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Expect conspiracy theories about new minerals in Afghanistan

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  • Expect conspiracy theories about new minerals in Afghanistan


    U.S. Identifies Vast Riches of Minerals in Afghanistan

    Tyler Hicks/The New York Times
    A bleak Ghazni Province seems to offer little, but a Pentagon study says it may have among the world’s largest deposits of lithium.
    Published: June 13, 2010

    WASHINGTON — The United States has discovered nearly $1 trillion in untapped mineral deposits in Afghanistan, far beyond any previously known reserves and enough to fundamentally alter the Afghan economy and perhaps the Afghan war itself, according to senior American government officials.

    Notes from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq and other areas of conflict in the post-9/11 era.
    Go to the Blog »

    Minerals in Afghanistan

    The previously unknown deposits — including huge veins of iron, copper, cobalt, gold and critical industrial metals like lithium — are so big and include so many minerals that are essential to modern industry that Afghanistan could eventually be transformed into one of the most important mining centers in the world, the United States officials believe.

    An internal Pentagon memo, for example, states that Afghanistan could become the “Saudi Arabia of lithium,” a key raw material in the manufacture of batteries for laptops and BlackBerrys.

    The vast scale of Afghanistan’s mineral wealth was discovered by a small team of Pentagon officials and American geologists. The Afghan government and President Hamid Karzai were recently briefed, American officials said...........read the rest in the link above

  • #2
    Well if you cant connect the dots...mi sarry fi yuh.

    Yuh need fi get in touch with yuh intuition. Rationality is easily manipulated by jaundiced info.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Willi View Post
      Well if you cant connect the dots...mi sarry fi yuh.

      Yuh need fi get in touch with yuh intuition. Rationality is easily manipulated by jaundiced info.

      Here are the dots:

      1979 - USSR sends major forces into Afghanistan

      1989 - USSR withdraws all forces from Afghanistan

      1990 - Saddam Hussein's Iraq invades Kuwait. Osama bin Laden urges Saudi government officials not to rely on America, but offers himself and mujahideen fighters to aid Saudi Arabia's defence against a potential Iraqi invasion and in order to evict Iraq from Kuwait. Offer rejected, Saudi Arabia works with the US, bin Laden denounces Saudi government's dependence on the US.

      1992 - the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan (originally communist and Soviet backed) collapses. Replaced by the Islamic State of Afghanistan and run by a hodge-podge of the mujahideen.

      1996 - Taliban captures Kabul. bin Laden returns to Afghanistan after Sudan begins trying to expel him.

      2001 - Lotsa people died in New York

      2001 - US forces invade Afghanistan

      2010 - Nine YEARS later, US geologists, having never been able to operate in Afghanistan before 2001 (unless they wished to be hanged by the Taliban or get "accidentally" shot by the Soviets) and Afghanistan Geological Survey discover deposits of minerals worth over US$900 billion.

      Please connect them in such a way that the usual conspiracy theory ("US invaded country 'X' because of the oil/gold/precious metals/minerals.") can fit. At least the conspiracy theories surrounding Jamaica and Haiti sound a little plausible because there were surveys being done before US activity, of course in the case of Haiti they have to conveniently ignore the info concerning long-term US involvement in Haiti many, many, many years before oil was considered a viable prospect in most of the Caribbean and during the same decade in which gas powered cars finally achieved dominance over other competing designs (including electric cars).
      Last edited by ReggaeMike; June 14, 2010, 07:37 PM.


      • #4
        Wheh yuh seh.. is liberation di US a defen.. and dem buck up inna US$900 Billion worth of deposits..

        Wheh dem have Sattelite fah ? Show movie ?

        Geo reports cyaan leak ?

        lol !


        • #5

          Some people easy fi samfie fi real.

          Intuition is HIGHLY underrated.

          Nuh woory though, in the run up to 2012, nuff going to be revealed and it aggo drive some people INSANE, when dem find out how much and how long they have been manipulated.

          My advice is for all to keep a WIIIIDDDDEEEE open mind and open up dem 3rd yeye! Hehehehehehe


          • #6
            Gwaan try frame the debate.

