Dudus missed the boat - if he wanted to go to the US and waive the extradition hearing rights the time to have done so would have been BEFORE an arrest warrant was issued.
In fact, Dudus mek nuff ship lef' him. He had nine months to flee the island and make it doubly difficult for an extradition to be served or for certain people to put him to rest but instead he stayed. Then he let the chance of going straight to the US and ensuring that the same fate that befell his (step?)-father did not befall him.
In fact, Dudus mek nuff ship lef' him. He had nine months to flee the island and make it doubly difficult for an extradition to be served or for certain people to put him to rest but instead he stayed. Then he let the chance of going straight to the US and ensuring that the same fate that befell his (step?)-father did not befall him.