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Drivah mek Ethan Hunt look like him nah try

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  • Drivah mek Ethan Hunt look like him nah try

    This is your mission should you choose to accept.

    Capture and extradite the most powerful Don in the History of Jamaica and secure and normalize 'The Mother of all Garrisons'.

    During your mission you must NOT destabilize on-going IMF negotiations or affect the delicate Tourist sector.

    Further you will NOT have the services of an Ambassador to the US.

    Ethan Hunt woulda fling whe dat tape and run like Bolt...

    Drivah seh.. gimme 9 months and mi delivah and mi nuh need nuh epidural !

  • #2
    Drivah have some of the best spin doctors around.....
    Is when im open im mouth that everything start go haywire.
    Unlike you the PM has to has to be mindful of his CREDIBILITY.


    • #3
      Fact of the matter is, Bruce handled the issue in a sloppy manner. Yes, the goal was achieved, but he has given those with an ulterior motive something to hang onto and since empty barrels make the most noise, the Mosiahs, the Don1s, the Portias and the other termites have gotten louder.
      "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


      • #4
        I don't think sloppy comes into play when dealing with 'Mission Impossible'.

        Everyone is a critic.. one person did innah di hot seat and is ongle one person solve di riggle..

        Yapping abounds.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Maudib View Post
          I don't think sloppy comes into play when dealing with 'Mission Impossible'.

          Everyone is a critic.. one person did innah di hot seat and is ongle one person solve di riggle..

          Yapping abounds.

          Bredren, the memo which the numerous small minded people claim to be incriminating proved they had an issue with the evidence. Why the need to get the party involved? If everything had been done in a transparent manner all the empty barrels would affi keep quiet. I'm certain if he had the chance he would have taken a different approach.
          "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


          • #6
            Damned if you do.

            The Yappers would have said the Government is paying to protect a JLP Don.

            Guh watch Hard Talk before you try and second guess the Grand Master.


            • #7
              So typical - Labourites arguing amongst themselves. Keep it up for another 18 years!

              woooiieeee, it sweet mi!

              BLACK LIVES MATTER


              • #8
                Originally posted by Marcus View Post
                Unlike you the PM has to has to be mindful of his CREDIBILITY.
                Not any more!

                BLACK LIVES MATTER


                • #9
                  That one was good , something my grandfather would have said along the lines of , if you want to see a fool ,just look for a labourite.....lol.
                  THERE IS ONLY ONE ONANDI LOWE!

                  "Good things come out of the garrisons" after his daughter won the 100m Gold For Jamaica.

                  "It therefore is useless and pointless, unless it is for share malice and victimisation to arrest and charge a 92-year-old man for such a simple offence. There is nothing morally wrong with this man smoking a spliff; the only thing wrong is that it is still on the law books," said Chevannes.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Maudib View Post
                    This is your mission should you choose to accept.

                    Capture and extradite the most powerful Don in the History of Jamaica and secure and normalize 'The Mother of all Garrisons'.

                    During your mission you must NOT destabilize on-going IMF negotiations or affect the delicate Tourist sector.

                    Further you will NOT have the services of an Ambassador to the US.

                    Ethan Hunt woulda fling whe dat tape and run like Bolt...

                    Drivah seh.. gimme 9 months and mi delivah and mi nuh need nuh epidural !

                    Below is a copy of the letter sent to Prime Minister of Jamaica Bruce Golding by attorney-at-law Harold Brady, in which he signals his intention to file a lawsuit against Golding.

                    The suit cites damages for libel, exemplary or aggravated damages, costs, as well as such further and/other relief.

                    Brady's suit also claims libel for various statements "Golding made on September 14, 2010, at a press conference that contained words that were defamatory".

                    The suit further claims that Brady suffered injuries, loss, and damage.

                    September 15, 2010

                    Hon. Bruce Golding M.P.
                    Prime Minister of Jamaica,
                    Jamaica House
                    1 Devon Road
                    Kingston 10

                    Dear Sir:

                    Re: Claim of Defamation against you by Harold Brady

                    We act on behalf of Attorney-at-law Harold Brady whose instructions to us make it clear that he has been defamed by certain statements published by you of him at a press briefing at which you spoke yesterday.

