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Is this a great pic or what!
Historian's CAPTION
Originally posted by Gamma View Postcan someone come up with a caption?
“GWEH BWOY!” Tivoli Gardens resident Anita O’Day displays her anger as she reacts to comments made by two members of the security forces. “The bwoy dem fresh, tellin’ me that dem like mi multi-colored skirt and asking me whe mi get it!” O’Day angrily explained to journalists who spoke with her later that day. Like many other residents of the area, O’Day was hesitant in making her feelings about the security force operation known to journalists, but at the same time, did not show a similar hesitation in letting soldiers and policemen know exactly how she felt. (Photo by Sam Cooke)
Re: Can someone come up with a caption?
Seems that no one wants to take up Gamma’s interesting suggestion to write a caption for that photograph (lol). Here are a few caption-writing guidelines which I put together for the hesitant would-be caption writers:
1. Photos tell only a part of the story; the captions tell the rest. With this basic premise in mind, one should use as much of the 5W’s and one H as is necessary to provide a complete “picture”.
2. The photo action should be written in the present tense so as to provide immediacy forever.
3. All background information should be written in the past tense.
4. It is sometimes useful to have what is called a “caption lead-in” (that is, a mini headline) in order to arrest the reader’s attention. For my caption above, I used a quote from Miss O’Day (“Gweh bwoy”) as my catchy lead in.
5. All information, of course, should follow the basic principles of journalism (accuracy, truth, objectivity). Humor does not always work, so it’s best to avoid being funny.
1. Responding to the member of the JDF who asked for her number...Anita O'Day, aggressively responded, "Cum walk wid mi den, nuh?"
2. Responding to the member of the JDF who asked for her number...Anita O'Day, aggressively responded, "Numba! tek yuh .... an guh weh!"
3. "Luk pan unnuh doah!"
4. "Wah yuh a luk pan mi fah"
5. "Yuh luv hit doah! Cum talk tuh nuh""Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."