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Our job is to protect citizens from State abuse, say rights

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  • Our job is to protect citizens from State abuse, say rights

    Our job is to protect citizens from State abuse, say rights groups

    HUMAN rights groups Jamaicans for Justice (JFJ) and the Family Against State Terrorism (FAST) have moved to clear up a long-standing misconception that they are more concerned about the rights of criminals than law-abiding citizens.
    For years, Jamaicans — fed up with the country's high crime rate — have berated rights groups when they speak out against perceived police abuse and fatal shootings within inner-city communities and for their silence when police officers lose their lives in the line of duty.

    But the heads of JFJ and FAST — Dr Carolyn Gomes and Yvonne McCalla-Sobers respectively — who were guests at the Observer's Monday Exchange meeting of editors and reporters, said their purpose is to advocate for the preservation of the rights of all citizens in instances where there are reports of breach by the State and seek redress.
    Gomes explained that there are already mechanisms in place — the police force, court system, and correctional service — to deal with criminals who breach the rights of law-abiding citizens.
    "If you have somebody breaking down your door at night like Keith Clarke, what number do you call? 1-1-9?," Gomes asked.
    "When it is the police, or the military in the case of Mr Clarke, who do you call? You don't have anywhere to call. That is where human rights groups operate, at that place where it's the power of the state against you. It's when the power of the state is against you that we have the problem," she emphasised.
    Clarke, a chartered account, was shot dead in May at his Kirkland Heights home in St Andrew by members of the Jamaica Defence Force who were hunting former Tivoli Gardens strongman Christopher 'Dudus' Coke, who has since been extradited to the United States to face drug and gun-running charges.
    "The State has the right to protect people from wrongdoers. Now when it comes to persons whose rights are being infringed by the very State, then where do they go? So, there is a narrow gap that we try to fill," added McCalla-Sobers.
    Both women noted that their organisations are also motivated by the prospect of a better society for future generations, while noting that there can only be peace in a country where people's rights are respected and protected by the State.
    "We have to do whatever we can," said McCalla-Sobers, "and the little bit that we do can be the wedge that opens the way, not just for ourselves but... for the seventh generation".
    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)

  • #2
    'Tantamount to slander'

    Llewellyn blasts Gomes over statement on 'Kentucky Kid's' case file

    DIRECTOR of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Paula Llewellyn yesterday expressed 'grave disappointment and shock' at a statement by convener of human rights group Jamaican for Justice Dr Carolyn Gomes questioning why a file on the fatal shooting of Robert 'Kentucky Kid' Hill was sent to the Coroner's Court for a ruling.
    Gomes told reporters and editors a the Observer's Monday Exchange that she had written to the DPP questioning her reasons for taking that route "because that is a place where you go to kill cases".

    But yesterday Llewellyn described Gomes' statement as irresponsible.
    "Dr Gomes is not an attorney but I will have to say that ignorance of the law is not a defence because on every level of her consciousness she would recognise that she is in effect saying that my office and that of the Coroner is involved in a conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. I take her comments to be tantamount to slander and I absolutely and unequivocally, on behalf of myself and the Coroner deny her assertions," Llewellyn said.
    Llewellyn said she had received a letter from Gomes last month requesting her reasons for sending the matter to the Coroner's Court and had replied on July 5.
    "When people who purport to act in the public's interest and have the privilege of easy access to the media, I believe that professionalism and the public interest mandates that we speak responsibly, with fairness and factually, regardless of one's emotional state," Llewellyn said.
    The DPP explained that her decision was based purely on law and not emotion as the case file had no evidence or material to suggest that the officers involved in the fatal shooting of Hill should be criminally charged.
    "The use of innuendoes and loose words to malign fellow professionals who are doing their duty with integrity is unacceptable. For me, as DPP, to rule that a police officer or any other citizen of this country be charged for a criminal offence when there is no material on the file to support this, would be a betrayal of my office and the public trust," she said.
    The Observer obtained a copy of Llewellyn's letter to Gomes, which stated that the cops went to his Ivy Green Mews home based on complaints from a female that he had been harassing her for sex and had been threatening her.
    "Of course the narrative of a shoot-out between the police and Mr Hill with a firearm being recovered from the deceased does mitigate against any suggestion that Mr Hill's death was some sort of set up by the police. There is no material on the file which contradicts police narrative of the events, which suggests that they were acting in lawful self-defence," the letter stated.
    Police said Hill was killed in a shoot-out, but their version of events has been challenged by JFJ and Hills' relatives, who have dubbed his death an extra-judicial killing.
    Llewellyn said she had always gone out on a limb to facilitate the JFJ with information and access to her office and hoped to continue the relationship.
    "I remain committed to continue that positive relationship but I will not tolerate the impugning of my office," she told the Observer.
    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


    • #3
      why bother? they have better things to do than waste time explaining shyt to people who will just never get it. maybe until the state barges down their door and nothing comes of it.

      low dem in dem ignorance!



