Reports are that selector Bobby Chin from Black Chiney sound system was viciously beaten at a dance which was held right after the Best of the Best in Miami Memorial weekend.

The dance held at Mansion, was called NY vs Miami. Words were reportedly thrown on stage by the selectors from NY and Miami and in the end, the selectors from NY punked out and did not want to play any more songs.
After security left and thought they squashed it, on the way out, Bobby Chin was attacked by a crew from the Bronx, New York and Queens and badly beaten.
Notably, Bobby wasn’t the only selector representing from Miami, but reports are that he was the only one who the NY selectors felt strong enough to attack.Bobby was subsequently rushed to the hospital, where he was admitted, but it is uncertain if his condition is critical.
Efforts by YardFlex to contact Bobby or any other member of Black Chiney proved futile.
We wish Bobby a speedy recovery.