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This is an open letter to PM of Jamaica,Orette Bruce Golding

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  • This is an open letter to PM of Jamaica,Orette Bruce Golding


    This is an open letter to Prime Minister of Jamaica, Orette Bruce Golding.

    Dear Mr. Golding,

    You need God’s help. Monday evening, May 17, 2010, I watched you and I listened to you for the 13 minutes of your address to the nation.

    As I listened to you and contemplated what you and your party put this nation through and the possible outcome, all I could do was to reflect on your speech to an NDM conference in 1996, at which I was present; your speech at your swearing in as Prime Minister in 2007 and several other utterances before ‘yuh head tek yuh’. Bruce is what happen?

    What happened between those days when you said ALL the right things? I wonder, what could have gone so terribly wrong. In the days when you were president of the NDM I had friends and associates tell me that I would live to regret my support for you. They said among other things that a leopard can’t change its spots. My response to all of that was people can change.

    But lawd Bruce man. Yuh a mek mi eat crow. Yuh shame mi bad, bad man! I was one of many Jamaicans who not only verbally supported you Mr. Golding and your message of change while you were president of the National Democratic Movement (NDM). But also I was one of those who attempted to actualise that change by putting my vote where my mouth was.

    Talk to me! Is what really happen? You don’t know? Well let me ask you a few questions. I don’t know where to start. In your mea culpa speech on Monday evening you said that persons in your party did not follow your instructions about keeping the party separate from the Government in this extradition matter. How come? Is who dem and what yuh going to do about dem? Is long time now mi hear that nuff of your key operatives, the JLP functionaries kina waan dis di leader from time to time. Operatives and functionaries are one and the same, right?

    Tell you the truth, sometimes I realize that you yourself don’t memba that you Maas Bruce, Prime Minister, is the same person who is leader of the Jamaica Labour Party, JLP. Never mind that is something that happens when a Jamaican becomes Prime Minister. I know you remember well when Sista P never memba seh as Prime Minister she was also the leader of the PNP. A nuh nutten!

    But Mr. Golding while I can forgive the memory lapse — I struggle with that myself — what is hard to forgive is what appears to be dishonesty… not telling the truth. And what is so frightening is this; it’s not you alone, at least three other prominent ministers have been spinning.

    Poor Dr. Baugh got caught in the middle of Mr. Samuda’s spinning in Ocho Rios! He all but asphyxiated him in the web.

    So what are you going to do about them? Ocho Rios was really bad! So help me God!

    In your speech you said that the arrogance and disrespect coming from many of your ministers must stop. All Jamaica would agree with you on that. It has been particularly bad in recent times. If you are really serious about this what are you doing about that Senator? Get the recordings of him from the various programmes on which he appeared after your speech.

    You know, it would have been better for you if you had resigned. Let me tell you why. The tide is changing in Jamaica and as of now if yuh slip yuh slide. You’ve asked for forgiveness and some Jamaicans have decided to give you a chance, albeit grudgingly. But learn this, we are going to watch you like hawk. One more wrong move and dog nyam yuh supper, and is a mongrel dawg to.

    You might think that I am just being funny. Remember that what is joke to one is death to anodda. So if you don’t shake up yuh folly ground you will prove Mr. Edward Seaga right. You want that? Remember that he had said you could not lead. Mek I tell you someting, you see when Mr. Seaga said that thing, I was so upset with him. But lawd Maas Bruce you going to make him look like a prophet if you don’t wheel an come again.

    Mr. Golding, remember you’re on borrowed time. Use it wisely. And do us one big favour, groom someone under forty-five to succeed you. Barack Obama, President of the United States will be 49 on August 4 and David Cameron of Britain is 43 years old. Mrs. Simpson Miller of the People’s National Party needs to do the same.

    Maas Bruce my final request is this: Repeat your oath of allegiance everyday as you sit at your desk. Mount it across from you and instruct all ministers to follow suit. For easy reference it’s below. Just insert your name.

    “I… do swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Jamaica, that 1 will uphold and defend the Constitution and the laws of Jamaica and that I will conscientiously and impartially discharge my responsibilities to the people of Jamaica — So help me God”.

    Remember that as PM YOUR responsibility is to JAMAICA, not the JLP. And memorise the last four words. ‘So help me God’. For suh help mi Gad’ ef yuh bring dung anymore crassiz pan wi it nah guh suh.