Don1 you might be absolutely correct. Sometimes a lame duck PM is best to have around. He has nothing to lose, and might be inclined to make bold decisions. The only problem is that this guy is so stupid, he might make the wrong decisions.
Is which Jamaica you talking about? 1910s Jamaica maybe.
The months with the highest arrivals, traditionally are: March (for the winter/spring season) and July (for the summer season), with July at times having higher arrivals than March. The month that traditionally has the lowest arrivals is September (hurricane season). So in fact it is quite possible to argue that February to August (or even December to August) constitutes one single high season, whilst September to November constitutes the off-season or low-season. There is certainly a dip in tourist arrivals in April and May but those two months still see tens of thousands more visitors than September in any given year. Tens of thousands of visitors paying tens of thousands of dollars....US dollars.....
If Bruce had really planned this then September would have been the best month:
- no exams for the children
- tourists aren't arriving in large numbers anyway
- plenty time between September and December to rebuild the tourist image
Sure, someone will come in with "what about the IMF tests"? But if this disruption might cause a failure on the next IMF tests then what difference would it have made to fail it before? In any case in September there would have been no IMF test to fail as the IMF negotiations were still ongoing (not to be completed until 4 months later in January) and just as how wizard Bruce is supposedly using this as an opportunity to make Jamaica even more indebted bilaterally and multilaterally through talks with partners to fund aspects of de-garrisonization, why couldn't something like this in September have been presented as an opportunity to the IMF for even MORE money to go towards de-garrisonization as a part of an overall economic plan? Would the IMF tell them "no, we think you should keep the garrisons with their murderers and extortionists that inhibit business"?
..civil society railing gainst him as the criminality is at peak...
How could he possibly have planned that? And why would he plan to have civil society railing against himself? Civil society had long been crying out about the level of criminality. From long before 2007 in fact. However none of the current parliamentarians, Golding included, found it urgent enough to put it on the front-burner as opposed to speaking eloquently about it and railing against the other side for failing to do something. Has anyone refuted Lewin's allegation that his crime proposals were never discussed? He didn't need to get civil society railing against himself to do anything like this, civil society (and I'm talking about the real civil society, the society that wants to be civil, not the society that has no problem with their friends and partners killing people as long as they give them money and maybe cook and clean) would have been behind him.
It is very, very unlikely and practically impossible that Golding planned this, even if later on he claims to (and it wouldn't be the first time politicians do something like). It is far more likely that he found himself with no other option lest even more damaging details about the Manatt affair came to light and I suspect such details would have little to do with Dudus. In addition to having his hand forced, the hands of all the politicians were then tied once the gangsters attacked those 4 police stations - there is absolutely no way they could have held the JDF and JCF back from doing their jobs (as they did in the past) after that without possibly risking serious consequences. I'm almost certain Golding didn't plan for those police stations to be attacked (unless he has even murkier dealings than has been previously implied).
Think about it, had those police stations not been attacked, do think it would have been possible for the JCF and JDF to go into Tivoli and remain there? What if Dudus had simply come out and surrendered and told his followers (both willing and captive) that it was okay and everyone should go back to business as usual? The JCF and JDF would have taken him and we would have court proceedings, meanwhile back in Tivoli the Posse would be running on autopilot with all those guns and various assorted weaponry and the continued belief of invincibility and being untouchable.