Looks like Uncle Sam is a forgiving man now that Dudus is in jail 
Wayne Chen's US visa reissued
2010-08-14 09:32:32 | (0 Comments)
The Jamaica Gleaner understands that a [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]US [COLOR=blue !important]visa[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] has been reissued to Wayne Chen.
Chen, who is the head of the state-run Urban Development Corporation and the Jamaica Employers Federation, found out his visa was revoked in February when he attempted to travel to a U.S. business meeting.
Then, Chen who is an attorney-at-law said he was not contacted by the US [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]Embassy[/COLOR][/COLOR] prior to the actual revocation of the visa.
"I was at the US Embassy up to February 4, at which time I was looking about a visa for a family member and I presented my own passport and visa and there was no indication at that time that there was any problem with my visa," he told The Gleaner /Power 106 News in February.
Chen, who said he had no idea what would have led to the decision to cancel his visa, met with the prime minister and spoke with the head of mission at the US Embassy on the issue.

Wayne Chen's US visa reissued
2010-08-14 09:32:32 | (0 Comments)
The Jamaica Gleaner understands that a [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]US [COLOR=blue !important]visa[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] has been reissued to Wayne Chen.
Chen, who is the head of the state-run Urban Development Corporation and the Jamaica Employers Federation, found out his visa was revoked in February when he attempted to travel to a U.S. business meeting.
Then, Chen who is an attorney-at-law said he was not contacted by the US [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]Embassy[/COLOR][/COLOR] prior to the actual revocation of the visa.
"I was at the US Embassy up to February 4, at which time I was looking about a visa for a family member and I presented my own passport and visa and there was no indication at that time that there was any problem with my visa," he told The Gleaner /Power 106 News in February.
Chen, who said he had no idea what would have led to the decision to cancel his visa, met with the prime minister and spoke with the head of mission at the US Embassy on the issue.