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  • #16
    yep...self hate combined with defence of the class interest = Brown Man Time

    Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

    D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


    • #17
      You are absolutely right Mosiah. This out of many one people BS seems to be the last refuge of some people in Jamaica, who in my opinion are nothing but scoundrels who want to continue exploiting people of African descent throughout Jamaica and the wider Caribbean. Jamaicans have to come to terms with racism and have a frank and open debate about the subject, rather than shoving it farther and farther under the rug. Countries that opened the debate, notably Brazil, Columbia, the Andean countries seem to making trmendous strides. Everytime you try to discuss the subject in Jamaica, some idiot tells you "Jamaica's problem is one of class and not race". Come on, enough of that BS argument. The same people who put that argument forward, are the same set of Caribbean people who used to check "OTHER" as their race on application forms when I was a young student back in the days. They were also the ones who ended up in psych counseling when they are treated as less than white by the real white man. So they return to the Caribbean and keep up the bulls all over, because they know that the people are not going to call them out on the subjact.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Reggaedoc View Post
        You are absolutely right Mosiah. This out of many one people BS seems to be the last refuge of some people in Jamaica, who in my opinion are nothing but scoundrels who want to continue exploiting people of African descent throughout Jamaica and the wider Caribbean. Jamaicans have to come to terms with racism and have a frank and open debate about the subject, rather than shoving it farther and farther under the rug. Countries that opened the debate, notably Brazil, Columbia, the Andean countries seem to making trmendous strides. Everytime you try to discuss the subject in Jamaica, some idiot tells you "Jamaica's problem is one of class and not race". Come on, enough of that BS argument. The same people who put that argument forward, are the same set of Caribbean people who used to check "OTHER" as their race on application forms when I was a young student back in the days. They were also the ones who ended up in psych counseling when they are treated as less than white by the real white man. So they return to the Caribbean and keep up the bulls all over, because they know that the people are not going to call them out on the subjact.

        Dat's why the people them a BLEACH!
        Life is a system of half-truths and lies, opportunistic, convenient evasion.”
        - Langston Hughes


        • #19
          where have you been for the last 10 years!



          • #20
            Out of many one people, until it comes to sharing the spoils of the economy and politics. What has surprised me the most, is the length of time Jmamaicans have drank this poisonous kool aid, and have not questioned this silly paradigm. Well no lie can be hidden forever. It is only a matter of time, and if the JLP continues on its current course it will become as irrelevant as the Afrikaner party in South Africa. That would be a real shame, as we need a viable, nonracist party as opposition. I hope that my gut feeling is wrong.

