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Ah wha a gwaan.

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  • Ah wha a gwaan.

    Everybody get generous all of a sudden.

    A wonda why? Human nature suddenly got softer?... smile

    EU to aid Jamaica

    Published: Friday | June 4, 2010 0 Comments and 0 Reactions

    THE EDITOR, Sir: The Delegation of the European Union (EU) to [COLOR=orange! important][COLOR=orange! important]Jamaica[/color][/color] would like to underline that its assistance in the restoration efforts following the recent civil unrest will not be limited or specified to the community of Tivoli Gardens.
    While the body of the article written in The Gleaner dated Thursday, June 3, titled 'EU steps in to aid Tivoli', accurately reflects our statement, the headline could be construed as misleading to persons who are unfamiliar with the nature and work of the European Union.
    We believe it must be emphasised that the EU will examine how existing and upcoming programmes can help the [COLOR=orange! important][COLOR=orange! important]Government[/color][/color] meet its efforts under the National Trans-formation Programme, a pro-gramme aimed at bringing social development to communities right across Jamaica.
    I am, etc.,
    The Delegation of the
    European Union

  • #2
    Den not dat yuh always a preach Softer, kinder, gentler for the sake of humanity!
    Life is a system of half-truths and lies, opportunistic, convenient evasion.”
    - Langston Hughes


    • #3
      Dem si seh is serious people ah run tings..


      • #4
        Whe you say 85 % of the time. Well at least no one can call you 1/3rd.


        • #5
          Mi never know seh a suh dem Euro suh kind! LoL

