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don't shoot the messenger

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  • don't shoot the messenger

    is any of this true??

    "1. JLP MP Joseph Hibbert accused by British serious crimes squad of taking bribes valued at approximately 100,000 pounds sterling. Jamaica’s contractor general investigated and finds strong reasons to charge him.
    2. Kingston Mayor Desmond McKenzie builds 100 million dollar home. Reports are that since his elevation to Mayor, he and his wife (housewife) have acquired no less than seven properties.
    3. Tivoli Don wanted by US but government fails to extradite him. After a 9-month stand-off with the US Authorities, untold damage to Jamaica’s image, pressure from the Opposition and Civil Society Bruce bows. Why was the Prime Minister representing Tivoli protecting the President of Tivoli?
    4. Government/JLP hires US lobby firm Manatt, Phelps and Phillips tp prevent Dudus’ extradition.
    5. Dudus’ company still being paid to provide security for at least one Government Agency.
    6. Government consultant paid a salary of $1.9 million a month to oversee sugar divestment. That money could pay equivalent to paying 6 finance ministers or MP’s. Most sugar workers still earn under $5,000 a week.
    7. Tourism office in Montego Bay refurbished at a cost of $53 million.
    8. The Minister of Tourism's office refurbished at a cost of $8 million including a chair bought for the Minister of Tourism costing $77,000
    9. The Ministers of Culture and of Tourism take expensive trips to China to watch the Beijing Olympics. It is said that as many as 50 persons from the government went.
    10. Cabinet relaxes procurement rules for Ministry of Culture. As a result, one private sector company gets the contract to product all the lavish events – Grand Gala, Road Parade and the Athlete’s celebrations among others. No competitive bids sought, and where is the JCDC?
    11. Large delegation of Parish Councillors travel to the Bahamas for a conference.
    12. The contractor general reveals corruption at the JUTC implicating JLP appointed board chairman and managing director.
    13. The contractor general reveals corruption at Caymanas Park Ltd.
    14. NSWMA Executive, a JLP activist, would have received millions of dollars bonus if the opposition did not expose the plan.
    15. $3.14 billion in cost overrun in the 08-09 fiscal year by 46 companies.
    16. Mount Rosser bypass overrun of US$26 million and the project is still incomplete.
    17. Bobby Montague’s secretary charged with using foreign exchange for a trip that she never took.
    18. $18 seized from Zeeks and kept in the Ministry of Finance disappears under Shaw's watch.
    19. MP James Robertson rescues a wanted man who was set free and subsequently arrested on a gun charge. Robertson is promoted.
    20. Billions from Cash Plus and Olint used to buy elections. Yet they could only squeak out a win.
    21. Minister of Local Government tells voters to vote JLP or they won't get roads fixed and other local government services.
    22. Import licenses sold to importers increasing flooding of market with imports.
    23. Approximately $60 million to refurbish house saying he should not live in “squalor”. Port Authority uses pension funds to refurbish the home of the Minister.
    24. Beach sand stolen and no word of the investigation into the 500 truckloads of sand stolen. Report goes to cabinet and nothing else is heard. Jamaica loses the investment that was about to go towards developing the area. What’s the cover up?
    25. JLP financier gets job as Chairman of UDC and sells UDC property to his billionaire brother
    26. JLP Senator gets UDC property ‘given’ to for her school as a bail out. The property is worth $168 million. There was no transparency and the former UDC Board was fired to make this deal possible. Is the Lease being paid on a regular basis?
    27. Government-friendly media man gets radio license without bidding process. He has also been given the contract to manage PBCJ.
    28. No board established for PBCJ in two years. This board is required by statute and formed by select civic groups to ensure that there is no government influence on its output.
    29. A Senior VP of a company owned by top JLP financier Butch Stewart that services Stewart’s Sandal’s Hotel chain business is appointed Chairman of Jamaica Tourist Board, a clear conflict of interest.
    30. Finance Minister gave tacit approval to alternative investment schemes amid suspicion that the party received money from fraudsters running these schemes
    31. Prime Minister appoints political friends and defeated JLP candidates to boards breaking his own promise to be transparent and breaking his promise to bring all such appointments to parliament for approval.
    a. Joan Gordon Webley chair of NWSMA;
    b. Omer Thomas chair of RADA,
    c. Noel Donaldson chair Rural Water Development Company,
    d. Sonia Christie, executive director of SDC (without advertising the post) and Sonia Christie was the person who breached banking laws by leaking information to the JLP leading to the “Trafigura Affair”.
    e. Marcia Forbes as Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Mining and Telecommunications. She was a leader in managing the media affairs of the JLP in the 2007 election campaign. The post was not advertised. She was handpicked and has no experience in those areas or as a public servant at any level.

