Bye, bye tourist dollars.
Jamaican gang violence spreading across island
Published On Wed May 26 2010
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A police officer monitors an area of Kingston, Jamaica, where thousands of police and soldiers stormed ghettos in search of a reputed drug kingpin wanted by the United States. (May 24, 2010)
Ricardo Makyn/The Associated Press
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KINGSTON, JAMAICA—Jamaica’s official ombudsman says at least 44 people have died in battles between police and gunmen supporting an alleged gang leader wanted in the United States.
Meanwhile, gangs elsewhere in the island nation are using the confusion as an opportunity to eliminate their enemies.
Bishop Herro Blair said Wednesday that independent evaluations have put the number at 44 civilians in West Kingston, where officers and soldiers continue to battle defenders of Christopher Coke, known as “Dudus.’ He is still at large.
Thousands of heavily armed forces have gained tenuous hold on Tivoli Gardens in a hunt for the underworld boss.
Complaints have been raised about the number of deaths as contrasted to the number of weapons seized. Thusfar, security forces have seized only four firearms, according to the Jamaica Observer.
Police insist the majority of civilians killed are gangsters fighting for Coke.
While the focus falls on Kingston, violence is ratcheting up in other areas.
In the past 24 hours, there have been several gang-related killings in St. Catherine Parish.
In one case, three children were shot dead in a drive-by killing. In another, five residents of a home were ordered out of their beds in the dead of night. Attackers torched the house and killed the residents. Witnesses said the attackers masqueraded as police.
The government is now considering a motion to extend its state of emergency to include St. Catherine, 40 km west of Kingston.
Jamaican gang violence spreading across island
Published On Wed May 26 2010
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Ricardo Makyn/The Associated Press
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KINGSTON, JAMAICA—Jamaica’s official ombudsman says at least 44 people have died in battles between police and gunmen supporting an alleged gang leader wanted in the United States.
Meanwhile, gangs elsewhere in the island nation are using the confusion as an opportunity to eliminate their enemies.
Bishop Herro Blair said Wednesday that independent evaluations have put the number at 44 civilians in West Kingston, where officers and soldiers continue to battle defenders of Christopher Coke, known as “Dudus.’ He is still at large.
Thousands of heavily armed forces have gained tenuous hold on Tivoli Gardens in a hunt for the underworld boss.
Complaints have been raised about the number of deaths as contrasted to the number of weapons seized. Thusfar, security forces have seized only four firearms, according to the Jamaica Observer.
Police insist the majority of civilians killed are gangsters fighting for Coke.
While the focus falls on Kingston, violence is ratcheting up in other areas.
In the past 24 hours, there have been several gang-related killings in St. Catherine Parish.
In one case, three children were shot dead in a drive-by killing. In another, five residents of a home were ordered out of their beds in the dead of night. Attackers torched the house and killed the residents. Witnesses said the attackers masqueraded as police.
The government is now considering a motion to extend its state of emergency to include St. Catherine, 40 km west of Kingston.