            I am not sure you WANT to see. A nigh bankrupt US finghting a senseless war for ever changing objectives just buck up pon a motherlode of minerals. What a cute story, let's contact Disney Studies!

            Grow up man!


            • #7
              A which kind of movies you a watch so mek you believe satellite can do all them things there?

              Think about this way, using your INTUITION as Willi said, if satellites were able to precisely locate minerals and other riches under the ground, why is it that Jamaica didn't discover the vast deposits we supposedly have many years ago and why are companies spending (wasting?) so much time and money by using ships, drilling exploratory wells, and doing all those other things? I suppose is just for fun right? Or maybe to give a few guys an extra work?


              • #8
                You ever hear bout BHP Billington FALCON technology? Its aerial.

                Also, without practical deep sea drilling expertise developed in the last few years, what was the point?


                • #9
                  Frame di debate?

                  Alright genius, please include the other dots I left out of the frame. Because obviously if you know these dots (and recall, you were the one talking about using info) then why not just state them and show that my timeline is off? Unless you can't do it of course......and don't come with any cop-out about persons not wanting to see, if you can explain it in ways in which the US went into Afghanistan FOR the minerals first, then please do so, otherwise you will basically be indicating that you are only spouting hot air.....

                  And while you are at it, please explain how Afghanistan is a senseless war (please remember that Afghanistan is that country to the east of Iran, Iraq is the one to the west of it). I suppose you think that the US flew those planes into the towers themselves to provide themselves with the excuse in order to go into a country just to discover a motherlode all of 9 years later? In that case Bush was an evil genius (with a crystal ball and/or time machine to boot!) and not an idiot (and you can't have it both ways). I also suppose you've never known countries to go to war for far less than 2,500+ of their citizens/residents being murdered? Tell you what, explain the reasoning behind a little war fought in Central America in 1969 (and which was vaguely related to a football match) and relate it to minerals/oil/some other thing of value/ if you can. As a bonus you could also throw in the REAL reasons why Tanzania invaded Uganda and why the US invaded Grenada.


                  • #10
                    Firstly, note that satellites are not "aerial". They are space-based which is a different kettle of fish altogether. That was really remiss of you not to correct Maudib on the difference between aerial surveying and satellite surveying.

                    Secondly, BHP Billinton (an Australian company) state that the first of their FALCON technologies was deployed in Australia in......2002. Again it seems we need crystal balls.

                    Thirdly, do you even know what BHP Billinton (no "g") uses their FALCON technology for or how it works?

                    I'll just quote you what BHP Billinton says about their own technology:

                    FALCON resulted from a collaborative project between BHP Exploration and BHP Research to identify new reconnaissance technologies capable of seeing buried deposits in areas adjacent to known mineral provinces.

                    We don't need to have practical deep sea drilling expertise to actually announce finds do we? If oil in the deep sea could have been discovered with aerial OR satellite technology, then again, WHY are companies wasting time and resources using sea based technology to "discover" these fields even today? Especially if they had already been able to discover them over a decade before? Are we really saying that they could map out the oil in Cuba and possible in places like Haiti, Jamaica, the Falkland Islands and Somalia and then go waste time using ships and exploratory wells (not actual production wells now) to perform the exact, same duties again? How is that intuitive?


                    • #11
                      Dont get testy now.

                      is just argument!

                      Plus mi caan too focus pon dis now during W Cup. So it may take a while to read you and respond, OK? No disrespect, but priorities, LoL


                      • #12
                        you make great points ReggaeMike but bear in mind that oil exploration companies will use ALL available tools... satellite imagery aerial surveys surface & sub-surface (sonar) based methodologies....to detect and map & prove possible hydrocarbon bearing structures...to cover all bases and lower the drill risk factor

                        The cost of dry holes is too great to do otherwise

                        Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                        D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


                        • #13
                          No probs.

                          I wonder how South Africa will do against Uruguay tomorrow?

                          I hope there aren't any more drawn matches though, that's getting boring. Anybody know the record for the most drawn matches in a FIFA World Cup?


                          • #14
                            Steeeupps all Brazil a play foolishness.

                            Is this we wait 4 years for?????


                            • #15
                              just a side note
                              yuh nuh need fi inna the country fi know what minerals they posses