      • #4
        sue her! simple!



        • #5
          Can't understand how this simple principle of human rights advocacy is so misunderstood

          It is 110% essential in any country...much moreso in a state-dominant society like Jamaica with a legion of dispossessed people

          Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

          D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


          • #6
            Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
            sue her! simple!
            .. well Dr. Gomes extended her apologies to the DPP yesterday and it was accepted.
            "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


            • #7
              You are right Don1, but there is a difference between human rights activism and just plain rabid antipolicing.

              Apology after doing the intended damage does not amount to much, in my opinion.

              I think the so called human rights group in Jamaica are slowly eroding their own credibility. Thats unfortunate.


              • #8
                In Jamaican society they must be questioned especially the nepotistic relationship of our politics.

                I cannot see how one can advocate against state abuse and leave it all on the police doorsteps leaving our MPs free from blame when you can link politics and crime through so called garrisons (narco political arrangements).

                A human rights group said the police are not the ones to clean up the mess created by politicians , isnt that obvious ?

                Could this cleaning up be , levelling garrisons which will result in innocents being killed ? SOEs etc ?

                Why not attack those that hold power in the state chambers to make real social change ? Instead of the police ? innocent doors will have to be kicked in if left to the security forces and we cannot do a thing about it except give lip service.

                When people are given an option as to who will kick your door in , a gunman or police most will choose the latter at least you can plead your case and your life might be spared.

                "Good things come out of the garrisons" after his daughter won the 100m Gold For Jamaica.

                "It therefore is useless and pointless, unless it is for share malice and victimisation to arrest and charge a 92-year-old man for such a simple offence. There is nothing morally wrong with this man smoking a spliff; the only thing wrong is that it is still on the law books," said Chevannes.


                • #9
                  ok. so all is well. good!

                  BLACK LIVES MATTER


                  • #10
                    yuh sound like a white conservative in Babylon commenting on Civil Rights objections to police brutality against minorities..

                    The policemen that use King as a pinata were found not guilty up in Ventura County... can you guess why ?

                    Dem human rights groups love cry wolf tuh much.. don't it ?

                    Erodes their credibility...


                    • #11
                      Human rights groups have a narrow frame of reference by Human rights...particularly for those who have little power.

                      It is not within their remit nor is it their responsibility necessarily to defeat the overall political order... garrisonization etc.....except as it relates to their specific cause...

                      Other & more powerful elements of civil society should also advocate for systemic political change...why not question them as well as the human rights activists on this issue??? For example the private sector or unions or the church community?? Better still...why not pressure the political tribes??
                      I guess duppy know who fi frighten...

                      This overemphasis on these small & underfunded human rights groups in advocating for or expecting big societal change is ridiculous imho.

                      Sumting wrang dehsuh
                      Last edited by Don1; July 15, 2010, 12:41 PM.

                      Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                      D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


                      • #12
                        unnu nuh have nutten fi do?

                        BLACK LIVES MATTER


                        • #13
                          Having lived many years in Babylon.. the irony of your statements are not lost on me.

                          What is interesting is the transition in perspective which occurs when the 'privileged' in one society become the 'target' in another..

                          It changes the 'groups' and 'campaigns' one gets involved in..

                          I remember an argument a few years back I had with this other Jamaican.

                          I was pointing out the discomfort of living in a Society where the Police are viewed as your enemy.. he said it was worse for him when he was in Jamaica..him will tek di merican Babylon everytime ovah di yard Babylon.. at the time I was contentious.. next time mi buk him up I owe him an apology..


                          • #14
                            Do they have a narrow frame ? Is this double talk (( It is not within their scope necessarily to attack the political order...except as it relates to their cause...))

                            When we see human rights organisation attacking communist China , Cuba ,Taliban Afghanstan , Somalia , thats in the scope ? ...but our narco political arrangement that has us on the road to a Warlord state doesnt meet that criteria?

                            Other powerfull elements should not be excused of course and should be questioned , but we all should have a problem with any organization that attacks the police force or security forces that have to clean up the mess that the holders of powers in society create.

                            Look Duss and creatures like duss have no power unless allowed to operate by the state , as we have seen time and time again when its opourtunistic for the Powers they will reel them in , but at what cost blood , police and civilian alike.

                            The hypocrisy is berating the police for cleaning up the mess and being silent on the real creators of the problem and the ones who can bring forth a lasting solution.