                    You have been reported as alleging that our client acted contrary to your instructions in the manner in which he handled the retention and instructing of the lobby firm Manatt, Phelps and Phillips (MPP) as a result of which the Government of Jamaica has been embarrassed. You are also reported to have used the following words: "Mr Brady was asked to resign from all government boards. Mr Brady is no longer a member of the party" which is clear innuendo that Mr Brady's actions in the entire MPP affair was somehow unethical, improper and in breach of instructions to the extent to which severe disciplinary action is merited and that his resignation from government boards is the resulting sanction.

                    Our client denies having been fired from any government board. Over the past two years, due to various reasons, he had gradually resigned from all government boards but not one single such resignation has been as a result of any disciplinary penalty arising out of this affair.

                    You have also been reported as saying as follows: "There is a question that has been raised as to whether or not a complaint should be filed with the General Legal Council (but) that is a matter that we have not decided on yet because of certain technicalities involved."

                    These words, in their natural and ordinary meaning and taken together with past pronouncements by you and your political party on this issue, could only mean that Mr Brady's conduct is in breach of the canons of ethics of the General Legal Council and that, subject only to "certain technicalities" our client should face professional disciplinary penalty.

                    Our instructions make it clear that you are fully aware that these imputations, allegationis and innuendoes against our client are completely false. Our client's instructions are that he took instructions on this matter only from you and has no other client in the affair. His further instructions are that he was introduced to the entire episode by way of a call made on your behalf to attend a meeting with you which was also attended by Dr. Ronald Robinson - a fact our client only discovered when he attended that first meeting at your request.

                    He was instructed by you to use his international contacts to try to resolve the political issues raised by the extradition request for Christopher Coke which you asserted was flawed evidentially but which you anticipated would result in adverse political pressure were the Government to be forced to refuse the request on that ground. Our client used his international political contacts who unanimously referred him to the firm of MPP who agreed to take on the matter of the treaty issues but pointed out to our client that this could only be done as a Government representative and under a paid retainer. Our client reported in full to you, at a meeting at which Ministery Daryl Vaz was present, and you instructed him to agree to MPP's terms but to ensure, as best as possible, that the Government did not appear to be involved. At that meeting, you delegated all the financial implications to be handled by Minister Vaz. Consequently, our client is unaware of the mechanics of the payment of the MPP retainer WHICH WAS NOT HANDLED either BY HIS LAW OFFICE or by him personally. Thereafter, all expenses relating the conduct of the MPP matters were dealt with by Minister Vaz and our client was not asked to pay any of his own expenses save and except for hotel accommodation abroad. Our client does not know the source of the funding for any or all of these expenses.

                    Our client denies that he has breached a single instruction he received from you. On the contrary, every single action taken by him was in furtherance of your specific instructions and he has never received any instruction from anyone else. MPP, on your instructions, delivered by our client, facilitated (both in person and in writing) discussions between the State Department and the Government of Jamaica which greatly assisted in trying to resolve the treaty dispute but the initiative became untenable once these activities were made public and you took a hands-off public stance.

                    Accordingly, this letter is written to invite you to take the opportunity to publish a retraction of the offensive words used at yesterday's press briefing and to offer a fulsome and unreserved apology to our client for the damage you have done to his considerable local and international prestige. Our client is an attorney-at-law of over 30 years standing and his reputation is not restricted to the shores of Jamaica. As a member of the Jamaica Labour Party, he has always done his best to assist that institution when he can but not at the expense of the country and certainly not at the expense of his own reputation. Failure to respond positively to this letter within seven (7) days will leave our client with no alternative but to file legal proceedings against you for defamation of character without any further reference to you.

                    Yours faithfully,
                    HENLEN GIBSON HENLIN

                    M. GEORGIA GIBSON-HENLIN

                    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                    • #11
                      Lazie? Any comment?

                      BLACK LIVES MATTER


                      • #12
                        lol !!

                        Suh accused nuh muss defen demself.. wheh else yuh hexpec him fi seh.. ?

                        Him have anyting pon lettah head ??


                        • #13
                          The goal was achieved?? woiiee mi belly!

                          The goal was always minimizing damage to the JLP tribe..of the tribe's association with a narco-terrorist and leader of Jamaica's biggest criminal network...obviously that goal has been a spectacular FAILURE....which failure threatens the survival or future electoral prospects of this very corrupt regime.

                          Lazie you post such garbage on a continual basis that surely your brain must be pea-sized.

                          Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                          D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Don1 View Post
                            Lazie you post such garbage on a continual basis that surely your brain must be pea-sized.
                            but not his back! more like broad beans, I understand!

                            BLACK LIVES MATTER


                            • #15
                              who yuh ah vote fah next helection ?

