"The KSAC market [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]offices[/color][/color] will be on top and a 4G business centre will be below for the vendors - in effect, a micro-business centre. It is our vision that, at the end of the day, the market will become a tourist attraction. So if they want to run a little business, such as business cards or calendars to give customers, that's an option," the Digicel Foundation chair explained.
"For Phase two, also, we are going to have murals put up that depict the history of the market, and we are going to have little signs that also tell you how the fruits came to Jamaica. So the history of each fruit will be here also."
"Even the greatest cynic, I think, would be impressed with the new Coronation Market," Town Clerk Errol Greene told The Sunday Gleaner.
We love fi talk bout Mash down instead of building up. Thank you Mr Obrien.
"For Phase two, also, we are going to have murals put up that depict the history of the market, and we are going to have little signs that also tell you how the fruits came to Jamaica. So the history of each fruit will be here also."
"Even the greatest cynic, I think, would be impressed with the new Coronation Market," Town Clerk Errol Greene told The Sunday Gleaner.
We love fi talk bout Mash down instead of building up. Thank you Mr Obrien.