                            Have we heard any human rights organization name , names brought suits against the arrangement , dont they the holders of powers abuse the citizens human rights every day , poor roads , poor health care , poor schools, drugs , poor sanitation system etc, with lip service .

                            Something is wrong and it doesnt start or end with the police force.

                            Maudib aka Ben , human rights does not start or end with a police officer putting a baton or bullet on or in you , dont let the JFJ fool you .It starts with the state creating the enviroment to feel free to do as such.Now let me ask you , is this so called garrison the enviroment ?

                            The enviroment gives the Powers to walk away from thier responsibility as they can labell them as garrisons code word , poor people who nuh waan nu betta and abuse them ad lib by not uplifting them socially out of that enviroment.

                            You have a so called garrison which is what in Jamaican parlance , its an arrangement with DONS and MPs to garner votes for MPs to get into office and Dons to extort a community as long as uncle Sam doesnt come calling or the Dons dont disrespect the arrangement, they can extort the community forever.The only rule to follow is dont diss the MPs, but the MPs can diss you or levell you back into place.

                            Isnt some human rights being violated here ? where are these so called human rights organization?

                            When the police come in and try to create some peace(kicking in doors/shooting innocents etc ) in the psychotic arrangement we see them pop up about human rights!

                            GET BLOODDY REALLLLLLLL.
                            Last edited by Sir X; July 15, 2010, 01:02 PM.
                            THERE IS ONLY ONE ONANDI LOWE!

                            "Good things come out of the garrisons" after his daughter won the 100m Gold For Jamaica.

                            "It therefore is useless and pointless, unless it is for share malice and victimisation to arrest and charge a 92-year-old man for such a simple offence. There is nothing morally wrong with this man smoking a spliff; the only thing wrong is that it is still on the law books," said Chevannes.


                            • #15
                              X;246295]Do they have a narrow frame ? Is this double talk (( It is not within their scope necessarily to attack the political order...except as it relates to their cause...))
                              It's not double's what I believe

                              When we see human rights organisation attacking communist China , Cuba ,Taliban Afghanstan , Somalia , thats in the scope ? ...but our narco political arrangement that has us on the road to a Warlord state doesnt meet that criteria?
                              If people of goodwill like you give them the support and's inevitable that they would take a larger systemic role.

                              Sitting on the sidelines and sniping aint cutting it.
                              Other powerfull elements should not be excused of course and should be questioned , but we all should have a problem with any organization that attacks the police force or security forces that have to clean up the mess that the holders of powers in society create.
                              The more powerful...have more most of your nervous energy for makes more sense

                              Look Duss and creatures like duss have no power unless allowed to operate by the state , as we have seen time and time again when its opourtunistic for the Powers they will reel them in , but at what cost blood , police and civilian alike.
                     pressure those that create that situation

                              The hypocrisy is berating the police for cleaning up the mess and being silent on the real creators of the problem and the ones who can bring forth a lasting solution.
                              Oftentimes the police are part of the problem...that's the problem

                              Have we heard any human rights organization name , names brought suits against the arrangement , dont they the holders of powers abuse the citizens human rights every day , poor roads , poor health care , poor schools, drugs , poor sanitation system etc, with lip service .
                              That's not within their I said other societal actors need to take that role...I'm sure they'll get support from the human rights

                              Something is wrong and it doesnt start or end with the police force.

                              Maudib aka Ben , human rights does not start or end with a police officer putting a baton or bullet on you , dont let the JFJ fool you .It starts with the state creating the enviroment to feel free to do as such.Now let me ask you , is this so called garrison the enviroment ?
                              Rear Admiral deh pon im own dehsuh...

                              You have a so called garrison which is what in Jamaican parlance , its an arrangement with DONS and MPs to garner votes for MPs to get into office and Dons to extort a community as long as uncle Sam doesnt come calling or the Dons dont disrespect the arrangement, they can extort the community forever.The only rule to follow is dont diss the MPs, but the MPs can diss you or levell you back into place.
                              Isnt some human rights being violated here ? where are these so called human rights organization?
                              ok so your response to that is to pressure human rights groups??... dat nuh spell sense.

                              Pressure the JLPNP tribe

                              When the police come in and try to create some peace(kicking in doors/shooting innocentsetc ) in the psychotic arrangement we see them pop up about human rights!

                              GET BLOODDY REALLLLLLLL.
                              Suh yuh tink the traditional or normal role for the police "force" was/is to create peace & justice?? Peace yes...but not justice by ANY means.

                              Given the colonial roots...and present neo-colonial operations of the are way off the mark.

                              The fault is systemic...and the roots lie at the feet of the tribes and their cohorts in the private sector elites...

                              Pressha dem

                              Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                              D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007

