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Jamaica Government did well in the Civil Unrest

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  • Jamaica Government did well in the Civil Unrest

    they took care of business internally , I remember in 1989 there was some
    problems in trinidad where the muslims took over the parliament and Jamaica
    sent soldiers . I thought caricom would intervene in Jamaica but ...

    all is well on the western front , that 20000 USD they put out on Dudus
    , the rats are going to squeele .
    Jamaica you mite get a Petroleum well with
    IN 2026.

  • #2
    You need to get your facts straight....not only are they two different isues. There was an attempted coup in Trinidad and Tobago in 1990 - Paliament and the National TV Station were taken over and a splinter Muslim leader tried to take power. The Prime Minsiter was shot, a Member of Parliament killed, Police HQ burnt to the ground and many other innocent people murdered.
    The fiasco stopped when a 'treaty' was made (amnesty), the insurrectionists surrendered and later got a Presidential pardon.
    I don't recall Jamaican soldiers involved.
    In Jamaica, this was state-sponsored terrorism on its own people - a state of emergency called - under the guise of attempting to arrest a known supporter of the party in power - wanted by the US Gov. for drugs and guns that the Jamaican Gov/JLP political party tried to prevent in all kind of ways.
    Do you think US$20k is a sizeable amount? You really think all is well? The rats are still in the sewers.....and other places...


    • #3
      Originally posted by Exile View Post
      You need to get your facts straight....not only are they two different isues. There was an attempted coup in Trinidad and Tobago in 1990 - Paliament and the National TV Station were taken over and a splinter Muslim leader tried to take power. The Prime Minsiter was shot, a Member of Parliament killed, Police HQ burnt to the ground and many other innocent people murdered.
      The fiasco stopped when a 'treaty' was made (amnesty), the insurrectionists surrendered and later got a Presidential pardon.
      I don't recall Jamaican soldiers involved.
      In Jamaica, this was state-sponsored terrorism on its own people - a state of emergency called - under the guise of attempting to arrest a known supporter of the party in power - wanted by the US Gov. for drugs and guns that the Jamaican Gov/JLP political party tried to prevent in all kind of ways.
      Do you think US$20k is a sizeable amount? You really think all is well? The rats are still in the sewers.....and other places...

      "this was state-sponsored terrorism on its own people " LOL!!!!
      "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


      • #4
        Go figure! What else is it?


        • #5
          The real joke is who was the state that sponsored the terrorism , T.G or outer areas beyound T.G in Jamaica governed by Gordon house.

          One thing is a fact the same M.P represented them both and defended them both when attacked by the state.

          If yuh put on Bruce hat yuh tun fool...lolol......Jamaica, Jamaica, Jamaica.

          "Good things come out of the garrisons" after his daughter won the 100m Gold For Jamaica.

          "It therefore is useless and pointless, unless it is for share malice and victimisation to arrest and charge a 92-year-old man for such a simple offence. There is nothing morally wrong with this man smoking a spliff; the only thing wrong is that it is still on the law books," said Chevannes.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Exile View Post
            You need to get your facts straight....not only are they two different isues. There was an attempted coup in Trinidad and Tobago in 1990 - Paliament and the National TV Station were taken over and a splinter Muslim leader tried to take power. The Prime Minsiter was shot, a Member of Parliament killed, Police HQ burnt to the ground and many other innocent people murdered.
            The fiasco stopped when a 'treaty' was made (amnesty), the insurrectionists surrendered and later got a Presidential pardon.
            I don't recall Jamaican soldiers involved.
            In Jamaica, this was state-sponsored terrorism on its own people - a state of emergency called - under the guise of attempting to arrest a known supporter of the party in power - wanted by the US Gov. for drugs and guns that the Jamaican Gov/JLP political party tried to prevent in all kind of ways.
            Do you think US$20k is a sizeable amount? You really think all is well? The rats are still in the sewers.....and other places...

            Jamaica did send soldiers and they did patrol in south trinidad i.e san fernando - Mayaro area . I remember cause it was the 1989 shell cup
            and the Competition was cancelled . I also remember the British PM
            Congratulating the TT Gov about handling the issue internally , thats
            was from the newspaper I was reading , I think it was the guardian .
            but Jamaica did send soldiers and I think Barbados did as well , not
            sure about Barbados but am sure about Jamaica . In jamaica case its
            not state sponsored terrorism on its own people , it is a civil unrest
            because of coke requested extradition request by the USA Gov .
            Tivoli was bound to happen because they think they are a seperate
            state from Jamaica , they have their own laws , court and Torture
            place in that community , the Jamaica Government did the right
            thing by stamping authority , that is no way state sponsore terrorism .
            This is not the first time a civil unrest happen in Jamaica in this way ,
            the Morant bay rebellion with Paul Bogle and William Gordon was a similar
            way , both were hang and later went on to become National heroes .
            unfortunately Dudus is a different situation .

