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The Father of All Garrisons speaks

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  • The Father of All Garrisons speaks

    Seaga goes for Golding's jugular

    Lashes Matalon, MacMillan, Blair

    Sunday, May 30, 2010

    APPEARING at his most impassioned since 2005 when he stepped away from the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) he had led for 31 years, Edward Seaga came out swinging last Thursday night, as security forces tightened their control over Tivoli Gardens in West Kingston.

    Seaga, in a comprehensive interview with CVM Television, went for Prime Minister Bruce Golding's jugular, blaming him for the flare up and all but calling for his resignation.

    In the lengthy CVM interview, the former prime minister also lashed several Jamaicans, including Joseph Matalon, the head of the Private Sector Organisation of Jamaica (PSOJ), Col Trevor MacMillan, the former police commissioner and Bishop Herro Blair, the political ombudsman.

    Seaga took issue with the killing of residents of Tivoli, saying that the people who had arms had left the community. "And they are gone because they got a signal from what was said before, knowing that there was going to be this type of operation. So why are you continuing? Why you shooting people?"

    "You must remember that the member of parliament is also the prime minister and he is the one who makes the decision.... He can make the decision to stop it. Why is he not doing so? But I can only tell you that since he has become PM he has neglected the area. And I'm not talking about Tivoli Gardens, the entire West Kingston. Neglected it. Because that is not his understanding of how an MP should operate.

    "According to the philosophy of the NDM (National Democratic Movement), which he founded and left, an MP supposed to go to parliament and talk about national and international affairs. You've heard that. And the constituency must run itself. Now this constituency was left to run itself. And on that basis, fell into the hands of stronger and stronger gang activities that was providing assistance to them, which they had to appreciate because there's nobody else that's helping them. You don't run a constituency like that, not this type of constituency."

    Seaga said Golding needed to be in that constituency on a regular basis. That's what he did and that's what the people were accustomed to, and if Golding could not do it, "he must leave it".

    "I told him from the beginning that this constituency does not suit you. But he was determined to go there because the very same people he is trying to catch now are the ones who told him to come. They want him there because the prime minister should occupy that seat. It has been occupied by three prime ministers in a row. And so they wanted him there for that purpose. He should have gone to Spanish Town, which he represented before, and let Olivia 'Babsy' Grange come there.... because she is a caring person," Seaga insisted.

    Golding held the Central St Catherine constituency until he was ousted by Grange in 1997 when he contested it for the NDM. When Seaga stood down as Opposition Leader and MP, following a bruising internal party fight in 2005, Golding took over West Kingston, winning it in the 2007 general elections. "If he plans to stay on as prime minister, he should find another seat. Other than that, he may have to consider resigning," Seaga told his CVM interviewer.

    Referring to what he said was a statement by Matalon on the security forces operation, Seaga said what was happening in Tivoli was now bringing out the problem of this country, "the coalition of the classes against the masses".

    "It doesn't matter how many poor people died down there. Plenty of them are there to replace them, so if you want to kill off a few, it no matter, it is worth it, that's what Mr Matalon said. It is worth it. Worth it to do what? He has enough sense to understand how to read the situation. How can he be talking about gunmen in a battle and you don't have any guns. Where are the guns? Ask yourself that question (and) you realise something is wrong. Businessmen they don't stop to do that. They only want to know you killing off people down in that area, and when you do, that you must be curbing crime."

    Seaga's comment was pointing to the low official count for guns recovered by the security forces -- four up to the time he was speaking -- against the high body count, 44 at that time, which he claimed was more than 100 bodies.

    Asked about his own role while he was MP for Tivoli Gardens, Seaga declared that he was the only "higher authority in the history of this country" who had given the police a list of persons who were conducting criminal activities in there, including murder and that the list was headed by Christopher 'Dudus' Coke himself.

    Seaga had handed Commissioner MacMillan a list with 13 names of Tivoli residents whom, it was said, he could not control, at a time when criminal elements were taking hold of the area.

    "I offered a $25,000 reward to find his whereabouts. And what did the police do with that list? MacMillan the commissioner said it was on a piece of dirty paper. It may have been. But that was just the start."

    Later in the interview, Seaga said of MacMillan: "I don't know what he has ever cleaned up in his life, I must tell you the truth. Because he certainly is a failure here. If he had attended to what I gave him by way of a starter and we were able to continue that discussion so that they could know who should be on their list to watch, some of this would have been cleaned up long ago. But he never did."

    Commenting on Bishop Blair's visit to Tivoli Gardens on the invitation of Prime Minister Golding, Seaga was equally caustic: "I am disappointed in him... Not using any analytical experiences he had from the previous incident in 2001. You don't just go there and hand poor people food and say 'okay sit down here until the next package come'. They want to get out. That's what you must call for. They want to be free. They want to be citizens with their rights. It's not a package of food they want. I am disappointed in him...That'a foolish approach."

    Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

    D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007

  • #2
    Originally posted by Seaga
    But he was determined to go there because the very same people he is trying to catch now are the ones who told him to come.
    So Seaga admits that Dudus had a role in Golding becoming MP for the area...but:

    Seaga took issue with the killing of residents of Tivoli, saying that the people who had arms had left the community. "And they are gone because they got a signal from what was said before, knowing that there was going to be this type of operation. So why are you continuing? Why you shooting people?"
    So the gunmen left the area? How? I thought they barricaded themselves in and Seaga claimed there were no tunnels before? Did they fly out? Teleport? "Beam me out Dudus"? And how does Seaga know that the gunmen left the area? Was he in constant contact with them?

