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Palisados Development - China Ambassador say it's up to JA.

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  • Palisados Development - China Ambassador say it's up to JA.

    Step up to the plate karl, Lazie, Mo & Willi, Yes or no to project?

    Whats this fuss over environment, I thought the Kingston harbor is a far more environtal problem?

    When there was a Port Royal Parish, the land was not connected, it was some islands that they fill in to form Palisados?

    The peninsula was the first place where coconut was planted in Jamaica, I always thought they should have planted up the palce with coconnut and palm trees, these trees does a good job in holding back the soil.

    My take on the project is that the road need to be lifted and widen, also the expansion of land for boardwalk/park for people to exhale.

  • #2
    The opposition to this project is down to politics as far as I can see.
    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


    • #3
      well i don't think anything more needs to be said that what the ambassodor has said...

      Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


      • #4
        this however might stop future cooperation with the Chinese.
        It is so sad. People need the road and if it is the gas tax going to pay it back I say go for it.
        • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


        • #5
          Check What this poster have to say about Chinese, Infrastructore and Railway:

          Our roads and other infrastructure

          Published: Sunday | October 3, 2010 2 Comments and 0 Reactions

          THE EDITOR, Sir:
          The torrential rains resulting from the passing of tropical [COLOR=blue! important][COLOR=blue! important]storm[/COLOR][/COLOR] Nicole have caused much devastation to the road network islandwide. We should not be surprised, however, because most of our roads are either old or poorly built. When one examines the thickness of the surfaces, the asphalt is so thin that there is no way that such roads can stand up to heavy rainfall or heavy traffic.
          It seems as if the builders stretch the material to the limit rather than doing fewer [COLOR=blue! important][COLOR=blue! important]projects[/COLOR][/COLOR] and doing them properly. Who supervise these jobs and do we demand warranties from the contractors? Some contractors are of questionable competence but because they have the right connections, they get the jobs. We have been wasting [COLOR=blue! important][COLOR=blue! important]money[/COLOR][/COLOR] to patch roads which should have been completely re-engineered. So we patch the patches over and over. A good dressmaker would never patch an old garment with new cloth and expect it to last.
          Bog Walk Gorge and Mandela Highway
          Over many generations, the Bog Walk gorge is flooded each year during the rains, sometimes with loss of [COLOR=blue! important][COLOR=blue! important]life[/COLOR][/COLOR]. The alternative route via Sligoville is a disgrace. How this can be a suitable alternative is beyond me. The passage of each tropical disturbance causes the Mandela highway to be impassable at Ferry because of flooding. Not much has been done to construct drains in that area since the passage of Tropical Storm Thelma some years ago when the same thing happened. The very name of Ferry has some historical significance so the road engineers should have considered that. What is frightening, however, is the thought of someone needing urgent medical attention getting stuck on that road or if someone's [COLOR=blue! important][COLOR=blue! important]house[/COLOR][/COLOR] is on fire waiting on the fire truck. Apart from fuel, countless man hours are lost daily.
          The railway alternative
          It is very foolish to have a city of nearly a million people depending on the Mandela highway for entry and exit with few alternatives. The railway was foolishly abandoned some years ago at a time when we are paying lip service to fuel conservation. For years, we have heard of its rebirth, but the idea seems subject to abortion or stillbirth every time. A reliable service to Linstead and May Pen could avoid both the Mandela highway and the gorge and take scores of motor vehicles off the road, especially in peak hours and floods.
          It is understandable that there is a shortage of funds to restore the rail ser-vice, but the original system was not built at one time but in stages over a period of time.
          Earthquake fears
          The house that fell in the Sandy Gully as a result of the flood brings to attention the level of preparedness of the city for a major earthquake. It took several hours before heavy equipment was brought in to check that single building. The thought of many people trapped in collapsed buildings crying for help is not a very pleasant one. Let us hope that it will never happen.
          I am, etc.,
          tasamuels@cwjamaica.com New Kingston


          • #6
            I done talk long time.

            They build for the next 20 years, not for the next 3-5 yrs like us.

            They know the level of commerce they plan to run on that road. I am sure they plan a causeway directly from the Palisados to Ocean Blvd as well.

            We need to understand the nature of the Juggernaut coming our way.

            What did Don1 tell us a few months back?

            At its peak, the Chinese were building more skyscrapers in ONE year in Shanghai than exits in all of Manhatten! So now that Shanghai done build, what must those people do with all the construction capabilities and infrastucture? Wouldnt a Western Hemispheric trade HUB be a next logical outlet for such breathtaking development?

            Mek Jamaica stay deh and ramp!

            Dump Caricom and engage the Chinese like adults.


            • #7
              Originally posted by TDowl View Post
              Step up to the plate karl, Lazie, Mo & Willi, Yes or no to project?

              Whats this fuss over environment, I thought the Kingston harbor is a far more environtal problem?

              When there was a Port Royal Parish, the land was not connected, it was some islands that they fill in to form Palisados?

              The peninsula was the first place where coconut was planted in Jamaica, I always thought they should have planted up the palce with coconnut and palm trees, these trees does a good job in holding back the soil.

