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Bruce Indecisiveness

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  • Bruce Indecisiveness

    Lazie, a writer raised a point that alot of the issues facing Bruce currently is because of his indecisiveness in handling situations. What's your thoughts on this? For example, Samuda rebutting Bruce in public, should that not be handled firmly with a statement and reprimand by Bruce. Also, I read the write-up from Brady Re: the lawsuit and based on waht Brady said, Bruce did nothing wrong. It was his handling of the situation and him not being firm, clear, and transparent.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Plush View Post
    Lazie, a writer raised a point that alot of the issues facing Bruce currently is because of his indecisiveness in handling situations. What's your thoughts on this? For example, Samuda rebutting Bruce in public, should that not be handled firmly with a statement and reprimand by Bruce. Also, I read the write-up from Brady Re: the lawsuit and based on waht Brady said, Bruce did nothing wrong. It was his handling of the situation and him not being firm, clear, and transparent.
    People interpret things the way they wish. Obama is seen as being methodical Bruce is seen as indecisive.

    Samuda said the PM was given wrong information, I don't see what the deal is. How does Brady's standing in the JLP affect the price of rice?
    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


    • #3
      Originally posted by Lazie View Post
      Samuda said the PM was given wrong information, I don't see what the deal is. How does Brady's standing in the JLP affect the price of rice?
      what was the wrong information? his membership in the JLP on account of his non-payment of dues, or the story about him being kicked off all govt. boards on account of his screw-up of the MPP deal?



      • #4
        Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
        what was the wrong information? his membership in the JLP on account of his non-payment of dues, or the story about him being kicked off all govt. boards on account of his screw-up of the MPP deal?
        wait fi the court hearings nuh .....
        "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


        • #5
          or the enquiry!




          • #6
            Who is in charge of the JLP or the government? Someone gave Bruce wrong information that resulted in him lying, looking stupid, or giving out wrong information in public. Was anyone reprimanded for this? Shouldn't a leader return and retract his statement and then punish someone? Or Samuda rebuttal is good enough? Lazie, you brough up Obama, what do you think Mr Obama would have done if one of his trusted comrades gave him wrong information and led him to misinform the public. Or Maybe when Bruce was making his statements he was as a disgruntled JLP leader and not the Prime Minister so it doesn't matter?


            • #7
              Originally posted by Plush View Post
              Who is in charge of the JLP or the government? Someone gave Bruce wrong information that resulted in him lying, looking stupid, or giving out wrong information in public. Was anyone reprimanded for this? Shouldn't a leader return and retract his statement and then punish someone? Or Samuda rebuttal is good enough? Lazie, you brough up Obama, what do you think Mr Obama would have done if one of his trusted comrades gave him wrong information and led him to misinform the public. Or Maybe when Bruce was making his statements he was as a disgruntled JLP leader and not the Prime Minister so it doesn't matter?
              Again, what does Brady's standing in the JLP have to do with national issues? Come on dude!
              "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


              • #8
                what?!?!?!!? you cannot be serious!

                BLACK LIVES MATTER


                • #9
                  dem have strength fi Brady, not the persons supplying wrong info. and you know why? - no one was supplying any wrong info. Bruce was just lying his teeth off, as usual!

                  BLACK LIVES MATTER


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
                    dem have strength fi Brady, not the persons supplying wrong info. and you know why? - no one was supplying any wrong info. Bruce was just lying his teeth off, as usual!

                    I guess you would know. Why was it reported that many members of the party was rushing to get their account/status in order? Another lie by Golding?
                    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Lazie View Post
                      I guess you would know. Why was it reported that many members of the party was rushing to get their account/status in order? Another lie by Golding?
                      can't keep up with Bruce's lies! Can you?

                      BLACK LIVES MATTER


                      • #12
                        I hear yuh Lazie, so it's ok for Bruce to supply the wrong information to the public as much as he wants as long as it has nothing to do with "National issues"?
                        Brady allegedly brought shame to Jamaica on the internationl scene may I remind you of some of the impact.
                        1) ABC News carrying a story that Bruce was mixed with the Tivoli gang
                        2) The story being run on the fron page of New York times
                        3) US/JA relations negatively impacted
                        4) An International law firm making accusations against the JA govt.

                        You're right Lazie, not a national issue, It's an international one.
                        and lest your forget. the JLP runs the government so the question of Brady's status,after allegedly causing so much shame, is relevant to the JLP, the Government, and the Nation.
                        For the record, one more time. Bruce is the leader of the JLP. the JLP was voted in by the Jamaican people. The JLP forms the government. get the connection now?


                        • #13
                          i was befuddled myself!

                          BLACK LIVES MATTER


                          • #14
                            well den it look like "mission accomplished"!!

                            Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine

