I read in the Gleaner that Mr. Golding is leaving it up to his party to decide whether he should leave or stay, and that seems quite quite reasonable to him and his party. Afteral the party is the government, and the party is Jamaica, and the people don't count. That is bad but not too bad. What is really troubling is that he mentioned that he has some legislative changes to make, and I assume he would like to be allowed to make these changes before he is booted out. Again, that is reasonable. I think he means well, and we do need changes. What is troubling to me, is that one of the main reasons for the delay in making these changes, as per Mr. Golding, is that he is seeking advice from British and Canadian legal authorities. Is Mr. Golding for real. I thought we got independence from Britain decades ago. We grew up stupid under the Union Jack, got rid of them, and now he wants advice from them as to the kind of legislative changes we need to make going forward. Someone should remind Mr. Golding that the British don't even have a useful constitution for themselves, let alone to be advising others. What next Mr. Golding, the singing of God save the damn Queen at morning devotion?. What a joker.
Maybe he should leave before the changes.
Maybe he should leave before the changes.