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Morning...2 Policemen die for no cause....

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  • Morning...2 Policemen die for no cause....

    ...dead because they are trying to secure citizens. I was happy to wake up this morning and see that the body count was so low.
    Look where we have come to?? Talking about body count and collateral damage? I just hope good sense prevails in West Kingston - I feel it for those who are trapped - whether mentally or otherwise, even the gunmen who don't all have the skill set or coping mechanisms to reason this one out. I feel it for the women who eke out a survival out of nothing, seeing the Don or Shattas as their only 'security'.
    My heart aches for the children who are caught between their caring mothers and grandmas and their gun wielding fathers, brother, uncles, cousins and maybe sisters and mothers - some who will inherit the same lifestyle because that is the law of the jungle - the concrete jungle that Bob thought was bad back in the day. He should see it now. We have descended into a pit of misery. I question if we all have a part to play - from the harmless gun salute, the badmanism, big man thing and blind politics.
    How easy it is for most of us to justify behaviour when it's not our 'party' doing the wicked deed but cry murder when its the other. Jamaica - a land of too many shades of gray, too many truths, too much ambiguity. A land where criminality can be justified by 'eating a food', murder by 'making a duppy' or 'informa fi dead'! A land where its ok to to bun bat t y man but bounce a badman with a fist, a murderer, a raper, a corrupt politician, shady businessmen who only get contracts beacuse of who they know or which party is in power.
    We are a lost people. Our identity so chameleonesque - from World beaters to women beatersand children killers, world class to disgrace.
    I hope it ends. I hope I wake up one morning and this didn't all happen...it's just a nightmare...but I know it's stark reality.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Exile View Post
    ...dead because they are trying to secure citizens. I was happy to wake up this morning and see that the body count was so low.
    Look where we have come to?? Talking about body count and collateral damage? I just hope good sense prevails in West Kingston - I feel it for those who are trapped - whether mentally or otherwise, even the gunmen who don't all have the skill set or coping mechanisms to reason this one out. I feel it for the women who eke out a survival out of nothing, seeing the Don or Shattas as their only 'security'.
    My heart aches for the children who are caught between their caring mothers and grandmas and their gun wielding fathers, brother, uncles, cousins and maybe sisters and mothers - some who will inherit the same lifestyle because that is the law of the jungle - the concrete jungle that Bob thought was bad back in the day. He should see it now. We have descended into a pit of misery. I question if we all have a part to play - from the harmless gun salute, the badmanism, big man thing and blind politics.
    How easy it is for most of us to justify behaviour when it's not our 'party' doing the wicked deed but cry murder when its the other. Jamaica - a land of too many shades of gray, too many truths, too much ambiguity. A land where criminality can be justified by 'eating a food', murder by 'making a duppy' or 'informa fi dead'! A land where its ok to to bun bat t y man but bounce a badman with a fist, a murderer, a raper, a corrupt politician, shady businessmen who only get contracts beacuse of who they know or which party is in power.
    We are a lost people. Our identity so chameleonesque - from World beaters to women beatersand children killers, world class to disgrace.
    I hope it ends. I hope I wake up one morning and this didn't all happen...it's just a nightmare...but I know it's stark reality.
    good word...sad reality

    Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

    D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007

