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Saddam's Execution

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  • Saddam's Execution

    What should Bush be executed for?

    After years of supporting Saddam, supplying the weapons, chemical and otherwise, which he used against "his" people and others, the Americans have executed him. The irony, the hypocrisy, the cruelty.

    God bless America.


  • #2
    RE: Saddam's Execution

    God Bless America indeed!


    <TD width="379" valign="top"><SPAN class=hdngtxt>CHEMICAL WARFARE, 1983-1988</SPAN> <DIV class=bdytxt>Iraq is known to have used the blister agent mustard gas from 1983 and the nerve gas Tabun from 1985, as it faced attacks from "human waves" of Iranian troops and poorly-trained but loyal volunteers. Tabun can kill within minutes.

    In 1988 Iraq turned its chemical weapons on Iraqi Kurds in the north of the country.

    Some Kurdish guerrilla forces had joined the Iranian offensive.

    On 16 March 1988, Iraq dropped bombs containing mustard gas, Sarin and Tabun on the Kurdish city of Halabja.

    Estimates of the number of civilians killed range from 3,200 to 5,000, with many survivors suffering long-term health problems.

    Chemical weapons were also used during Iraq's "Anfal" offensive - a seven-month scorched-earth campaign in which an estimated 50,000 to 100,000 Kurdish villagers were killed or disappeared, and hundreds of villages were razed.

    A UN security council statement condemning Iraq's use of chemical weapons in the war was issued in 1986, but the US and other western governments continued supporting Baghdad militarily and politically into the closing stages of the war.</DIV>

    </TD><TD></TD> <TD valign="top"><DIV class=caption>Up to 5,000 died at Halabja, northern Iraq</DIV>

    <DIV class=caption>This baby in Halabja was born
    with deformed fingers</DIV></TD>
    Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else - Vince Lombardi


    • #3
      RE: Saddam's Execution

      Gasp! How cruel, all of that!!

      But where did he get the nerve gas? Who watched idly by while all this was happening because Saddam was their close mid-east ally? Do we know how many people George W. Bush has killed thus far? I guess it is better to kill from afar, dropping bombs on people so they are vaporised, but Saddam's victims looked real. How terrible of him!

      And the war is only beginning.

      God bless America and George W. Bush!



      • #4
        RE: Saddam's Execution

        Bush finally achieved something worthwhile with the war. Bush's miscalculations or ill-advised moves are nowhere near the plane of savagery of Saddam Hussain. Saddam was cllearly and consistently wicked. I pray for peaace in Iraq and throughout the world, and for safety for the American troops still in Iraq.
        "Jah Jah see dem a come, but I & I a Conqueror!"


        • #5
          RE: Saddam's Execution

          Westman (12/30/2006)Bush finally achieved something worthwhile with the war.
          This was worthwhile? Saddam's death?!?

          Well, if it's one thing American presidents know how to do it's killing the leaders of other countries.


