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High legal fees hurting Police Federation

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  • High legal fees hurting Police Federation

    OCHO RIOS, St Ann — An increase in fatal shootings by members of the constabulary force is said to be costing the Government and the Jamaica Police Federation, which represents rank and file members, millions of dollars each year in legal fees.
    General secretary of the Police Federation, Sergeant Jacqueline Brown said the federation has been paying between $1.5 and $5 million for each case of fatal shooting and that Government has not reimbursed the federation for fees paid since 2008.
    Addressing delegates yesterday at the 67th annual conference of the Jamaica Police Federation at the Sunset Jamaica Grande here, Sergeant Brown said the federation has suffered tremendous 'financial erosion' because of the payment of legal fees.
    "Presently, 40 such cases are on our books; although these cases arise in the line of duty, we are the ones who must pay to mount a defence, since there has been no reimbursement for fees from the Government since 2008."
    Sergeant Brown said, too, an unprecedented number of police personnel have also been dismissed from the police force and that many have not been allowed to be re-enlisted. She said in some of the dismissals, the federation believes the principles of natural justice were breached.
    "...Justice must not only be done, it must be seen to be done; there was also an increase in a number of members charged for alleged corruption and corrupted activities," she said.
    "The federation this year suffered from a triple-jeopardy effect, because we provide funds for the members to go to the RM (resident magistrate's), Supreme Court and sometimes the Gun Court...where the charge results in a not guilty verdict, most time, they are charged departmentally and we pay.
    "If they are found guilty at the court of inquiry, then we also have to pay at the appeal process, hence the federation has suffered tremendous financial erosion because of our legal fees."
    She said creative manoeuvring has helped the organisation to remain viable in helping to meet its legal fees commitment up to January 2011. But, she said with the astronomical increase in legal fees, it cannot be business as usual.
    "...The mettle of [the] central executive continues to be tested from forces both within and without, and we must all commit to ensuring that as we call upon our members and others to be accountable we are also to be above reproach."
    She urged members not be become engaged in corrupt practices in the line of duty, but rather seek to display the highest level of professionalism at all times.
    "Times are hard, but we must draw on the inner resources of integrity, honesty and principles of duty before dishonour to rise above ...," Sergeant Brown told the rank and file policemen and women.

    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)

  • #2
    is it HIGH legal fees or the sheer volume of cases that require legal fees?

    Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine

