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It was not illegal! Use it, don't dismantle it!

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  • It was not illegal! Use it, don't dismantle it!

    Lets not get carried away, i is not illegal to monitor public roads (its probably illegal to string the wires on JPS property etc. ) What we need to do is to find a way seized it and let the JCF use it.

    Cops say they've seized CCTV system in Tivoli
    BY KIMMO MATTHEWS Observer staff reporter matthewsk@jamaicaobserver.com
    Thursday, June 17, 2010

    var addthis_pub="jamaicaobserver";

    A closed-circuit television (CCTV) system that the police believe was used to monitor several entrances to the West Kingston community of Tivoli Gardens is now being checked by the police to find out where the footage was saved.
    According to head of the Major Investigations Task Force Assistant Commissioner Les Green, the CCTV system was found in the area of Tivoli called Java where fugitive Christopher 'Dudus' Coke had his office.

    "We can confirm that the cameras, which were part of a CCTV system, were seized," Green told the Observer on Monday. "We are, however, not sure of all the areas the system could monitor."
    Soldiers on the ground who said that they saw the system, argued that it was capable of covering several areas leading into the community which was barricaded before the security forces entered on May 24 to restore order and execute an arrest warrant on Christopher 'Dudus' Coke.
    Coke, who has been on the run since then, is wanted by the United States Government to face drug trafficking and gun-running charges. A US$20,000 bounty has been posted by the police for his capture.
    On Monday, a soldier who spoke to the Observer about the CCTV said that based upon what he saw, the system could be used to monitor as far as Industrial Terrace, a road on the edge of Tivoli Gardens that links Spanish Town Road with Marcus Garvey Drive.
    One soldier said that he was surprised at the quality of the equipment that gunmen in the community had at their disposal.
    "All when the soldiers were preparing to come into the area the men could see them making their move along Industrial Terrace and there were other areas also under surveillance," another soldier said.
    Police said that in addition to the CCTV system they also found other cameras in a house located in another section of Java.
    The same type of thinking that created a problem cannot be used to solve the problem.

  • #2
    Who owns that house? Who were the inhabitants previous to the security operations? What do they know?
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


    • #3
      It may not be of the standard that has been defined...

