its feet on the reform process. We erred. We apologise again and will continue to strive to report accurately and fairly.
We are committed to maintaining a tradition of excellence for our newspapers, reporting news accurately, thoroughly and without bias or malice. When we make a mistake, we will correct it.
We thank you for your vigilance and ask that you continue to watch us closely as we endeavour to keep our covenant with you, our readers.
Garfield Grandison,
Send us your feedback today: editor@gleanerjm.com; you can read our code of ethics at www.[URL="http://www.jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20101027/lead/lead4.html#"][COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]jamaica[/COLOR][/COLOR][/URL]-gleaner.com/editorialpolicy.html