Depends. Bruce f'd up by backing down. If he was gonna do that might as well grab Dudus before the extradition was handed down. Since he didn't, the prudent thing would be to wait them out like they did with Noreaga
I believe we should have waited them out, but I get the impression the thugs escalated the conflict and the community will be wiped out as a result of the criminals behavior. This incident will be our Waco, dem really a fire mortar shells?
Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else - Vince Lombardi
Still running away form my question Karl? Do you sanction the killing of babies in Tivoil Gardens?
...but being a realist, it appears to me that after Likle Brucie and Dudus left the security forces no option except to storm Tivoli...and Dudus' followers have already proclaimed readiness to "die for Dudus" then their is a great likelihood of collateral damage. I expect babies, young kids, teenagers, young and older persons are in Tivoli...follows that some from each of these groups will likely die.
Does not surprise me a baby is being reported to have died. Unfortunate! ...but not unexpected.
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