              My take on the project is that the road need to be lifted and widen, also the expansion of land for boardwalk/park for people to exhale.
              One MAJOR issue with this project is that there has been no public discussion based on the project info... this has been developed in secrecy ...without the benefit of knowing the ultimate rollout & upside benefits/drawbacks of the development, no discussion of any alternatives, no NEPA EIA filed.... in fact no nothing...except for promotional press releases.

              This is how the Chiney dem love it...secrecy & absence of public debate or exposure... we cannot kowtow to that folly. Yes we need speedy development but that has to be balanced with public debate based on facts...not politics.

              The onus is on the promoters of this project to explain all aspects of it...not on the public to indulge in decision making based of ignorance.

              A somewhat disgraceful display of arrogance on the part of this GOJ/Chiney alliance.. just get the info out...please!

              Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

              D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


              • #8
                "Dump Caricom" ehh getting rid of the Trade imbalance eh.

                "They build for the next 20 years" the politicans seems to be overriding the Engeneers.

                "Juggernaut coming" Den we deh gu have skyscrapers dontown town Kingston? What a about a subway or Light Rail and some overhead highway, dat to?


                • #9
                  Public discussion, I thought that was a feature of Capitol projects..the Negril Dolphin Cove did there detail lay of their planed project and NEPA president hold it up for months...I thought feasiblity stud was done ever since the Cubans were suppose to get the project back then, why are we not proactive?

                  Yuh want to see how the faring born Chines get weh inna Lucea, break all barriers, they even use the Cliff theater fi warehouse, den them demolish it after it became a eye sore..


                  • #10
                    Public discussion, I thought that was a feature of Capitol projects..the Negril Dolphin Cove did there detail lay of their planed project and NEPA president hold it up for months...I thought feasiblity stud was done ever since the Cubans were suppose to get the project back then, why are we not proactive?
                    Don't confuse issues... I don't know what you mean by Capitol projects...DC has a Capitol...I don't know that Jamaica has that.

                    Feasibility studies PLUS EIA studies are absolutely necessary for large projects ESPECIALLY along the shore line.

                    Depending on a study for a totally different Cuban project for this radically upscaled Chinese one is quite ridiculous.

                    Yuh want to see how the faring born Chines get weh inna Lucea, break all barriers, they even use the Cliff theater fi warehouse, den them demolish it after it became a eye sore..
                    Don't know the import of this that you refer to.

                    China has breakneck development in terms of speed & scale... really amazing.

                    However with their one party command economy, lack of private pressure/interest groups and lack of legal checks on govt power ..they can do what they want/when they want/how they want..... Jamaica should not and cannot be run like that.... we will end up with white elephants like Trelawny & Sligoville stadiums & environmental tragedies.

                    China has massive development...but the lack of checks and balances has created an environmental nightmare...to the extent that it now threatens their continued growth.

                    Lessons need to be learned...dem nuh fi set fi wi agenda.

                    Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                    D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


                    • #11
                      looking forward to the development I can't see what could be wrong, although as you said a little information would keep rumors at bay


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Willi View Post
                        I done talk long time.

                        They build for the next 20 years, not for the next 3-5 yrs like us.

                        They know the level of commerce they plan to run on that road. I am sure they plan a causeway directly from the Palisados to Ocean Blvd as well.

                        We need to understand the nature of the Juggernaut coming our way.

                        What did Don1 tell us a few months back?

                        At its peak, the Chinese were building more skyscrapers in ONE year in Shanghai than exits in all of Manhatten! So now that Shanghai done build, what must those people do with all the construction capabilities and infrastucture? Wouldnt a Western Hemispheric trade HUB be a next logical outlet for such breathtaking development?

                        Mek Jamaica stay deh and ramp!

                        Dump Caricom and engage the Chinese like adults.
                        and the Sligoville Stadium was part of a bigger national plan, huh?!

                        BLACK LIVES MATTER


                        • #13
                          Bobby 'P' wreck dat plan.. wheh yuh tink dem build dah big Embassy fah.. fun ?

                          Trust a comrade to wreck the plans doh..

                          Mebbe him nevah did a get di right deal..

                          No worries.. wi back on track !


                          • #14
                            That was bait fi land the port. Tiki-tiki, nutten more. China can build 10 of those for us as a sweetner. Ah nuh nutten.

                            Dont form the fool. Mi dun tell you long time in private how the former ones dropped the ball. Told you what was said to me IN PERSON.

                            The current set tekking too long as well. Ah wha do we so???

                            RELEASE THE KRAKEN!


                            • #15
                              Transp. is definitely part of the package. The Chinois need to move workers around efficiently.

                              Light rail criss-crossing the Sandy gully is a good start. Not much disruption to the road network to build this and you get to key nexuses in the city. Remember, when the business start roll, nuff ghetto would have been cleared out and the people who remain will have a change of attitude.

                              As long as we invest in education and pay living wages, the future well rosy. We will have the Port leasing money and the HILE money to finance this.