            State Terroism is when the State execute innocent people for no reason ,
            A Civil Unrest is when the people are out of control with the Gov and
            do so violently , thats the difference .

            and furthermore the 20000 USD was increase , a rat is going to squeel soon .
            Last edited by wbvs; June 21, 2010, 08:23 PM.
            Jamaica you mite get a Petroleum well with
            IN 2026.


            • #7
              Originally posted by wbvs View Post
              Jamaica did send soldiers and they did patrol in south trinidad i.e san fernando - Mayaro area . I remember cause it was the 1989 shell cup
              and the Competition was cancelled . I also remember the British PM
              Congratulating the TT Gov about handling the issue internally , thats
              was from the newspaper I was reading , I think it was the guardian .
              but Jamaica did send soldiers and I think Barbados did as well , not
              sure about Barbados but am sure about Jamaica . In jamaica case its
              not state sponsored terrorism on its own people , it is a civil unrest
              because of coke requested extradition request by the USA Gov .
              Tivoli was bound to happen because they think they are a seperate
              state from Jamaica , they have their own laws , court and Torture
              place in that community , the Jamaica Government did the right
              thing by stamping authority , that is no way state sponsore terrorism .
              This is not the first time a civil unrest happen in Jamaica in this way ,
              the Morant bay rebellion with Paul Bogle and William Gordon was a similar
              way , both were hang and later went on to become National heroes .
              unfortunately Dudus is a different situation .

              State Terroism is when the State execute innocent people for no reason ,
              A Civil Unrest is when the people are out of control with the Gov and
              do so violently , thats the difference .

              and furthermore the 20000 USD was increase , a rat is going to squeel soon .
              nope is was july 27 1990 .... exile had it right all the facts except the prime minister at the time ANR ROBINSON he was not shot but beaten badly ... yup looting and burning in Trinidad ... don't know bout JA sending soldiers ..

              trip down memory lane


              1990 coup,cliping




              • #8
                It was 1990!!!! The Shell Cup was in 1990. I was at the stadium!!!
                South Trinidad is San Fernando. Mayaro is east coast.
                Were any innocent people killed in Tivoli??? You want compare the Morant Bay rebellion to what happened in Jamaica recently??? What were people fighting for in Tivoli? Where ws the leader of that uprising when the soldiers fired their first round???


                • #9
                  You propagandists really need to reign yourselves in about this Bruce protecting Dudus for 9 months nonsense..

                  Act like unnuh have sense...


                  • #10
                    The Prime Minister was shot!!! IF you don't have the facts, wasn't around at least go and research it nuh! But don't come acting as if you know what yu talking about.


                    • #11
                      Where exactly in my post you interpreted this???


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Exile View Post
                        In Jamaica, this was state-sponsored terrorism on its own people - a state of emergency called - under the guise of attempting to arrest a known supporter of the party in power - wanted by the US Gov. for drugs and guns that the Jamaican Gov/JLP political party tried to prevent in all kind of ways.
                        speaking of facts... wow... exile... state-sponsored terrorism... you sure of that calculus... just asking...
                        'to get what we've never had, we MUST do what we've never done'


                        • #13
                          are you serious?

                          Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Baddaz View Post
                            speaking of facts... wow... exile... state-sponsored terrorism... you sure of that calculus... just asking...
                            We are, where we are! ...so we move on.

                            Exile is correct it was uncalled for and is, state terrorism.
                            Cho man, yuh really tink wi government/security forces could not take-in anyone of us 'quietly'?

                            ...believing they - GOJ & specifically our security forces - could not falls in the same category of that of residents and gun criminals in Tivoli who thought they had access to superior fire-power than our security forces.
                            Last edited by Karl; June 22, 2010, 10:12 AM.
                            "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Gamma View Post
                              are you serious?
                              ...more than serious! gamma ever hear about isolate and take down?
                              Likle Brucie - should not have told (waffled for a moment...and the info on Dudus' impending capture/arrest kept secret as has happened in the past) Dudus and Jamaica about his date with the security forces.

                              Dudus was 'man about town'. He could be picked up. ...similarly the gunmen are walking around...even today. This 'garrison invasion' thing in the minds of the population as way to go has been planted by those who shaped this "discussion". They know why they want to eliminate the voices that can give the lie to their 'self-righteous' posturing.
                              Last edited by Karl; June 22, 2010, 10:12 AM.
                              "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

