If I was gullable enough to believe that Bruce's surreptitious attempt to safeguard TG's fine reputation is true then after that so-called fact it backfired(he apologized),who in the end would've benefited from thwarting the extradition request?It has to be Dudus.
Lost to u is the problem all along is Dudus would've benefited.
Well it came soon thereafter the request, Bruce's so-called admission he contracted the US law firm because of his concern that extradition request(the one for Dudus)would negatively affect the JLP image....
Why would a seasoned criminal law firm be contracted if not to thwart the extradition request? What was the objective?
It is retrofitting .
The ill-advised decision to contract Mannat wasn't my doing,your PM has only himself to blame. Fact is fighting the request on both fronts is a thorough approach.Mannat more likely than you, me or Jakan law firms has a better chance of being effective in the USA, they are seasoned and have a relationship with all the players.An expensive PR campaign is what you would have me believe, for that Job why not contract the appropriate (PR)firm?
What was the objective?
Spin it Ben. Spin it. Your services are going to be needed even more in the comeing weeks and months. Like I told you before now would be a good time to renegotiate that contract. Always bargain from a position of strength. Wha you think? will certain ministers in the gov't use Manat or Tom Tavares-Simpson?
He's is trying to say it was the grand plan of the "chessmaster" to fool Dudus into thinking they are trying to get him off whilst really trying to get him screwed. I think the state dept. says different.