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Jamaica Government did well in the Civil Unrest

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  • #16
    LOL @ state sponspored terrorism, if thats the case, Jamaica has been experiencing state sponsored terrorism for decades, which in effect makes Jamaica a terrorist state. Maybe the only soultion is for the army to take over?


    • #17
      Originally posted by MissLondon View Post
      LOL @ state sponspored terrorism, if thats the case, Jamaica has been experiencing state sponsored terrorism for decades, which in effect makes Jamaica a terrorist state.
      You are correct.
      Successive governments allowed and were complicit in this.

      Maybe the only soultion is for the army to take over?[/quote]

      ...just need parliamentarians with the will to turn things around.
      Sorry to say when my party was in power and one of our own (Heather Robinson) made what was really a plea to end the nonsense, the others were found wanting
      "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


      • #18
        US$20,000? That's anything? Put it in perspective. Would you risk your life for at most US$266 a year (assuming you are a 25 year old who will live to see 100)? Or put another way US 73 cents a day?

        Must be a joke. So say I get that US$20,000 or even the bigger reward of J$5 million, what would happen if 1 year later some gunmen came and assassinated me for being an informer? How would that money have benefitted me or those I left behind? Even J$5 million isn't that much. Only about J$182 a day for 75 years if it was to be left to some newborn infant of mine.