    32. Government forces Boards to resign to appoint their own people.
    o The entire Board of the UDC was fired and the JLP supporter became chairman.
    o Chairman of Montego Bay Freeport Ltd., a subsidiary of the UDC, also resigns under suspicious circumstances concerning a land deal. Responsibility for UDC falls under Golding himself.
    o Former chairman of the National Health Fund fired without explanation.
    o Former President of Jamaica Trade and Invest is forced to leave even though he only had six months left on his contract.
    33. Chairman of PCJ is fired because the then Minister under strange circumstances. According to the sources, Ian Moore was operating like an executive chairman although he was appointed to perform in a non-executive role. This is believed to have ruffled feathers at the PCJ and the energy ministry with persons expressing concern about his mode of operation
    34. Clive Mullings is removed as Minister of Mining and Energy and we still don’t know why? Was it because he had fired the Chairman, a JLP Financier who had made a questionable purchase?
    35. Tourism Minister handpicks members of resort boards to replace democratically elected members of those boards.
    36. Government makes workers at JUTC “redundant” but then says there are shortages and hires activists.
    37. JLP activist, abused her authority as chair of Air Jamaica to stop a flight on the runway for takeoff so that it had to turn back and pick up someone she was doing a favor for at the cost of taxpayers money when the airline was already losing money.
    38. Prime Minister insults Jamaicans and their constitution by calling provisions that bar dual citizens from Parliament “constitutional absurdities” to defend the many illegal occupants of the JLP side that gave his government a slim majority.
    39. Prime Minister interferes with the constitutional independence of the Public Service Commission by firing it for recommending that Professor Stephen Vacciannie be appointed Solicitor General because Vacciannie once criticized him in the newspaper. Many professionals subsequently left the Attorney General’s office because of its politicization.
    40. Prime Minister proposes to extend the time that a Jamaican can be held without charge merely if he or she is “suspected” of murder and gun-related charges which can lead to abuse of human rights and civil liberties. Those detained will be the poorest Jamaican youth.
    41. Government breaks promises to the Jamaican people. Instead of reducing the Portmore toll by 50%, it has increased it by 100% in two years.
    42. Transport Minister curses off airport authorities when his security breached airport regulations by taking guns on an airplane. He was arrogant to have said, “This is my airport and I will lock it down if my security cannot carry their weapons on board”.
    43. The bungling government tried to buy arms from a dealer who was not authorized as a weapons dealer. The government had breached procurement guidelines, which is why the foul up happened in the first place.
    44. Healthcare free, but not available. Jamaicans have had to suffer through increased incidence of pink eye, swine flu and foot and mouth disease in one year alone from October 2008 to October 2009?
    45. Murder of women jump by 30% in 2008.

    46. Three ministers of national security and three police commissioners in two years.
    47. Minister of Local Government insults the matron of an infirmary publicly.
    48. Minister of Labour threatens to disrespect trade unionist on television.
    49. Mayor of Kingston and St Andrew disrespects NWC worker on television.
    50. Liar – Liar - JLP candidate, head or RADA Omer Thomas presents false PhD credentials
    51. No Due diligence - Caucasian who claimed he had several degrees employed in a senior position at customs
    52. New Minister of Information pleads guilty to abuse of senior policeman as caught on video
    53. Prime Minister calls teachers extortionists
    54. Industrial Relations relationships deteriorate, particularly with public sector workers.
    55. Cold storage unit owned by a Minister of Government that the Commissioner of Customs says is a cause for grave national - security concern. I wonder what that means.
    56. Auditor General says Cabinet had no Authority to change the terms of the Road maintenance Fund. Only parliament has the Authority to do so.
    57. Daryl Vaz and his wife get sweetheart deal on a Finsac house
    58. Finsac Commissioner Boyd Carey and Finsac Lawyer Henriques booted by the Courts.
    59. The Office of the Contractor General, (OCG), launches a major investigation into allegations of impropriety and irregularity in the award of certain government contracts by the St Catherine Parish Council to Strathairn Construction Company Limited. The allegations, some of which have already been corroborated by an OCG preliminary enquiry, have implicated at least one Member of Parliament (Everald Warmington) and one senior public official, and have raised several questions regarding possible breaches of the Government's Procurement Procedures, the Contractor General Act, the Financial Administration and Audit Act and the Corruption Prevention Act, among other laws.
    60. The Urban Development Corporation loses money for the first time since 1989. Initial reports are that the UDC has lost millions.
    61. Thousands of US dollars incurred on a credit card assigned to a UDC officer. Did the PM tell the UDC board to manage it for the time being as this government can’t take another scandal?
    62. James Moss Solomon resigns from all boards. Fed up like so many others.
    63. The Public Administration and Appropriations Committee of Parliament wants Contractor General Greg Christie to conduct an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the purchase of a shipment of dehydrated ethanol by the Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica (PCJ) from Infinity BioEnergy in 2008. The shipment of ethanol was obtained without a signed contract, and cost 17 million dollars more than world market prices at that time.

    "64. The Contractor General makes unannounced visit to the premises of the Ministry of Mining and Energy and the appropriation of computers and email messages as part of an investigation into a questionable liquefied natural gas (LNG) deal recently announced by Minister James Robertson

  • #2
    heh heh! mek me cut and paste dis somewhere 'andy.

    mi belly a 'at mi.



    • #3
      Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
      Che Guevara.


      • #4
        PNP look like them learn from the last election. Take it to the web.


        • #5
          Memba 70+ being murdered because of the PM? Mosiah, how yuh miss dat? Also, PM too arrogant to resign.
          "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


          • #6
            a me mek di list?!?



            • #7
              I really hope is not di PNP mek up dis list..


              • #8
                why they left out a few things?
                Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
                Che Guevara.


                • #9
                  Mi nuh know but that is a battle dem cyaan win..


                  • #10
                    This is the visible tip of the iceberg.... corruption...like icebergs is 9/10 beneath the surface

                    This Gelding regime is trying to make up for 18 years away from the trough in just 3 years

                    It must be ....pound for pound.... the most corrupt in our history

                    Gelding by TKO over PJ... nolo contendere

                    Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                    D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


                    • #11
                      Campaign start early..

                      Yuh hear sumting ?