    Originally posted by Seaga
    It doesn't matter how many poor people died down there. Plenty of them are there to replace them, so if you want to kill off a few, it no matter, it is worth it, that's what Mr Matalon said. It is worth it. Worth it to do what? He has enough sense to understand how to read the situation. How can he be talking about gunmen in a battle and you don't have any guns. Where are the guns?
    But wait....I think Mr. Matalon should sue Seaga. When did Matalon ever say what Mr. Seaga is attributing to him?

    And how can Seaga tell CVM that the people with arms left the area and then talk about "How can he be talking about gunmen in a battle and you don't have any guns. Where are the guns?" Is Seaga on weed or Coke or something?

    I wonder what Seaga would say now that they have 28 illegal guns, 8,000+ rounds of ammunition, molotov cocktails and improvised explosives with steel shrapnel and gas canisters in barricades? Maybe that they were water guns? or lighters?

    Asked about his own role while he was MP for Tivoli Gardens, Seaga declared that he was the only "higher authority in the history of this country" who had given the police a list of persons who were conducting criminal activities in there, including murder and that the list was headed by Christopher 'Dudus' Coke himself.

    Seaga had handed Commissioner MacMillan a list with 13 names of Tivoli residents whom, it was said, he could not control, at a time when criminal elements were taking hold of the area.

    "I offered a $25,000 reward to find his whereabouts. And what did the police do with that list? MacMillan the commissioner said it was on a piece of dirty paper. It may have been. But that was just the start."
    But Seaga is a joker. In the 1994 interview that was dug up, Seaga himself basically admitted to having a kumbaya session with these murderers before going to the police. Then as an MP and Opposition leader he hands over a list of 13 residents to the police commissioner on a piece of paper and expects the police alone to deal with it - did he actually tell the police he was willing to testify? Did he even tell them whose murders these people were involved in or just give them a list of 13 and say there were involved in murders and done it deh so?

    Commenting on Bishop Blair's visit to Tivoli Gardens on the invitation of Prime Minister Golding, Seaga was equally caustic: "I am disappointed in him... Not using any analytical experiences he had from the previous incident in 2001. You don't just go there and hand poor people food and say 'okay sit down here until the next package come'. They want to get out. That's what you must call for. They want to be free. They want to be citizens with their rights. It's not a package of food they want. I am disappointed in him...That'a foolish approach."
    And you just know that if Blair had not bothered to go in, Seaga would be railing on and on about how not even someone like Blair would go in there and give them some food....


    • #3
      I think Seaga has done enough damage to Jamaica for several lifetimes.

      Time for him to fade to oblivion...on the dung heap of history

      Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

      D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


      • #4
        man like seaga nuh fade...dem always try to find a way to make themselves relelvant. worse him concerned about him legacy now

        Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


        • #5
          He's trying hard though. The salvage operation is in full swing. The pansy ass jounalists never ask the relevant questions. Poor Golding must be lamenting how the world no level. Golding better tell the One time Don to hold a seat or Golding a leggo whe him know. Legacy done forever. Time for chessmaster to fire a warning shot to the bows of he with short and convenient memory.


          • #6
            den yuh woulden waan fi yuh face pon paper money tuh?



            • #7
              Eddie fi stick to giving Audley Shaw advice pm economics. Other than that him fi hold him corner. Him still think him a prime minster and the leader of the JLP.

              To make matters worst he wasn't concerned about Mr. Coke and the whole thing when he was asked for his advice.
              • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


              • #8

                That bastard should just shut the fcuk up.

                He's been a plague on Jamaica for 50 years...enough is enough

                Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


                • #9
                  In my opinion he has good economics sense better than most put together so him can give his opinion on that, it is up to them to take or refuse but other than that I don't think he is relevant.
                  • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Assasin View Post
                    In my opinion he has good economics sense better than most put together so him can give his opinion on that, it is up to them to take or refuse but other than that I don't think he is relevant.
                    opinion noted

                    Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                    D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


                    • #11
                      So Seaga knew thriteen of the gun criminals and says he knew more

                      "I offered a $25,000 reward to find his whereabouts. And what did the police do with that list? MacMillan the commissioner said it was on a piece of dirty paper. It may have been. But that was just the start."
                      ...and later...

                      Later in the interview, Seaga said of MacMillan: "I don't know what he has ever cleaned up in his life, I must tell you the truth. Because he certainly is a failure here. If he had attended to what I gave him by way of a starter and we were able to continue that discussion so that they could know who should be on their list to watch...
                      Well when he had all that political power that could be exerted in this area of the country's security, what did he do?
                      "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Assasin View Post
                        Eddie fi stick to giving Audley Shaw advice pm economics. Other than that him fi hold him corner. Him still think him a prime minster and the leader of the JLP.

                        To make matters worst he wasn't concerned about Mr. Coke and the whole thing when he was asked for his advice.
                        It is a myth that Seaga was great for us on matters financial!
                        If he was great we would not be were we are today!
                        "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                        • #13
                          as good as he may have been ...omar davies was catastrophic and with an unrepentant and "don' cyaa" mentality him coulda wreck ANYTHING! shaw is already showing someinitiave and innovation that is improving the economy!

                          Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Karl View Post
                            It is a myth that Seaga was great for us on matters financial!
                            If he was great we would not be were we are today!
                            A myth? He left power 30 years ago Karl and he didn't leave it like this


                            • #15
                              Alzheimer's a kick in

